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Spif Barwunkel

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Everything posted by Spif Barwunkel

  1. Quite the sapient comment. Adding to that, if a person no longer feels recognized or appreciated for exhibiting fealty over the years, frustration, disappointment and perhaps a bit of anger can manifest themselves into a stream of conscience negativity. In the heat of the moment, complaints are easy to come by and express. And yet, what has been your comfort zone for so long still seems more attractive, in its less than perfect world, than something brand new that can create the stress and anxiety of experiencing the unknown. It is easy to complain and blame, not as easy to adapt and adjust. Therefore, perhaps moving on is necessary, if only for a brief moment in time in order to test the waters and realize where you fit best it the total cruising scheme.
  2. In these few posts you have gotten some excellent responses, sensible and valid comments in support of sailing on Infinity, and some not as much. But that is what one likes to read when asking for information. Post #5 makes a great suggestion. Indeed, Norwaylady provides very informative and enjoyable live reviews. Do check out the link provided. We sailed on Infinity in February of this year, our first time on this ship. She is certainly a seasoned lady and shows some wear from the many wonderful cruises that she has provided to so many over so many years. For us, the itinerary was very special and with one minor exception the 14-night cruise was exceptional. We are Aqua cruisers and really enjoy Blu. For whatever reason on this cruise the service and the food were not as spot on as on other sailings on other ships. Certainly not an unpleasant dining experience and one has to realize that on occasion these things happen on all ships. I would add to that, this cruise was in between a cruise on Equinox in December '22 and Beyond in May '23, both in Aqua and some of the best food and service that we have enjoyed. Would we cruise on Infinity again, absolutely! Being used to smaller ships and less people, at first, perhaps during boarding, it might seem that the ship will be too crowded. I guarantee once Infinity sets sail, things and people will settle in, providing an enjoyable experience. Keep an open mind as you consider what fellow posters have to say. In the end, make up your own mind basing that decision on what feels right for you.
  3. There has to be some room for compromise. But in the Oceanview only.
  4. What's then is then, not now. Whether 2014ish or 1990ish or whatever is to come in the "ish" future timeframe, the focus is now. If you can't see clearly now, then perhaps you are overdue for an overhaul. "When vision blurs at the tip of your nose, adjust your line of sight in order to see the opportunities at arm's length."
  5. And we all know that was just the opportunity they were looking for. What a risible comment that is! But, certainly not unexpected.
  6. It is indeed time to exit "X" if indeed you feel that your time has come. For whatever reason(s) that would be, certainly an individual decision based on a personal choice. Obviously, we are not all lumped together into one action-induced mindset. Thank goodness for that. We do not feel offended or disrespected by Celebrity's changes in certain areas. Whether we are affected or not it is inconsequential to our cruising enjoyment and any discernable difference is usually temporary. I do feel sorry for Celebrity. It seems that more and more, "we the people" just don't want to abide by the simplest of rules and requests. A perfect example is the request to dress appropriately for just a couple of hours at dinner time in the evening, in the MDR and in specialty restaurants. Is that too much to ask? Try to implement that request and the staff is besieged upon, berated and belittled by an ever-increasing number of "schlumps" who are finding cruising to their liking and liking nothing that has anything to do with compliance, consideration, and respect. Why bother some might ask. Could be, we the people, the schlumps, are the reason for some folks jumping ship.
  7. Hopefully, in its inaugural sailing season, the Celebrity Ascent will not, I repeat will not be hosting the "Worldwide - AT SEA - Pickleball Championships." I can see and hear it now. "Live from the Rooftop Garden Grill Pickleball Court on Celebrity Ascent, I'm Jim Nantz alongside Ben Johns here to bring you the 2023 Worldwide Pickleball Championships." That just can't happen...right?
  8. Came across some participants in the Rooftop area on a recent Beyond cruise. Certainly not a spectator sport since no skills were demonstrated by the four participants. Except for the serve, they could not get the ball over the net more than once or twice. Spent most of the time chasing the orb. I'm guessing that's the way it is most of the time. Not being a pickleball fan or athlete myself, X does not need to provide this activity fleet wide.
  9. And right before my eyes did appear, Ms. Georgia Peaches in the MSC sphere. Ms. Peaches, you may remember we touched briefly on MSC on another thread on another forum. At that time, MSC cruising for us was the furthest thing from my mind. How quickly things can change. Yesterday we got a call from good friends in NY who we met on a Celebrity cruise years ago and continue to keep in touch with. They are veteran MSC cruisers and prefer to patronize this line. To shorten a long phone conversation, they say to us, "we are coming to Florida in September to cruise on Seaside for seven nights in the Caribbean." "You wanna go?" Seaside lives in Port Canaveral, thirty minutes north of where we live, seemed like a no-brainer to join good folks for a good time. So, here we are booked in a balcony cabin, mid-ship on deck 11, with no nudging from GP, on a ship with a 67-health rating when a passing score is 86. Go figure. I go to the MSC forum in order to glean useful information and worthwhile comments and .... well, my opening sentence says it all. Although the casino is not our thing, I appreciate your views on all things cruising. Couple your thread with another well-respected OP's Seaside review and I'm doing pretty good for starters. It is going to be a good time. We are good adjusters, adapters, and look at every cruise as a new experience. We don't compare. Rather, each sailing has its own personality and deserves to be judged on its own merit. We will do just that, while keeping in mind pertinent information from you and others. I assume that this short cruise with Mama Peaches was very enjoyable and obviously somewhat lucrative. Continued good voyages wherever you go and whoever you choose to take you there.
  10. Both DW and I have no desire to cruise the Panama Canal nor the itinerary associated with that cruise.
  11. I noticed you are b2b on Infinity in the Med. In February M'Lady and me were on Infinity 9400 miles away in Antarctica. Quite the change in scenery and temperature. In May, we were on another X ship in this same neighborhood, and I recognize several familiar places in Athens/Plaka and lovely spaces in Mykonos. I noticed a picture of Parliament House in Athens. Were you able to see the Changing of the Guard? More great photo ops to come in Santorini, and the next leg as well. I don't follow "live froms" on CC but I can respect the effort and dedication of those who provide live reviews for fellow cruisers to enjoy. You do an excellent job of blending information, photos, a bit of storytelling and humor into a compilation of easy-to-read essays. Seems like a natural thing for you to do.
  12. NMT wants so much support and validation, I am sure he was pleased.
  13. Not quite sure of your use of the word "preception" (my shortcoming) vs perception. Whichever, of whose negative pre or per ception do you speak? More importantly, is it significant enough to alter your pre-cruise preparations and/or enthusiasm? One must be extremely assiduous when reading and reading into reviews. While helpful, I believe they are the cause of much unnecessary stress and second-guessing. Keep your focus neutral no matter what you have read and what your previous experiences have been. Understand, there are just too many variables that you or anyone else cannot account for. A good, understanding attitude makes for less surprises and more fun.
  14. I'm thinkin' you and Nuts might have hit on something worthwhile here. Unusual, I know, but perhaps you both have. What if Celebrity hires outside contractors to provide some of its most important services. For example, Ritz Carlton could provide housekeeping services on board X ships. Bolex Brothers (studios) could produce theatre shows and other entertainment. The French Laundry would be responsible for all food and table services fleet wide. This could be the answer in bringing ships and people together again in perfect harmony. I like it!
  15. I am embarrassed for and ashamed of Celebrity Cruise Lines. The blatant, purposeful swindling and pilfering of loyal, as well as new passengers is unacceptable. The disregard for their personal comfort and satisfaction is downright unconscionable. As a result, the ignominious taint that now permeates the heart and soul of many X cruisers might never wear off. Celebrity does not deserve you. Celebrity does not deserve your dollars, your euros, your pesos, your pounds, your francs, your krone or krona. What Celebrity does deserve is your divorce. So, as you all move on to new and better adventurous offerings - land or sea - I will remain here and try, as best I can, to help offset the X debt. I don't yet reek of that ignominious taint, perhaps it's my genetic make-up. I wish you all well, I really do. Perhaps in the future the record will show that I took the blows while you all went off and did it your way. If we can all whistle a happy tune, that's all that matters.
  16. The sophisticated wit just won't stop coming.
  17. Certainly a valorous statement, and deserving of kudos if sincere Although too late, could have been a lesson learned for several on this thread.
  18. And that works for me, RY. I may not be enjoying my BFF (Best Freakin' Food) every time I sit down, but I'll be eating good food that I have chosen as an alternative, and looking damn fine while masticating I might add.
  19. A terrible philosophy, actually. Why would you not expect anything but an overall enjoyable cruise? That just makes no sense to me. Letting comments on CC determine your pre-cruise mindset is foolish. So, you will get on the ship expecting the worst. You are already leaning that way, perhaps your expectations will be met. Perhaps they should be. Either way, you will not be disappointed.
  20. Nuts - You don't want my palate. You would then have no reason to be cranky, ornery and contrary. Those are the qualities that endear you to so many. Never lose them, they won me over.
  21. Our last three Celebrity cruises in 12/22, 2/23 and 5/23 were on one each of the three classes of ships. Referencing BLU fare only for breakfast and dinner, the food was wonderful on two of the three. On a third, not so much. French Onion soup was plentiful. Figured I would throw that in since it has become a hot topic on this thread. However, had there been no French Onion soup nor Aged Prime Rib to go with my finest garb, the food would have been adequately palatable and certainly sustainable. Celebrity food does not suck. Occasionally there is a misstep. If you can't find other dining opportunities that will satisfy your palate and your cravings, bring a self-made bagged lunch / breakfast //dinner. Can't go wrong there and you only have yourself to blame. In the meantime, enjoy your cruise.
  22. Does your palette reflect the colorful, seasoned flavors of a victual connoisseur? Or is your pallet laden with the cumbersome weight of a gluttonous gourmand? Could be that your palate is just not sophisticated enough to let you know the difference. Oh well!
  23. I would suggest that you replace your nervousness with enthusiastic anticipation. The Silhouette and her crew are very welcoming, and as mentioned in a previous post, you will probably never notice the controlled areas. The vibe is more laid back than on RCCL but by no means restrictive in providing an enjoyable atmosphere. In no way should you be anxious about your upcoming Celebrity cruise. Rather, prepare yourselves to feel right at home and just as comfortable as you do on any Royal ship.
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