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Everything posted by debenson0723

  1. Wait...you were on the Prima TA in 2022?? How come I don't know you?
  2. @Sugar Magnolia I was just happy to see the 7 pairs of underwear. Otherwise we might have to change his name to CommandoGuy...
  3. I've never been @schmoopie17ed on a ship before...well, there was that one time when there was a late night knock on my cabin door but no one needs to know about that...
  4. You are so right about health, Dan. Moderation is going to be key this cruise but there is no way I will be on this ship without enjoying at least one Raspberry Guava mojito. And a slice of bacon (or two). Still plan on meeting up at the Cavern Club bar on the Waterfront at 5:30. Literally 7 days away as I post this! @mking8288 I know 3 people that have contracted covid in the past month. 2 while traveling, one from who knows where (she leads a bit of a wild lifestyle and has had covid at least 5 times). All relatively mild cases. No time for a booster (last one was September 2022, right before my Prima TA...where I caught covid for the first and only time...go figure) so I will probably mask on the plane and hope for the best. I do take a test with me onboard in case I feel something coming on (never had to use it yet). Not really something I worry about any more.
  5. OP has not been back and looks to be a 'one and done' pot stirrer. We had a few on this board last week that seem to have disappeared after they shared their agenda.
  6. Happy belated Birthday, @graphicguy. So excited...one week to go! I have been recovering from a gastic flare up (last one 12 years ago!) and was afraid I was going to have to cancel. Saw the doctor on Monday, 3 days bedrest and clear liquids only. Feeling pretty good today. I told her about the cruise and she gave the OK to go but said I needed to be 'sensible'. I don't go on cruises to be sensible, LOL. And I told her vodka and tequila are clear liquids (not the ones she had in mind). So I am canceling my drink package as not to be tempted...if I have to pay out of pocket, I will think twice before ordering. Will use moderation in my eating but still have a great time. I think this is the perfect cruise to recover on. Mani-pedi in an hour, then weeding out my packing list. I am taking about triple what you are but that's just me. As long as I can handle my luggage myself, I can bring what I want (that's my rule). I am leaving on Friday (making an overnight stop in Denver) so it will be here before I know it!
  7. Been in studio lounges on multiple ships and, like anything else, it is going to depend on the people sailing and the solo coordinator. For sure go to the solo meet-up on the first night (typically at 5 or 5:30pm). It is not in the solo lounge but in a bar, with an intro of everyone there, followed by a trip to the lounge. I had one solo coordinator who took us to the lounge and then just left. No mention of going to dinner as a group, signing up for shows or anything. We sat there and looked at each other and then I said 'who wants to go to dinner!?' About 8 of us went together, had no problem getting seated at the MDR and we hung out at various times for the rest of the cruise on our own. Another time (this was at the beginning of the start up) we had a solo coordinator who typically worked in the kid's area, but since there were no kids onboard, she became our leader. Our meetings tended to lean towards making crafts so that one was kind of a one and done too (especially for the men...they had no interest in making a tote bag, LOL). OTOH, I have had some great coordinators, who planned everything from speciality dinners, show reservations, group excursions, go-kart and laser tag times...really went above and beyond. You can do as little or as much as you want with the solo group and I have made some great friends over the years that I still cruise with. But the key is that first night. As far as the wine dispenser, it is NOT included with the beverage package. You will have to scan your card for it to work and be charged. Best thing is to grab a glass (or two) from the bar before heading back to your cabin for the night. Hope this helps and have a great cruise!
  8. Highly recommend Onda but it is so.much.food. Also had a good meal in Los Lobos (and I am from the Southwest where Mex is a dime a dozen). One of our group doesn't even like Mex and he was happy with the meal. Did not care for Los Lobos on the Encore but Prima was much better (and yes, different chef, different expereience), Don't forget the Churro tower!
  9. There are still no studios or studio lounge on the Joy. I am booked for next week and the only options for one are the solo inside, oceanview and balcony (unless you want to do a regular cabin for a higher price). My solo inside is not in a desireable location but I am not in my cabin much. I prefer the Waterfront or Observation Lounge when onboard.
  10. They typically drop you off in the city center and then pick you up at the same spot throughout the day. I had them in several ports on my Baltic cruise...some free, some a few dollars. Mazatlan is an industrial port also and you get a shuttle that takes you to outside the gates and then you are in town.
  11. If you are asking about the Studio cabins, there are many that are connecting. I sailed once with my adult son and instead of sharing a cabin, we got connecting studios. It worked out great! We could leave the door open if we wanted to have a chat but we each had our own privacy, including two toilets and two showers. Would not hesitate to do this again with a friend. Also, as mentioned above, Prima and Viva do not have connecting studios.
  12. That's cutting it a little close for my comfort but doable. I have been on a few cruises that ended in San Pedro and have not had a smooth experience on any of them. First time, there was fog so we didn't even dock until after 8am and were delayed in getting off. Twice I have waited over 30 minutes for an Uber to arrive, had a couple cancel (got better fares). It really is a crap shoot at that port, but like @hallux I was usually on a larger ship. If it's a weekend your traffic will be better and Long Beach is a tiny airport so check in is easy. Good luck and enjoy your cruise!
  13. If I decide to do a transfer thru NCL, I always book it once on board. I don't want anything messing up my payments prior to the cruise and ending up with an unknown balance due.
  14. You booked a cruise???!! I thought you were done for awhile, LOL. Please share when and where. And OP, the information you received from @cruiseny4life is correct. Try talking to someone at NCL and they will help you get all the credits.
  15. You posted in your Roll Call, which is a good place to look for others to share excursions but you need to check the ports of call forum on this site. Here is the link to both Italy and Spain. Trying to find hotels at the height of tourist season 20 days out is not going to leave you much to deal with. Good luck and enjoy your cruise. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/464-italy-ports/ https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/465-spain-and-portugal-ports/
  16. It looks like you are doing 2 cruises Back 2 Back on the Escape. Barcelona to Venice from June 23rd to July 3rd for the first leg and then July 3rd from Venice back to Barcelona on the 2nd leg. So wifey needs to look for 2 separate Roll Calls with those dates.
  17. I am in a solo inside on my upcoming Joy cruise and got the full $100. Never gotten anything less when I have paid for a studio up to a Club Balcony (with no solo supplement). While you can't use it for gambling in the casino, I have in the past used it for Bingo (would not pay out of pocket because it is very overpriced for what you win).
  18. Go to your Roll Call on this forum and also the Port of Italy forum. There are possibly people on your ship who are looking to share excursions/cabs or ubers. You can also check tour groups from Rome in Limo and Italy Tours.com who are looking for passengers to round out their tours, on your ship and others in port the same day. Much less expensive than ship excursions and reliable (their reputations depend on getting people back to the port on time). Good luck and enjoy your cruise!
  19. I am so happy that you went here. I was going to suggest it but wasn't sure how much more time you had in Barcelona. It is truly one of the hidden gems and I loved every minute that I was there. You are seriously making me think I need to leave a few days earlier than planned for my Pearl cruise out of Venice and make a stop in Barcelona. Or scrap the Pearl altogether and do the Escape TA. Or maybe just quit my job and do both! Such bad influences on this board.
  20. I hope you are right about this. I personally feel it's a bit early to predict but even if it is somewhere close to this, I will be happy. One of the worst thunderstorms I have ever been in was in Manhattan in June and that's all I can think about, LOL.
  21. Lots of experiences on the Port of Italy board on this forum. I have been looking myself and trying to decide my options but from Venice to Trieste.
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