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Spif Barwunkel

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Everything posted by Spif Barwunkel

  1. Nothing speaks more eloquently than the vast wisdom gained from many years of experience(s). Arguably, the above condensed list demonstrates alleged shortcomings on Celebrity 'E' Class ships. Certainly, one must take note, and take heed. I will try, as best I can, to counter these comments with comments of my own pertinent to the E-Boats. 1. These ships are so versatile they allow me to stand on any open deck, or my IV, and look forward. That goes for port and starboard. And get this, all I have to do is turn around in the exact same spot and I can look backward. One side of the open ocean looks just like the other side of the open ocean. Imagine that. 2. But many very versatile and enjoyable Infinite Verandas. A new variation on an old theme. Nomenclature notwithstanding. To Infinity and Beyond. 3. Fewer bars equals less loud and shouty places. Patience equals nice and easy on any class ship. Personally, I prefer to imbibe at a lively watering hole with others who enjoy showing off their enjoyment. There is always quiet when I want it. 4. No World Class Bar on Edge and Apex. Beyond and Ascent will accommodate. You do have an 'E' choice. 5. Plenty of open air outside views, and inside/outside as well. Easy to find 'em. UGGII! 6. You can take beautiful pictures from your IV and many other places when sailing in to or out of any port. 7. Applicable if you booked your cruise "only" because of the Magic Carpet. Might have to question that rationale. I don't mind some wind on a nice day. It tests the "hold" capability of my hair spray. 8. Personally, I like to order my steak, loud and proud and medium rare. It tastes just as good whether or not accompanied by chatter. 9. Don't take my word for it. Give 'E' a try.
  2. As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I would like to know who the person(s) is whose lack of consideration and respect for Celebrity paying guests might be. By name, rank and serial number. I know, it's tough to admit being idiotic, and within that idiocy exhibiting pernicious intent. However, if this individual(s) can reveal his/herself through some kind of communication, explaining what it is they were thinking, or not thinking, that would go a long way to describing the benefits of this exercise, for Celebrity and for the large majority of its passengers. Certainly, there has to be worthwhile enjoyment and well-being for all from vaping indoors. Come out from the shadows of your corporate retreat and let us know what that might be.
  3. Your initial cabin choice when booking is an important decision. Second guessing yourself when offered $$ is not always the prudent thing to do. Deciding to stay put is a smart move. Your balcony will serve you well and you will not miss out on the beauty that Alaska has to offer. Bundle up and enjoy the view outdoors, from your own personal space. The worst that can happen when accepting a room change is that you can get caught up in the possible logistics nightmare of being a part of the cabin shuffle. Depending on the number of participants and availability of the cabin offered to you, where you wind up may be totally different than initially promoted. Perhaps you will have a bit more money in your pocket, however. Is the money worth the trepidation and the possibility of disappointment? Only you can make that decision. Seems that you have already made the right choice. Wisely done!
  4. An excellent point, Ms. Peaches. For every 10 non-vaping/smoking gamblers onboard, if 4 or 5 are not bothered by smoke enough to keep them out of the casino, then perhaps that is sufficient for Celebrity to justify puffing indoors. Might all the ranting and raving and huffing and puffing against this serve no purpose? That remains to be seen.
  5. You are absolutely right, TR. Some small groups present valid vocal outcries and are long overdue to be heard. Others, not so much. This Celebrity consideration has no validity whatsoever and deserves no discussion, although it is getting a lot of that.
  6. Perhaps Celebrity's response to you should have been: "Dear Celebrity Guest, because you spend too much time in the casino, perhaps you should consider vaping as an enhancement to your gambling experience." "We can't guarantee you more success, but we can assure you that losing will be much more enjoyable."
  7. And what a shame that would be, if whatever the result is, it is what it is because of majority rules and not because of common sense as to the nonsense of it all.
  8. Many of us non-smokers very much appreciate and respect a smoker's right to do so. Even more, I appreciate your attitude and consideration when enjoying a good cigar. Your comments are refreshing, and I am sure that they reflect the thoughts and feelings of many smokers. It is really quite easy to acquiesce, allowing enjoyment for all concerned, without threat or coercion.
  9. ..."while I'm at it, I'll raise you a deaf ear."
  10. Surely Celebrity would not cut off its nose to spite its face, while succumbing to the whims of a small minority and flagrantly fouling the vast majority.
  11. An excellent post. I would add to this, a question. If a considerate person who vapes is next to me in the casino where vaping is allowed, will that person refrain from vaping, respecting my space and refusing to become an inconsiderate person who vapes? If not, why not?
  12. It seems that lots of good folks made their feelings known regarding this latest moronic attempt by Celebrity to enhance the cruising experience for its passengers. No doubt, vaping/smoking in the casino will do just that. Unfortunately, X responses from overworked staffers and uncaring executive assistants seemed nothing more than disingenuous attempts at placation. I don't know, does anyone know if any one member from the elite brainstorming committee responsible for this exercise actually showed their face around here. Probably not. Probably unwilling to take ownership, as an individual and as a group. You have got to admit, it is an ignominious position to be in. But, from a gambling standpoint one should at least have a pair and be willing to proudly show them, even in a losing cause.
  13. I am not concerned about the hosts. They have a job to do, they do it. Whether of their own volition or because of outside influencers. And thanks to you we will link these two together. Multiple CC threads, and vaping in casinos (including tests), most folks want neither and both are a waste of time. Thank goodness they will no longer be a concern.
  14. RY, sometimes saturation is necessary, a written form of waterboarding if you will. It can serve to bring entities to their senses when nothing else works. Lots of people said lots of things and that's a good thing. I feel in this instance, Celebrity turned around, without warning and gave all its customers a swift kick in the groin. I'm still doubled over. This test is not now, nor will it ever be a good thing for us, or for Celebrity. They were too ignorant to see that, however. Perhaps now they can regain their senses. You are right. Many times, there are too many similar threads concurrently in motion. Most times, it is overkill. Sometimes, it is necessary.
  15. And then there was one. It seems that this is the only vaping/smoking/Celebrity embarrassment thread left standing. All others are closed to further discussion. Or removed all together. Just goes to show what happens when someone or something is overwhelmed with negativity and left with no defense. It is particularly embarrassing when there was nothing worth defending in the first place. Shut it down or take it away, that'll show 'em. At least we can be assured that there will be no vaping/smoking in the casinos, or anywhere else indoors on X ships.
  16. Why am I not surprised that Ms. Peaches has combined her Cagney & Lacey sleuthing skills with her Murphy Brown journalistic expertise in order to overtly run head-first into the vapor trails, seeking the story, with absolutely no regard for her own safety. And, on a "mostly-free" cruise at that. She took time away from their time in order to make time for us...nice! Meanwhile, covertly settled somewhere close by, Mr. Peaches waits and watches, with beverage in hand, ready to spring into action should his wife require assistance. Don't let the mysterious man in the "faces" shirt fool you. He is primed and ready.
  17. To the IV detractors, much to your dismay you are not going to wish the IV's away. In one form or another they are here to stay. You will just have to live with this thorn in your side, fly in your ointment, twist in your panties and elephant in your room. No doubt, someday some big pharmaceutical will have a pill or a salve to relieve the discomfort. In the meantime, have a hot cup of tea with a hot shot of bourbon and ponder the good old days when IV meant a needle in your arm with medicine flowing into your body through a plastic tube. That will certainly make you feel better. If that does not work, count backwards from Roman Numeral 4. It's not like you have no alternatives. Infinite Verandas will be full, with or without your support. Much ado about nothing, I'm afraid. To the OP. Did I mention how all-around good and interesting your sailing will be?
  18. You certainly do not have to explain yourself to me. I truly am not trying to besmirch your feelings and opinions because they differ from mine regarding Infinite Verandas. In fact, I really do not care how you or anyone else feels about them. I will continue to enjoy. Also, I have read more than once from naysayers that IV dwellers do not use the furthest outside extension of their cabins. DW and I use this area very much, perhaps more so than you use your “real balcony.” We would have enjoyed an IV while cruising in Antarctica and spending hours outside on our balcony in sub-zero temperatures taking gorgeous pictures. An IV would have served the purpose very well in a much warmer and more comfortable environment. We did enjoy our cabin extension on more than one occasion in Europe and the Caribbean during heavy rainstorms when for several hours we would not have been able to use the “real balcony.” Do we enjoy the typical balconies, of course we do. And, we are happy that the different cabin extensions now have a place in our future cruising as well. I have purposely refrained from using the words balcony and veranda when referencing our IV cabin so as not to insult or offend real balcony purists. Some topics proffer sensitivities that cannot be suppressed. Of course, that is the last thing that I want to do.
  19. The OP says that IV's are controversial. I say they are misunderstood. I enjoy the Infinite Veranda because I understand its function, its purpose and its efficiency. It seems that for every 1 advocate, there are 5 critics. That is understandable because the concept is new and different. Everything about your upcoming 2024 cruise from the ship class to the itinerary to the cabin type is first-class. Think of it as such and know just how all around good and interesting your sailing will be.
  20. I do not necessarily know what this is supposed to mean, but I do know that this kind of mindset is not conducive to properly planning an enjoyable vacation, of any kind. Being pre-disposed to future perturbation because of past disappointment - particularly someone else's - will keep you right there in a mental state-of-flux. Don't want to be there as you make your way onto Oasis, or any ship. The only expectations one should have are those that include stress-free experiences and lots of fun. Anything negative negates the reasons why you are planning to cruise on Oasis in the first place. Reading reviews can be helpful, but you cannot let them determine your state-of-mind. Otherwise, all of your cruising experiences will be vicariously. Of course, that guarantees no disappointments does it not?
  21. It is the overall Celebrity vibe and presentation. It's what makes us consistently comfortable and satisfied with our choice. It is the option of choosing among three different classes of ships and what each has to offer. It is Celebrity's ability to overcome the occasional hiccup or misstep and our ability to realize that stuff happens. Celebrity is a favorite place for us to be when we are away from home, and we are looking for exciting places to be taken.
  22. A nice choice to have to make. We cruised on Mariner to Bermuda in 2022, our first and only time there. That was a bucket list item and Mariner lives 30 minutes up the road from our house, a no brainer. We are not beach-lounging folks, but we very much enjoy visiting beautiful beaches. Bermuda will certainly not disappoint. Whether a ships excursion or on your own, Horseshoe Bay Beach, Elbow Beach or Jobson's Cove would be my choices, if possible. Also, you will enjoy Mariner. We have not cruised on Adventure. However, living in Florida, the Caribbean is obviously in the neighborhood. For over 30 years, DW and I have visited most of the islands, either by cruise or land vacation. Beautiful beaches abound. In St. Croix it will depend on where the ship docks and what transportation is provided to various beaches. Buck Island/Turtle Beach, Buccaneer Beach (associated with Buccaneer Resort), Rainbow Beach, Davis Bay Beach, are very nice. In Tortola, Cane Garden Bay, Long Bay Beach and Brewer's Bay Beach are hard to beat. If you do the Adventure of the Seas, you may have the opportunity for a ship's tour to the Baths at Virgin Gorda from Tortola. Should definitely be given consideration. And also from Tortola, another option might be a day trip to Jost Van Dyke/White Bay Beach and the Soggy Dollar Bar. Gorgeous beach with a fun gathering place and the "PAINKILLER". Enough said there. We know the Caribbean well. Perhaps we would rather head south than north. As beach bums, you can't go wrong either way.
  23. You had me at Mesopotamia and I would have happily followed along through the various planning stages, from then 'til whenever. An entertaining segue it would have been, from western Asia to northwestern Europe. From where Cornflakes and Wheaties originated to where tulip fields and windmills abound. It shall indeed be an enjoyable post-cruise presentation.
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