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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. A lovely, bright sunny day here today although a lot cooler of late, but it's nice to see the sun. Nothing exciting planned, need to get the taxis sorted for the end of February and a good clear up and vacuum after having the family and dogs over at the weekend. Hope everyone has a good day. Pam
  2. Good morning everyone and Happy New Year. We didn't do a lot last night, no special meal just finished up some of the left overs from the Christmas party we had the night before. We did stay up and watch thefireworks in London on the television. There were a few fireworks around here but not many, we can normally see the fireworks in St Ives from our house but not this year! Still can't shift this cold/flu that I had before Christmas, but a least I don't feel ill with it anymore. I don't make any resolutions but I would like to get fitter and loose some weight. It is not good trying to start a diet now as we have so many things to eat up, cakes, chocolates, etc and I have my birthday this month and often get given more chocolates. There's always another day though right? We have been invited round to my daughter's for dinner so I don't have to cook today. Pam
  3. It's nice to hear from you again Jane. I'm sorry to hear that you have not been well but that you are on the road to recovery. I hope that the New Year is better for you. Take care. Pam
  4. We arrived back in Southampton in the evening at 10 pm when we were on Iona in January to beat strong winds and were not allowed to disembark until the follow day. Seems to be a common occurance!
  5. To all my friends on here have a great day and a Merry Christmas. No presents here today, as we have postponed Christmas until we feel better. I was planning to have the family round on the 30th so have switched all the present giving til then. So it will be a quiet day here. Take care and stay safe and well. Pam
  6. As hubby and I are not well we have posponed Christmas. I hope everyone on here has a lovely time and has a Happy Christmas.
  7. My mother has allergies too, we informed P&O before we sailed and the maitre'd would bring that next day's menu to our table for my mother so she could discuss the option and the possibility of the dishes adapted to suit.
  8. We were on Iona in January and I didn't use the app for booking dining times at all. We just walked down to the restuarant when we wanted to dine on the first night and then booked the same table for the same time each night at the desk. After the first few nights the staff automatically booked for us unless we said different. We didn't use any of the speciality restuarants although we did notice that the Olive Grove seems to be full nearly all the time. I would not say that we experienced any chaos anywhere.
  9. And who would be the first to complain is somethig hot got spilt on the child as she was running around?
  10. Morning all, just! Eldest daughter's birthday today, she's spending it with her daughter. Hubby managed to get antibiotics without any problem for his chest infection and is on the road to recovery, but I now feel like death warmed up. Another daughter is going to cook Christmas dinner and deliver it for us, so I don't have to cook.
  11. Just returned from the doctor's surgery with OH and he has severe chest infection and been prescribed antibiotics. My daughter was going out to Boots so said she will collect them, so fingers crossed🤞 they have them in stock. We, along with my daughter and SIL (he's got covid) were supposed to be going over to Mum's for Christmas and Boxing Day, but after talking with her yesterday we decided to cancel both. On Boxing Day the rest of the family come over and spend the day, and it has been decided by two of my other daughters that Boxing Day is still going ahead for those that are well will still go over. Having just spoken to Mum she is now worried she won't have enough food for everyone!!
  12. Sorry to hear about your loss, but although it is painful to loose someone you love memories will live on. Wishing you all the best.
  13. Glad to hear your daughter managed to get some antibiotics for your grandson. Hope they work quickly and he feels a lot better soon. I remember Kunzle cakes, I liked them but don't remember the five boys chocolate.
  14. I meant to say feeling well🥴 Put it down to lack of sleep.!!🤣
  15. Sorry to hear your grandson is poorly, hope he is better soon. I had a busy day yesterday, went up to Truro with two of my daughters and granddaughter and received a text asking if I could get some shopping for one of my other daughters as her husband had covid. Got back from Truro just after lunch time, so headed straight off to Tesco's before going home. Dropped her shopping off and on the way back realised we had forgotten some of the shopping so turned around and went back! Hubby is also not feeling well. He's got a cold and a terrible cough, trying to get through to the surgery to get him an appointment - wish me luck! Hope everyone else is feeling.
  16. We sailed with Fred on Black Watch and would not sail with him again!!!
  17. We were supposed to sail on her on the 6th January but unfortunately had to cancel, but we are sailing on her in May instead - looking forwards to it.
  18. My son rang first thing this morning saying not to go out as he had just slipped over as the ground is just a sheet of ice. About half hour later we received another phone call with the same warning from one of the members of the food bank advising OH not to go over to help as it is dangerous underfoot. Stay safe all.
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