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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. Morning everyone, hope everyone is well or recovering if they are poorly. Another dull and overcast day here, but supposed to clear up. I have had one of those nights when I couldn't sleep and I've seen every hour🙄 For those of you heading off on cruises, I hope you have a good time. We're off this morning to Gatwick and flying out to Sicily, to visit the in-laws, tomorrow so hopefully we will have some sunny weather. Hope you all have a good day. Pam
  2. We were on Britannia (15th September) and they had art and craft activiities on board then run by Creative Waves. We attended one of the activies which consisted of a demonstration of napkin folding (making a rose), drawing a postcard and making a paper flower. There were other activities during the week, such as stained glass windows, painting in the dark and making a clay gonk where some of the others. Some were free, some had a charge. I only went along to the first one!
  3. Morning all, A horrible damp, dull, foggy type of day here, but still warm. Busy day for me packing and getting ready to go away tomorrow. At least I'm well protected this time as well as having just got over 'the virus' I had my booster and flu jabs on Saturday, with no side effects, not even a sore arm. OH on the other hand! Hope you all have a good day.
  4. Congratulations to you and Mrs K on becoming Great Grandparents.
  5. I too am always the lead passenger as I always make the bookings for both of us.
  6. As long as the flight leaves Gatwick (and lands in Italy) we are OK as we are only travelling with carry on cases
  7. Morning all, Sorry to see that more posters are leaving, as others have said take care and hope you will come back soon. A bright sunny day here today after heavy rain last night. Just read that some flights to Italy are cancelled as baggage handlers there are on strike today. Hopefully it is just today and not next week too. Oh well, these things are meant to try us! 🤞 Enjoy your day. Pam
  8. Morning everyone, Hope no one suffered any damage during the storm. It is mild down here and the winds were nowhere near as strong as forecast. I need to push myself on and get sorted for going away next week, but just don't have any energy. Today is my son's and granddaughter's birthdays and also my friend's wedding anniversary. Hope you all have a good day. Take care, Pam
  9. Morning everyone, Feeling a bit better today but still not up to sorting out the washing and packing for next week. I've received an email this morning informing me that one of our trains to Gatwick has been cancelled🙄Just what I need!😡 My car has gone in for it's MOT, so fingers crossed it doesn't turn out to be too expensive! Stay safe. Pam
  10. Hi all, Been busy since I got back from our cruise which was late docking at Southampton on Friday due to bad weather therefore didn't get home until the evening. I then had an early start on Saturday as went up to Exeter for a craft show. Was feeling a bit rough on Sunday, with a cold coming, but tested today and it's covid😳. We're supposed to going away again next week too.🤞 Off to check what's been happening. Pam
  11. Morning everyone, Grey and dull down here this morning. Had a phone call yesterday to alter the time of our pick up, an hour and a half earlier! Just need to put the few bits in the hand luggage and I'm ready for the off! Have a good day. Pam
  12. Morning all, hope you are all well and those that aren't are on the mend. Another sunny day down here and expected to be warm. I have started my packing and am nearly done, just one or two more bits to be added then finished off in the morning. So one of my 'to do' lists is nearly complete🙂 One can wait til I get home as it is for my next trip. Apparently the Northern Lights were visible in Penzance last night, so hopefully we will see them when we're on our cruise.🤞 Pam
  13. Sorry to hear you've having a bad reaction to the flu jab. Hope it doesn't last long and that you feel better soon.
  14. Good Morning all, A nice sunny day down here, cooler of late but still expected to be warm. Belated Happy Anniversary and birthday wishes to those celebrating them. A busy day again as meeting a couple of friends for coffee and I should really start packing. I also need to remember to book my car in for its MOT. My list of 'to do' doesn't seem to be getting any shorter😕
  15. @db51 and @Ginb56 Glad to hear that you are both enjoying your cruise on Britannia. We board on Friday, so please leave her nice and tidy!🤣
  16. Morning all, Got woken up at 4.15 am by neighbours banging van doors and talking loudly, and couldn't get back to sleep. We had rain the night before last, but it hasn't done anything to clear the air! I have a hundred and one things still to do before our cruise on Friday, as we leave on Thursday only three days to go. I haven't even started packing yet either. I will get there even if I'm burning the midnight oil on Wednesday night😳
  17. It was a single menu for Sindu when we were on Arvia earlier on in the year.
  18. Morning everyone, hope you are all well. A foggy start this morning, after rain overnight. Sunny and warm now at 20c but not expected to reach the dizzy heights that some of you are having. Our expected temp is 24c, but I suppose living near the coast helps keep it cooler. I need to take a trip to the shops, but can't be bothered to drive to Tesco so will have a change of scenery and to go Asda. Enjoy your weekend and stay cool and safe. Pam
  19. It's only about 19c and according to both my phone and laptop it's raining. I've been outside and it's not! Just proves you can't believe the weather forecast🙄
  20. We are on the cruise before you and have Tom Lister, whom I haven't heard of!
  21. Was foggy first thing after overnight rain. It did clear up and become sunny but has become overcast is is feeling very muggy. Just noticed that we also have a weather warning for thunderstorms. Went out this morning over to Mum's, as I was taking her out to get her currency for our cruise next week, but ended up taking a detour. Set off on my normal route and got through the two sets of road work and two villages to come across 'road closed' sign, turned around and headed the long way round through town and then down to her village. Arrived at her village to find the road closed, but I could have accessed her road if I had continued along my previous route. Anyway I parked my car and walked through the village to Mum's. Collected Mum and pushed her in her wheelchair up through the village, and up the hill where my car was parked. On the return journey I took the long way round to access her road, only to find that they had opened the road through the village and I could have driven through. 😡
  22. Lovely photos. We enjoyed a wander around the market when we were there. Hope your heel is feeling better today.
  23. Morning everyone, What has happened to the weather? It is still warm down here and expected to get to mid twentys again, but it's turned cloudy and the wind is back! I didn't sleep well, I woke up about 3 am and after tossing and turning got up an hour later. Only a week now til we head up to Southampton and I am not ready. I don't know how it has crept up on me. I get back from our cruise and have just over a week before I head off again to Sicily with OH to visit his family. Hope everyone manages to stay cool and safe in this weather.
  24. Good to hear that he is doing OK, but it is still a worrying time for all of you. I hope he makes a complete recovery.
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