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Everything posted by mo&fran

  1. In about 2 hours, our ride to FLL will be picking us up to got to Adventure, just one week late. And, for my first cruise ever, I will be wearing my Pinnacle badge.
  2. Looks like we will be boarding Adventure this Saturday. I have been eating real food, although I still have my tube. I will bring some food containers, but I shouldn't be needing much, WE cleared all of this with the oncologist. although we still have one last appointment tomorrow. We will be on for three weeks.
  3. 7 days after my last radiation treatment, the throat swelling went down and I had my first food that I swallowed. And I can talk again. Throat is still pretty sore. Things look positive for Oct 14 sail date.
  4. I did get confused for a bit, had to call time out. but all is well now, definitely not sailing on 10/07. Just had to be sure. Thanks for your help. Please cancel.
  5. My cancer treatments are now complete. Currently still not eating since my throat is still swollen shut, but that seems to going down quickly, I actually had some pudding by mouth this morning. And I actually able to talk a little. My goal now to is to eat a complete meal by mouth. And get rid of the feeding tube in my stomach. Sailing on 10/14 now is looking doable. Which is also my 80th birthday.
  6. Funny you should say that. My first RC cruise was on Navigator, and I loved the size, having experienced a number of smaller ships. At the time, it was the largest. And I said , nothing smaller. We went on a quick Radiance cruise, and I really didn't care for it, and I said never again. And we have been on most of the newer ships. Then we started looking at some longer sailings, on Radiance class ships, and we went and had a great time. Best was a TPA to AMS on Brilliance . Eastbound TA was a great trip. Vision class was still not on our radar. Then DW went to the casino, and came back with a voucher for a free cruise on Grandeur. What the hell, lets give it a try. Graet time. We will be back, have it booked next year. We are paying for this one.
  7. i Have never ever heard an elevator from any stateroom on any RC ship. And yes, 7311 is a promenade view room, and there is a hallway separating you from the elevator bank. I would call that a good spot.
  8. Yesterday marked the last Chemo treatment that was scheduled. The radiation treatment is 35 treatments, 5 days a week. The first 25 are full treatments, based on a cat scan of the affected area, Those 25 have been completed, along with a new cat scan to determine how the last 10 treatments will be handled. The tumor has pretty much disappeared, but I am having considerable difficulty swallowing, so primary nutrition is by feeding tube. I have had minimal weight loss, so the feeding tube is working. Still shooting for a sail date of Oct 7. I have never mentioned this before, but my favorite Pinnacle benefit is breakfast in Chops. Don't usually eat breakfast at home, but just to walk in, have a waiter at your table to bring some French Toast, sausage, potatoes , some bacon. And a glass of iced tea. Yumm. did not have to fix it, or clean up after
  9. Unless it is a military ship, or a private yacht, I would say never.
  10. Better than having the emergency alarm go off BY MISTAKE in the middle of the night.
  11. I used to read a lot. Leon Uris and James Michener have written some very interesting historical novels. Trinity and Chesapeake are two that come to mind.
  12. There is one that advertises a lot on TV, and I am sure there are many more, but you never heard any thing about them around the 1980's when I was thinking about them. And being an engineer, I would probably want my own to tinker with it.
  13. The forecast I looked at was NWS. I just looked at the local forecast the show the spaghetti plots, and all models predict a turn to the North well off the Fl coast. They seem very certain of the turn.
  14. The forecasts are getting better , but not that much better.
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