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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. MSP is a long way away. We're in the southeast. We typically fly out of ORD...we hate that airport but they have better choices and lower prices than MKE.
  2. We're booked on the Joy next February for a Panama Canal cruise. If anyone wants to push the date from 2026 to 2025, that would be an option. Although, it's 15 days, so probably not too many takers.
  3. You're not getting off that easy. Looks like we need to stick with NCL to get the lowdown on your fabulous self.
  4. At least this is an issue that will be going away soon. Haven't you heard? NCL is going under/out of business/bankrupt. (If you read some of the discussion in the thread about the IT Department moving.)
  5. 110 degrees is child's play. Try golfing in 116 degrees. Been there, done that. Will not ever do it again, especially since I suck at golf. (But, as they say, it's a dry heat).
  6. We don't necessarily need to focus on NCL if other options arise. Although it would be nice to utilize my 10% Veterans discount...as well as our newly arrived at Platinum status to score those awesome chocolate-covered strawberry halves.
  7. While they may be "ppl", the proper term is "chair hog".
  8. Hoping you end up joining. I used to live in Paradise Valley (as well as other AZ locations) and would enjoy exchanging summer desert survival stories.
  9. As per usual, I have nothing important to say. Just bumping this thread back to page one to give @cruiseny4life and his spreadsheet more exposure. Truthfully, we may have already maxed out. But that's okay. We have the makings of a fun group.
  10. If NCL is going under/out of business, someone better tell the stock market. Stock is up over five percent today.
  11. I'm too cheap to get unlimited WIFI. I might have to get some tin cans and a lot of string.
  12. So...here's my question for @graphicguy, @Sugar Magnolia and @debenson0723: It seems like your main way of communicating with each other to make dinner plans, etc., was on CC. I have always had problems connecting to CC on every cruise I've been on. What's the secret? (just thinking ahead to a possible CC group cruise where we would need to keep in touch).
  13. We're also on the Joy in February. If you're on our Panama Canal cruise, you might just get Schmoopied...in which case @Sugar Magnoliawill be jealous.
  14. Thanks for some great pictures and glad to see you're enjoying the Prima. The pictures remind me of just how beige and blue the Prima is. While it probably still has that "new ship smell", the ship was probably our least favorite. Not only the bland color scheme, the overall layout was very chopped up. It is difficult to get from here to there. Small public spaces, which seem to get smaller when passengers can't get outside on bad weather days. Also, the rattling of our balcony door/wall was the thing that told us we will probably never book that ship again.
  15. The Jade is also our favorite ship, for many reasons. Entertainment, however, is not one of them. On our recent cruise they had a trombonist (seriously) who was lame. They also had a hypnotist who was annoying (and lame). Elements and the magician were fine, and they (for a change) had a comedian who was actually pretty funny. But if you're looking for great entertainment, you need to look elsewhere.
  16. @cruiseny4life When this post found its way to the second page, I figured my brilliant idea was doomed. Thanks for resurrecting it again and for the spreadsheet, As @Sugar Magnoliaso astutely stated, even if there are just a few of us, it would be a blast. I also happen to know an excellent TA who specializes in group bookings on NCL, if needed. It would also be cool to cruise with @YVRteacher (and dad, of course).
  17. Tat's usually our plan, too. Great minds...
  18. Just the thought of liver makes me nauseous. So happy they took that glop off the filet in Le Bistro, or I'd have to cancel our upcoming reservation.
  19. I won't eat green olives. Or black olives. Or olives of any color. But I do like olive oil. Go figure.
  20. NCL recently sent a similar email about six weeks ago. A search of CC should help you find it.
  21. Actually, I'm a steerage kind of guy. Plus, I'm too frugal/cheap/miserly to do the Haven. As I've said before, the whole ship is going to the same places. No need to spend more than is necessary to get there.
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