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Everything posted by debenson0723

  1. "T" won't be going on the Prima with @Sugar Magnoliaand I...too long. Not sure if you were part of the conversation (might have happened after you ditched us Saturday night) but he is thinking of bringing his kids on the Prima cruise to Bermuda that leaves the day we disembark in NYC. So I get off, have breakfast with them in NYC and then they get on. It's Thanksgiving week so airfares are high but he can afford it. Still sad you won't be with us...
  2. Just got a text...it's not fixed. Last summer the A/C in my apartment went out and we had to live in a hotel for a week (was paid for by my landlord...it's a law in AZ). I am not sure how many more summers I am willing to endure this nonsense. It gets worse every year. I need a cruise.
  3. Here's my survival story for 115-120 degree temps (like @schmoopie17 said, 110 is nothing!). From June to September, I go from my airconditioned home, to my airconditioned car, to my airconditioned office. All shopping and miscellaneous adventures are done after 8pm. The other 8 months of the year are why I put up with the 4 terrible months. As an aside, my office A/C has been out since Friday (the whole building). I have been moving from one place to the next to work and I hate not being at my desk and having my 'stuff'. I did spend yesterday there with turbine fans blowing and the temps in the low 80s...I was fine for about 7 hours and then 'lost my cool'. Supposedly the part came in today and it is repaired. Oh to be on the Joy again...
  4. This makes me really sad but I do understand that our health comes first. Maybe we can plan something for after the first of the year or whenever you will be up to having some raucous adventures. We will try not to be too hard on you.
  5. I am sure I will make an effort to join but I don't know what I am doing next week, much less in 2026. I tried to add myself to the spreadsheet but all I managed was my CC name and then it started acting funky and I didn't want to break it so maybe @cruiseny4lifecan add a 1 for me. Either itinerary sounds good...my plan at this time is to sail on ships I haven't been on, from ports I haven't sailed out of, to places I haven't been. Been on the Viva but not the Jewel, never sailed out of either port and haven't been to some of the stops. Funny, I didn't see @graphicguyon the spreadsheet... Hope this becomes a reality.
  6. I am sure you will be able to talk me into it...won't take much, LOL. Maybe we can even get T to come along.
  7. Oh no, trust me. @graphicguyis NOT in the top spot on the posse. I think he barely makes Honorable Mention. I have not added myself to the spreadsheet. As Groucho Marx said (now I am showing my age) "I refuse to join any spreadsheet that would have me as a member" #SchmoopieFest
  8. Well they are gone so I believe they were. Along with the 'biscuits' and 'digestives' I purchased at M&S.
  9. There better be cookies on the Prima or I'm not going!!! PS I had one cookie last week from the ship but it was a pretty good one. We won't talk about the ones I bought in Hamilton (which were better but cost me money).
  10. There was a cabin with an upside down pineapple on the door last week. Once seen I avoided that deck but was curious to see the occupants. But not that curious.
  11. This makes me smile. I tried it on the Viva (in Penrose bar) and thought it was the worse drink ever! OTOH, I discovered Red Bubbles at the same place and became addicted to it. Just goes to show there is something for everyone.
  12. This is it for me too except to add I meet the BEST people on NCL, starting with my first cruise back in 2015...still close friends with 3 people I met on that cruise. And the Waterfront/Observation Lounge areas. I can be close to the water even if I am in an inside cabin.
  13. You must have missed the woman I saw on Tuesday night in a full length sequined gown, tiara and sash. I was trying to see what the sash said but my guess was Miss NCL 2024. If that is the case, then she is sorely mistken, as @Sugar Magnolia and I are the co-owners of that title. We are just much more discreet with our royalty status.
  14. @cruiseny4life, I am not a big gambler at all. I take a set amount to play with every day (about $40), with the intention of losing it all. For whatever reason, that didn't happen on this cruise. I am very conservative and not greedy and if I win $20, I walk away with it, put it in my safe and start over again with the same $40 I had before. I know I am not going to strike it rich (though someone did win a $32,000 jackpot on the slots this cruise) but if I can have a few hours of fun, I am happy. This time I had 2 favorite machines and they liked me. I was literally down to my last 50 cents when I won a bonus and ended up with $60 to add to my totals. It's nice walking off the ship with twice the money you walked on with...first and probably last time that will happen. Now here's my dirty little secret...I actually went to both Wheel of Forture shows and had a blast. The theater was packed for both shows, which surprised me since everyone on this board hates it. I used $20 of my non refundable OBC to play, again knowing I wasn't going to win. I thought I did pretty good, answering one puzzle in just over 2 minutes but wow, some of the audience members were quick! Yes, I would prefer a Broadway type show but I did enjoy the interactive aspect of the game shows. Now I have been to all 3 of the game shows (Price is Right, which is free and one of my travel buddies actually won $600; Press Your Luck, which is also free and the audience members and those selected to play onstage can win some cash and prizes and now Wheel). Not for everyone but apparently there were 700+ people for each show and they seemed to be having a good time like I was.
  15. My son worked in the IT department of Amazon and his whole department got laid off a few years ago. They still haven't gone under. 🤣
  16. I thought of you every time I saw this. Will contribute more later as some of us had to work today (and flight delays didn't get me home until 11pm). Oh to be back on the Joy again!
  17. I just got off the Joy, where I had a solo inside. It was o. Deck 5 forward and concerned about being that low and next to Q. I loved this cabin! Never heard anything from Q and very little foot traffic. Was on a corner and occasionally heard the room stewards but after 9am. For what I paid vs a regular inside, I would do it again.
  18. I want to sit in first class too. Maybe I will have a tantrum on the jetway. And no blue boxes but it was a close call.
  19. You know you want to... In the car service headed for jfk. All stores intact on 5th Avenue. Was a fun (humid) walkabout.
  20. We were about 30 minutes ahead of you. Line got stopped, seemed due to computer issues. But once to the gangway it was pretty smooth.
  21. No one told us the Dali Lama was in town and staying next door to our luggage storage location. Literally thousands of people lining the street. Hopefully he will arrive soon and the masses will disperse before our car service arrives. Not holding my breath. Sitting in the lobby of The Plaza, pretending like we belong, while waiting for stores to open.
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