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Spif Barwunkel

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Everything posted by Spif Barwunkel

  1. And that works for me, RY. I may not be enjoying my BFF (Best Freakin' Food) every time I sit down, but I'll be eating good food that I have chosen as an alternative, and looking damn fine while masticating I might add.
  2. A terrible philosophy, actually. Why would you not expect anything but an overall enjoyable cruise? That just makes no sense to me. Letting comments on CC determine your pre-cruise mindset is foolish. So, you will get on the ship expecting the worst. You are already leaning that way, perhaps your expectations will be met. Perhaps they should be. Either way, you will not be disappointed.
  3. Nuts - You don't want my palate. You would then have no reason to be cranky, ornery and contrary. Those are the qualities that endear you to so many. Never lose them, they won me over.
  4. Our last three Celebrity cruises in 12/22, 2/23 and 5/23 were on one each of the three classes of ships. Referencing BLU fare only for breakfast and dinner, the food was wonderful on two of the three. On a third, not so much. French Onion soup was plentiful. Figured I would throw that in since it has become a hot topic on this thread. However, had there been no French Onion soup nor Aged Prime Rib to go with my finest garb, the food would have been adequately palatable and certainly sustainable. Celebrity food does not suck. Occasionally there is a misstep. If you can't find other dining opportunities that will satisfy your palate and your cravings, bring a self-made bagged lunch / breakfast //dinner. Can't go wrong there and you only have yourself to blame. In the meantime, enjoy your cruise.
  5. Does your palette reflect the colorful, seasoned flavors of a victual connoisseur? Or is your pallet laden with the cumbersome weight of a gluttonous gourmand? Could be that your palate is just not sophisticated enough to let you know the difference. Oh well!
  6. I would suggest that you replace your nervousness with enthusiastic anticipation. The Silhouette and her crew are very welcoming, and as mentioned in a previous post, you will probably never notice the controlled areas. The vibe is more laid back than on RCCL but by no means restrictive in providing an enjoyable atmosphere. In no way should you be anxious about your upcoming Celebrity cruise. Rather, prepare yourselves to feel right at home and just as comfortable as you do on any Royal ship.
  7. Say it isn't so. Could it be? Have standard balcony rooms met their demise, while infinite verandas are on the rise. Is it possible that cruise passenger behavior and indifference is a big reason for a radical change in a particular cabin category on X ships? If so, you'll pardon me, but I'm chuckling to myself right now. How ironic that the very cruisers who degrade the IV, may very well be the reasons for their own agitation and displeasure with current Edge Class events. A very interesting and valid hypothesis.
  8. Even in my ignorance regarding cruise ship efficiency, this certainly seems to be sound reasoning. If indeed that is the case, does Celebrity now catch a break from all the negative IV and Brand related commentary? Those who dislike the Infinite Verandas will continue to dislike them but does the logic behind their creation validate X's attempt to become more efficient and thus cost effective. I would hope so. Can we get away from thinking that X is intentionally deserting loyalists, old folks, light sleepers and real balcony purists? Also, could it be that over the years there have been many cases of "standard balcony abuse"? Open balcony doors, low AC temp settings to offset heat discomfort when sitting on the balcony. It's not your dime, at the time, but sometime in the future your cruise cost might include another person's electric bill...so to speak.
  9. Could not agree more, RY. Who do people think they are to voice differing opinions and comments in a sensible and logical manner? It screams nothing but vitriolic hubris that has no place on a forum such as this. Kudos to you for pointing this out. However, despite these machinations, I will continue to enjoy Celebrity cruising...in an IV.
  10. Actually, there are plenty of "balcony" ships in all areas if you want to stick with Celebrity. Since 2000, nine M and S Class ships have provided much enjoyment to X cruisers. They will continue to do so in a style and presentation preferred by many. One's Celebrity "status" is in no way compromised by the introduction of Edge Class ships, and one certainly did not work hard to attain that status. You found an attractive vacation that you liked, spent the money and continued to partake of X's offerings for many years. There are things that some folks don't like about the new ships. So what, don't patronize them. There are nine M & S class ships on which you can continue to enjoy fun and frolic. No need to be frustrated because as you stated, "now I have the choice." So make it and stop blaming Infinite Verandas for all things unpleasant about X cruising. These ships are not for everyone, apparently, if one cannot adapt or enjoy the "Brand" in its entirety, cruise elsewhere like many folks are apparently doing.
  11. Excellent positive responses in posts 86 & 87, just as you requested. Adding to those, I would say that the introduction of IV's on Edge Class ships piqued my curiosity and prompted me to book an IV on an early Edge sailing. We have two more booked this year on Beyond and Ascent. The point here is, the Infinite Veranda gave me the opportunity to see for myself what it is all about, thus making up my own mind and fulfilling my inquisitiveness. Had I not been a fan, no harm done, the cruise would still have been an enjoyable one. Enjoy the IV and Edge Class because they are giving you the opportunity to do so. I do not want to be the one who changes your mind. If you can comfortably book an IV cabin despite all the negativity on this thread, that you did not request, do so of your own accord and based on how your curiosity needs to be fulfilled, if at all.
  12. Once again, you and I disagree. Not unusual. Certainly, if the OP is good with turning this thread in to another IV pros vs cons, that is just dandy, and I will yield to AliceS. In the meantime, in some cases, we remain off-script.
  13. Whereas I do not feel that post #63 is intended to usurp this thread, it could certainly seem that way. The OP asked a simple question, and as is too often the case, some folks just can't stick to the script. I will not speak for the OP, but I will assume that your country of residence matters not in the total scheme of things. Just answer the simple question, no matter where you live. Nothing more, nothing less.
  14. I do enjoy the Infinite Veranda. Semantics notwithstanding, it is a new variation on an old theme, and I do believe that the IV is more versatile than the standard balcony cabin. Different, no doubt, and it tested my adaptability, which passed with flying colors I might add. Call it what you like, IV does not work for everyone and given the vernacular in which many folks speak, the debasement of this particular cabin category will certainly continue. So, for those of you who continue to eschew the Infinite Veranda, your abstinence from same enables me, and a few others, to have unincumbered access for our choice of cabin. And when we sail away with all IV's full of the "cool" folks, our thoughts will go to the "others" onboard and that they too may feel some semblance of cool.
  15. Obviously, only bring ashore the required items that X tells you are necessary at a particular port-of-call. Beyond that, cash, credit card, etc. you have got to decide that for yourself. Lots of common sense and awareness can go a long way. Planned activities or excursions vs on-your-own and winging it, you be the judge.
  16. its nise two see this thread retruning to thee fourfront of x fourums. we have segwaid into the identoficasion of briges now i see and i can uneqovocaly say that the current brige in qestion is non other then lupu brige in shanghy china. nown fore its ability to mimic other briges deepening on lite time of day an atmosferic presure it can easily be missedachin fore another span.
  17. Totally agree on the importance and appeal of itinerary. Totally disagree on the inability to find appealing itineraries on S & M class ships. I have done the same three cruises, different ships and number of days, all on Celebrity. Nothing right or wrong here.
  18. Knowing how much you apparently dislike many things about E Class, you are going to appreciate M Class. I'll not pre-dispose you to anything but count on a very enjoyable experience. Try the non-informed newcomer approach and figure it all out for yourself.
  19. Ain't that the truth. Isn't it nice to have all that figured out, and we did not have to rely on anyone telling us how to do it? I would never ask another person how to spend my money nor would I ever tell anyone how to spend theirs.
  20. No doubt, the debate over the pros and cons of Edge Class ships is way overdue for retirement. And yet it seems that the same perpetrators continue to infiltrate and permeate any and all X topics with their dissatisfaction. In the beginning it was helpful and informative to participate in worthwhile discussion. It has morphed into a boorish, non-pragmatic harangue against anything Edge related. Time to exercise some self-control.
  21. I'll not speak to your cruising experiences, but considering your contributions to these forums over time I will assume that they are many. Between December of last year and June of this year I will have sailed on the three classes of X ships. Each had, and will have, totally different itineraries and exciting ports of call. Unless you have exhausted your cruising bucket list or just have no place else to go, I consider your comment a cop out and an excuse to further speak against Celebrity. There are many similar itineraries on all X ships. If one is pre-disposed to negativity, for any reason, nothing looks good.
  22. Very interesting theories, suppositions and opinions regarding X changes at the top. I do appreciate the information and education from those in the know regarding such circumstances in the corporate world, although actual reasons for Lisa leaving as president and Laura taking over in that role are known only to a few. Today, just as in my many working years, I don’t give much attention to those high-level happenings, too far above my pay grade and I never felt the effects of any change. I therefore, in my lack of infinite wisdom, have always refused to place blame or give credit to one person for the good, the bad, or the ugly. No matter who has the final say, it is a team effort in arriving at the final result. If that is ignorance talking, I am comfortable in that incomprehension. Whether you’re a fan of LLP or not she was a big part of some big changes to X ships. Whether you’re a fan of Edge Class or not it is a big part of Celebrity’s new look. The times are-a-changin’ and if you do not care to keep up there are nine other ships - not counting Galapagos ships - that will gladly continue to cater to your cruising needs and desires. Continue to enjoy those offerings as you always have. Why continue to bluster, bash and rail against something you can do nothing about, too many positive ways to exert that energy. There’s a new prez in town. Hail to the Chief.
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