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Everything posted by SSBrickNJ

  1. @colbe how was your cruise? I would have said "hi" but naturally I had no way of knowing which of my fellow passengers were you.
  2. Our 7 day cruise is completed. We are in Copengagen Airport waiting to board our first if two flights to get back to Philadelphia. The taxi to the port and the taxi upon return went well. Future travelers need not worry. When we debarked there were many taxi queued and available.
  3. All has been quiet from HAL recently regarding Nieuw Statendam. Still coming into Terminal one?
  4. My wife went to Europe with her friend 18 months ago. She just surprised me by going into the closet and pulling out the appropriate adaptor. 🙂 Leaving home in 30 minutes.
  5. Would you agree that if in Copenhagen Central Train Station complex there is a store that sells post 6157's link example....I should purchase that?
  6. What a relief. Hopefully using USA to Denmark adapters/converters during our 3 nights in our Copenhagen Hotel will not damage our cell phones. I booked the Best Western Hotel Astoria in Copenhagen. Only last night when I was looking at the photos of the room did it occur to me that in these photos I was not seeing anything modern. No usb ports. Only outlets in the walls.
  7. This will be my first cruise departing from Europe instead of the USA. My wife and I will be on Nieuw Statendam. Departing Copenhagen on the 2nd of August. Yet as I compose this email, WE will be leaving home in a couple of hours to head to the airport. Only at this last minute did it occur to me to ask this. Will my Nieuw Statendam stateroom have usb ports so my wife and I can connect our cell phones...charge up the batteries of our cell phones? I just learned my Denmark hotel does NOT. I need the appropriate converter/adaptor that they will loan us...but we can't bring the hotel's adapter/converter on the ship. Please advise re. my concern(s). Thanks! Steve
  8. That's great. Thanks for sharing that information. Next MDR topic.... Many times I will wear dockers or slacks to the Main Dining Room. I have also packed my one set of clothes for Formal Night. Yet, I read that "nice jeans" can be acceptable on cruises in the MDR on NON formal nights. I have solid colored off white jeans and solid color blue jeans. With both colors there are no holes...no patches...even as I compose my question my instinct is telling me: "forget the nice blue jeans in the MDR"....but the white jeans with a button down shirt would be fine? Agreed? Thoughts on this topic anyone?
  9. Wed. will be my first time on an HAL ship. Nieuw Statendam will depart from Copenhagen on the 2nd of August. My frame of reference is Royal Caribbean. On their ships (pre covid) once onboard we were expected to get a card that reflected our My Time Dining reservation and bring it with us the first time we arrived at the MDR. When I booked this upcoming HAL reservation, I arranged for a 5:30pm dinner reservation...the same table each night on the upper MDR level. I know that....but with HAL / Nieuw Statendam do I have to get something documenting that...or...just show up and give my stateroom number? Thank you! 🙂 Steve (NJ/USA)
  10. If it is ever set in stone, please quote me here and let me know. Thanks for your patience with my questions 🙂
  11. This one? https://goo.gl/maps/fMAAaiid2dLA8z117 * * I can't get Google Maps to show it. Check out my attempt... https://goo.gl/maps/fzgajnQMXjceWU6b7 * The Color Line? https://www.google.com/search?q=filipstad+cruise+terminal+oslo&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS936US936&oq=Filipstad+Cruise+&aqs=chrome.1.69i59j0i512j69i57j0i22i30l2j0i390i650l3.291112706j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on How do you know "Filipstadkaia is correct?.....and thanks for your time 🙂
  12. Added one more....the opera house * https://goo.gl/maps/5HhxJZJz7cQcv1ah9
  13. Assuming my starting point in the prior post is correct....here's my walking plan: * https://goo.gl/maps/H7M155FyDEiR4yFU6
  14. Nieuw Statendam is docking in Oslo on August 4th Does my attempt to accurately create a Google map from the port to Frogner Park look correct? https://goo.gl/maps/5Xh2JtaY4YSGyefB8 I know Frogner Park is correct, I'm asking for the thread readers to confirm I've chosen the correct location our ship will dock. Thanks! Steve * * https://goo.gl/maps/jkX6QKrnGUyXzVqS8
  15. I printed our Nieuw Statendam boarding passes for Aug. 2nd 🙂
  16. Thanks for yet another of your helpful posts. I'm sure the hotel would be flattered to have me respect their opinion about what taxi company to contact re. our topic. They know I'm a Gold Member of their Hotel Chain so I think I'll be ok with having them guide me. Have a great night! 🙂
  17. No harm done....AND....your follow up IS VERY HELPFUL. I don't want to pre-book a taxi on an app. I'd rather the hotel manager or concierge calls the taxi compony they trust and the reservation is made over the phone 3 days before I board the cruise. 🙂
  18. I think you were speed reading my post and you misunderstood. I already booked my hotel DIRECTLY with the hotel itself. I did that many months ago. I wish to book a TAXI and have it waiting for us when we get off the ship in Copenhagen on August 9th. I'd prefer to do that with the guidance of the hotel's manager or concierge. Someone I respect on cruise critic suggested to me that I book a TAXI on booking.com Now that I've told her I'll be in Copenhagen for three days prior to ever boarding the cruise, I'd like her opinion of waiting until I arrive in the city to make my reservation. Reread my post and you'll see what I'm talking about 😉
  19. So I'm back online.😀 * #1 With booking.com do I have to pay in advance? #2 My thought was since we will be staying in Copenhagen's Best Western Astoria on Sunday July 30th, Monday, July 31st and Tues. August 1st I would make a taxi pick up appointment (for August 9th's disembarking) with the recommendation and the help of the hotel staff. Your feedback on #1 and your thoughts on #2 would be greatly appreciated 🙂 Steve
  20. You have provided helpful and answers to me in the past and now once again. I have to go to work now but I am hoping you'll entertain a question from me in the late afternoon or early evening. Until then.....thanks 🙂
  21. Copenhagen Denmark . Oceankaj / Ocean Quay Terminal Copenhagen Airport (CPH)
  22. Keeping in mind that we have a 12:25 flight on disembark day, #1 What time do you think we'll be able to get off Nieuw Statendam on August 9th? #2 What strategy would anyone suggest to give us a chance to be in the first wave of people who are allowed to disembark? THANKS for any and all advice! 🙂 Steve
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