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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. At home we have a green wheelie bin for general rubbish collected weekly. Separate bags for paper and card, plastic, tins, and a box for glass which is collected fortnightly with garden waste (chargeable, in a brown wheelie bin) collected fortnightly, which alternates with the other recycling.
  2. Yes, it is very confusing trying to get our head around it all!
  3. Although on holiday, still have usual chores of putting rubbish out, etc. and it feels cooler this morning although my phone is telling me it's 20c. I also saw the the South West, (home) is due torrential rain and potential flooding, good job our is on a hill, so I don't need to worry! Take care and enjoy your day.
  4. We went out for a walk this morning, ended up down by the beach and sat watching the planes landing at taking of from the airport at a cafe while having a cup of coffee, before walking back for lunch. It is hot, 31c.
  5. Thank you. Every year that I come here I end up with numerous bites, although not so many (so far) as we are later in the year. Although one always seems to blister, so I always come well prepared. I'm my own travelling pharmacy!🤣
  6. Hot and sunny and 23c already. I'm feeling a little sorry for myself as despite using insect repellent and taking anti histamine tablets I've quite a few mosquito bites. The worst one has blistered and swolen the area around it, as it's on my ankle it is also making it painful to walk. I am sure they wait for me arrive to make a meal of me!😒
  7. I was on Britannia (15th to 22nd Sept) and didn't notice any she was looking the worse for wear! (I also sailed on her just after her refit) Food choices to me were very similar to the rest of the fleet post covid, with some days being better than others. I returned on home on Friday and tested positive for covid on the Monday, but did I pick it up on the ship or on my journey home? No one else in my party (there were 7 of us) has had it.
  8. I ordered some tests, as my immunity is comptlromised, the week before last and the expiry date in January 2024. So not a long date!
  9. Had a lovely evening out with the family. Wine served in a jug with plastic beakers instead of glasses! Starter was chips panelli and something similar to crocheted, followed by pizza and dolce.
  10. Just been catching up on posts since yesterday. Sorry to hear about all the rain in Scotland, and I will be going home to a glut of apples. I have a nice recipe for an apple and blueberry cake but the Dorset one sounds like a nice change.
  11. Morning all, Sunny and 23c, what you want on holiday. We're visiting the rest of the family in Misilmeri today and then having a meal with the SILs and BILs this evening for a get together. Enjoy your weekend
  12. Been out for the day towards Marsala and Trapani and saw salt being made also took in a boat trip across to Mozia Island. (I've no idea why some are upside down!🤷‍♀️)
  13. Thanks, a nice pleasant 24c yesterday evening as we took a walk down to sea front. Expectrd 27c today in Terrisini.
  14. Now in Sicily, but it didn't go without mishaps🙄 Left hotel at 6 am to get shutttle from Gatwick's north terminal, to go to south for our flight. Arrived at the shuttle and OH realised he'd left his phone in the hotel room, so back I go to reception to get another key, up to 7th floor room, (of course it's furthest from the lifts) to retreive it and back down. Good job I had allowed plenty of time before our flight. Flight arrived on time to nice hot sunny weather😁 so hopefully can now relax, til our return journey!
  15. We finally made it to Gatwick, after travelling up to Paddington on a train with engine problems and also making unscheduled stops en route, as the previous train had been cancelled and arrived late. The train alsl hsd very limitrd catering facilities. Having got to Paddington we had problems transferring across town, as we had booked assistance to help with luggage and the Elizabeth line don't help, so we struggled on alone, finally got here after an eight hour journey! Wi fi In hotel won't connect to my ipad🙄 Have had meal, and the better part after a bottle of wine so now feeling more chilled. Hopefully tomorrow will go more smoothly.
  16. Morning everyone, hope everyone is well or recovering if they are poorly. Another dull and overcast day here, but supposed to clear up. I have had one of those nights when I couldn't sleep and I've seen every hour🙄 For those of you heading off on cruises, I hope you have a good time. We're off this morning to Gatwick and flying out to Sicily, to visit the in-laws, tomorrow so hopefully we will have some sunny weather. Hope you all have a good day. Pam
  17. We were on Britannia (15th September) and they had art and craft activiities on board then run by Creative Waves. We attended one of the activies which consisted of a demonstration of napkin folding (making a rose), drawing a postcard and making a paper flower. There were other activities during the week, such as stained glass windows, painting in the dark and making a clay gonk where some of the others. Some were free, some had a charge. I only went along to the first one!
  18. Morning all, A horrible damp, dull, foggy type of day here, but still warm. Busy day for me packing and getting ready to go away tomorrow. At least I'm well protected this time as well as having just got over 'the virus' I had my booster and flu jabs on Saturday, with no side effects, not even a sore arm. OH on the other hand! Hope you all have a good day.
  19. Congratulations to you and Mrs K on becoming Great Grandparents.
  20. I too am always the lead passenger as I always make the bookings for both of us.
  21. As long as the flight leaves Gatwick (and lands in Italy) we are OK as we are only travelling with carry on cases
  22. Morning all, Sorry to see that more posters are leaving, as others have said take care and hope you will come back soon. A bright sunny day here today after heavy rain last night. Just read that some flights to Italy are cancelled as baggage handlers there are on strike today. Hopefully it is just today and not next week too. Oh well, these things are meant to try us! 🤞 Enjoy your day. Pam
  23. Morning everyone, Hope no one suffered any damage during the storm. It is mild down here and the winds were nowhere near as strong as forecast. I need to push myself on and get sorted for going away next week, but just don't have any energy. Today is my son's and granddaughter's birthdays and also my friend's wedding anniversary. Hope you all have a good day. Take care, Pam
  24. Morning everyone, Feeling a bit better today but still not up to sorting out the washing and packing for next week. I've received an email this morning informing me that one of our trains to Gatwick has been cancelled🙄Just what I need!😡 My car has gone in for it's MOT, so fingers crossed it doesn't turn out to be too expensive! Stay safe. Pam
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