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Everything posted by albingirl

  1. I'm happy enough to skip it. We are always seated with people who ask inane questions. I don't think the food is that great either. I'd rather have a bite to eat elsewhere. I don't find much to complain about when I'm cruising but that's one thing I can do without.
  2. I read this morning that the value is about to go to zero dollars per share. Ugh.
  3. It's a shame that the NS has zero books onboard to borrow. Oh, I forgot. The HAL bosses were afraid passengers were stealing the books and bringing them home. You know, petty theft.
  4. No point to it unless you feel happy about losing alot of money.
  5. Good that they did that. We, too, found such devastation with our friends in Sanibel, particularly. I have nothing else on my mind, generally speaking. This forum is a good escape at the moment. Something else to think about.
  6. I like it alot too. The sole is out of this world. But, again, the pricing is reasonable for a land restaurant, to be sure, but sometimes I draw the line when cruising. Really depends on all over pricing, including gratuities and so on. It is a treat though, I agree.
  7. $91.00. I am really starting to wonder if it's worth it, after all you've paid to embark in the first place.
  8. Lots of flooding and major disaster. Thank you. Friends with no more homes......imagine. Beyond sad. Thanks for your kind thoughts.It's one of two homes I own, so I am not there but will be next week. Very sure to replace alot of stuff wrecked.
  9. I'm sure I will be flamed for the above, but I don't care anymore. If you notice, I have a home in Florida and we have some serious issues. One of my best friends just lost her home completely, in Sanibel.
  10. What HAL does is divide their loyal passengers against all of those sailing for free. I don't care what anyone else says....it's rather disinheartening to pay many thousands of dollars for cruises and then learn that people are bragging nonstop about their free cabins. They sit at the bar and brag about it. I had one guy ask me how much I paid for my cruise, since his was free. The nerve.
  11. Don't you love that? Oh, and they put $200 down, can they get it back by OBC. It slays me. Oh, not to mention the upgrades they want for pennies on the dollar.
  12. Everytime I read about sales, I just add on the port charges, taxes, and insurance and suddenly I'm not impressed anymore. Especially if you feel like adding on the free for all drink package etc.
  13. Most of the time when we dine late, the dining room is half empty anyway. Seems most people like to be early birds.
  14. Love your blog....always entertaining. Keeping my mind off Florida at the moment. As far as the elderly gent with the one dollar bill for a tip, really who knows what he's thinking. I once saw a lady eat a whole bread basket at dinner and ask for another. And she was thin! I try hard to not think about what others are doing, but sometimes it's close to impossible. Enjoy your wonderful cruise!
  15. Sad, that people would do that to you. Yes, I am continually amazed at the brass of people. Best to ignore them all.
  16. Ah, true. I live by the ocean and people always try to peer into my house. Human nature, I guess. I have to close my blinds alot because of turtle season, anyway, but your point is definitely right on.
  17. I love the lanai cabins and think people really can't see much. The easy acess to the Promenade is a big plus, and we take these cabins if they are available. Some people complain that they are small, but we went on one 49 days cruise and found it to have plenty of space. Of course people generally find something to complain about, no matter what.
  18. In colder climates, I find the elemis lotion to be not quite as moisturizing as I'd like. So, since it is a light lotion, if you like a heavier one, just bring it along. I've found myself shoreside looking for aveeno and was very happy that they have it in Italy. With a bottle with Italian writing...quite the keepsake!! Why I was so surprised, I have no idea.
  19. Be careful you aren't under a kitchen galley. Could be white space next to the dining room. You'll be up all night with what sounds like a marching band above you......all bangs and clangs. We were there once and when I went to the guest services, they acted like they never heard of this before. Eventually, they gave us a "sleeping" cabin but it should never be this hard. Why they sell these cabins is beyond me.
  20. What I like is that everyone on the ship receives the same. Unlike NCL that has better products for the more expensive cabins. I just think it's a nice touch.
  21. I'd be very interested in this, as well. LOL. If you get freebies with Celebrity, including all the perks, I'd just keep the ball rolling with them.
  22. What a nightmare. It's bad enough that people get sick; there is no coordinated effort to help find lodging when they are supposed to be quarantined. This whole scene would insure that I never sail again with the cruiseline. It's insulting how you were treated, particularly since we've all been subjected to endless lecturing about proper precautions. Wear a mask, don't wear a mask, total confusion for passengers right from the getgo.
  23. Just to add to this tipping discussion, I see no need to tip bartenders extra. I never order those fussy drinks, and the most they ever do for me is take the bottlecap off a beer bottle or pour me a glass of wine. I think 18% automatic tip is more than enough here.
  24. NS hands down. Been on both, no comparison. I love the Pinnacle class ships.
  25. I was waiting for tiles, too. On my next cruise, I complained and received 2 extra tiles. It shouldn't be this hard.
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