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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. I'm a coffe drinker too and surprised quite a few Italian's this week by drinking my espresso without sugar. I don't like ordinary tea, but will drink flavoured teas occasionally.
  2. It’s been raining here this afternoon and it’s a little bit wind today. Headed out of Venice to visit an old friend of OH, so walked to station and then back on our return and got lost, but came across a film crew. Would have stopped to watch but it was raining. Headed out this evening to St Marks Square and on the way back there was a fashion shoot taking place by the Rialto Bridge. It’s been an interesting day and my feet are now protesting at all the walking I’be done.
  3. Been a nice sunny day here and have spent the day wandering around exploring. Found a nice shop full of leather goods, bags, etc, so am now the proud very of a nice new bag😁but according to hubby I don’t need any more. Took a gondola ride down the Grand Canal and then along of the side canals. Haven’t seen any dry canals as yet, but you can see that the water levels are lower. Am back at the hotel and recharging my phone as have taken masses of photos before we head of out again for dinner. Have a good evening.
  4. Sorry to hear you need antibiotics, hope you feel better soon. Yes, I did know of this fact as my hubby has his perscription sent electronically and my son gets collects it from the pharmacy where he works in Truro and brings it home.
  5. Just having a quick catch up after arriving at our destination. We’re in Venice for a few days, I’ll post some photos on my return. Didn’t see the Northern Lights last night at home as had an Earle night due to our early start this morning, but we did see some of the planets and constellations as it was getting dark. Catch up soon. Pam
  6. I grew up calling it a swede, but in Cornwall it's a turnip.
  7. Morning all, Cold and frosty down here. I'm all packed and ready now, just waiting for our taxi to come and collect us and then we are off to the airport. Have a good week and catch up with you all later. Pam
  8. You could link the bookings. We are on Britannia in September, seven of us in four cabins, and have linked all the bookings together.
  9. OH has an allotment and last year had so many tomatoes and cucumbers, many more than we could eat. Everytime someone called round the were asked if they wanted some, my mother was inundated with cucumbers too. I still have beans and raspberries in the freezer.
  10. Good morning everyone. I hope you're well and or on the road to recovery for those of you that are poorly. Had an interesting conversation with a lady in the frozen food aisle yesterday regarding cruising. She used to work for P&O and her daughter works on the Disney ships. Busy day ahead for me today, as I must get packed for our trip away tomorrow. I've not got to cook as we are going round to my daughter's for a roast dinner later, and my grandaughter is making pudding. Hope you all enjoy your Sunday. Pam
  11. I've given up trying to put mascara on since I've needed glasses for reading. I tend to get more on the glasses than on my eyelashes🥴
  12. Good Morning all, A birght sunny day although cold. Spring is on it's way as on my drive over to Mum's yesterday, through the county lanes, you can see daffs, catkins, pussy willow and blossom in the hedgerows and trees. Josy - good luck car hunting. Jane - hope the driving lesson goes well. Take care everyone and have a good weekend.
  13. My mother and I have always had different booking numbers when in different cabins. We have used assistance for boarding and disembarking many times and others have said we have had not problems.
  14. Just proves what a small world we live in as I started work in 1974 with the BBC in the Aldwych.
  15. Morning all, How is everyone this morning? Well I hope and feeling better for those of you that have been poorly. I'm going over to see Mum this morning, and then plan to get things sorted to pack for going away on Monday, although I can't do any packing as I don't have a case! I used to get £21 a week working as a junior secretary in London in 1974. Take care, Pam
  16. I have received an e-mail this morning from P&O saying that the godmother will be announced soon!
  17. As you can see I'm back😄 Laptop and phone all set up, just need to sort out the printer as it didn't want to play ball when I tried to print something earlier. 🙄 As task for tomorrow. Hope you all had a good day. I'm off now to catch up on other threads and my e-mails. Have a good evening.
  18. Morning to you all, I hope everyone is well and those of you that are poorly are feeling better. Just having a quick catch up before we loose our connection as we are switching broadband suppliers today, just hope we don't get any problems! 🤞 My youngest daughter called in yesterday and offered to buy me some walking boots so we can go walking. Is she trying to tell me something?🤔 I should be getting organised as we go away next week but just don't have any motivation. Take care, have a good day and hopefully will see you all soon. Pam
  19. Have had several crossings of the Bay of Biscay and has been calm each time - I must be lucky. We have had force 10 storms in both the Med and up in the North Sea. I have previously had Kwells, but stopped when I noticed that they were not recommended if you are over 60!
  20. I had flu over Christmas and it's that long ago that I got rid of the cough. I don't know what this bug is but I am at present dosed up on Paracetamol and still feel cold. My daughter bought me some drunk cheeses back from a deli on her trip to London, but I've no interest in trying them.
  21. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, and wish you a speedy recovery. I too am not feeling right, just hope whatever it is I don't succumb as we are due to go away next Monday. Take care and get well soon. Pam
  22. I'm happy😄 as I got to keep my discount card when Tesco made me redundant, so still get 10% of my shopping. Six bottle of wine, minus 25%, minus 10% (sometimes 15%). What's not to smile about?😁 Unfortunately 15% is next weekend!😒
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