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Everything posted by mo&fran

  1. We have always tried to wait a couple of years or so before sailing on a new ship, particularly a new class. We don't want to go that bad. Since we have experienced and enjoyed Grandeur, no ship class is off our radar now. For years I said only balcony, but we have an ocean view booked on Gr, so that will be OK. But , I still cannot stand an interior.
  2. The last tractor we had had much larger wheels, probably geared the same as the others, but with bigger wheels, 23mph sounds about right. One of my driving lessons was always be mindful of the traffic behind you, and pull over when you can and allow them to pass. We frequently drive across Fl, to the kids house on the west coast, mostly country roads. Tractor driver here did not get that same lesson. They could care less how much traffic was back there.
  3. Companies like Weather Channel use meteorologists with PHD's in their fields, not TV personalities. If he had those qualifications, we would call him Dr, not Mr.
  4. I grew up om a working farm in Pa. First you learned how to walk. Then you learned how to drive. We were making hay one day, I was just a little guy at the time. Dad put me on the seat of the tractor, put into low gear, with one instruction, don't run over the hay bales, while he and my cousin loaded the hay on the wagon I was pulling. Wasn't big enough yet yo work the clutch and brakes yet. It was a flat field. By the time I was a teenager, i was driving those tractors on the highways, usually towing something. I have no idea what Pa. laws are like now, but farm tractors were not licensed, did not require drivers license to operate on public highways. Of course, they would only go about 15mph. Our trucks were licensed, so I couldn't drive them on highways till I had my DL at 16. You learned a lot. Pa. fields where we lived were very hilly, and often you would have a tractor with a wagon load of hay you have to go down the hill. And the load was more than the tractor could handle, and the wheels started sliding. You learned to find a path to steer and not have the load fall off the wagon, because you would have to reload the wagon all by yourself if it did. It was a good driving school.
  5. True story, I have never driven to or parked at a port to go on a cruise. In fact, our first , that was out of Palm Beach in the early 90's, and now that we live here again, we still use the same car service for our ride to the port. And airport when flying.
  6. @Arzeena My that Explorer cruise started the Saturday night the previous week when I woke up at midnight to use the toilet. I fainted, fell on the toilet, and had 4 broken ribs, and a punctured lung. I got out of the ICU on Thursday, having received 2 units of blood. Friday, i showed the doctors the path we were going on, they not only said I would be OK, they gave us their cell phone numbers, and said if there was a problem, the ship Dr could call a any time. On the way home, got a supply Percocet and a rollator walker.
  7. when we first moved into our home here, we had an elderly ( like almost 100 yo) living next door. She asked for our phone number . We just had our cell phones, and they have CT area codes. Turns out, she had worked for the phone company, and I guess one of her retirement benefits was free phone service. She was concerned that the call would be long distance. I don't know if it really was, but she thought that it was. We ended up getting a land line, and gave her the local number.
  8. I was wondering about next October, so I went online, and one of my favorite ships in scheduled for 7 day cruises again, good old Freedom. (as in of the Seas) . Very nice price. Thanks, Ken. Another 4 weeks. And looking into the following January, looks like some interesting choices out of FLL. Might just look into those as well. I don't usually book that far ahead, but the very best buy I ever got was a cruise booked well ahead that I knew I would really want to do. That cruise was the one where Explorer left Bayonne to make room for Quantum. Funny to see Anthem leaving for Asia with Odyssey replacing it in NJ.
  9. I will say, I feel much better about the care I am receiving back here in Florida than I ever did in Ct. I had a PCP and Cardi guy prescribing meds on their own, no matter how much I pleaded with them to talk to each other, that did not happen. Even here , my PCP is the only one doing the prescribing. The PCP office has 2 Dr's, and when in the hospital , the partner visits the patients. At one point, he talked about changing a med, but he said there would be an effect that didn't like, and he didn't change it. My subsequent office visit, my guy wanted to make that same change, so I asked him to go talk to his partner before he did it. And, he didn't make the change. Scary.
  10. May years ago, when I was first diagnosed with high blood pressure, the Dr prescribed a diuretic. I did not pee, i sweated off the water, and really did not like the effect. Since then , I have resisted any time a Dr tries to prescribe any medicine that includes a diuretic.
  11. My grandmother had a butter churner on the farm, nothing like that. Jimbo's guess sounds good, you could put you ears of corn in to remove the corn from the cob, then grind the kernals into meal to make corn bread.
  12. It's 80 degrees here this morning in cloudy south Florida. I hear a lot of people who claim they like their homes in the 60's. I hate when I get on the Todays temp , for the first time in a while, is predicted to only be 89. A little break from the steady stream of mid 90's. And tomorrow is predicted to be 87. At least my electric bill is not crazy. In the hot weather it does go over $100 , last month 107 and this month 109. With out 2br/2bath condo, we keep the thermostat at 77 and when we get to the mid 90's 76, and 76 overnight. As usual, the early prediction is for a lot of rain. It is a dynamic forecast, it constantly changes. Hit or miss whether we actually get rain. I do have an umbrella, but if a squall hits, they are useless. too much wind. Two choices, stay put and stay dry, or go out and get drenched. There is some tropical stuff off of out coast, we may get some weather from that. No hurricane predicted though.
  13. Problem with colors and pictures and where you are looking at them. There is a program I receive both on my TV and I stream on my laptop. Picture on tv is totally different color from laptop. And it is a picture of a car with a commentator saying the color and it doesn't sounds correct on either device.
  14. sometimes you miss some great cruises not considering certain classes. Example, spring 2019 DW asked for a cruise. We selected a TPA to Amsterdam on Brilliiance. I agree with you about the royal promenade, my first royal cruise on Navigator (we had been cruising Celebrity) and I was hooked on Royal. We had a quick cruise on Radiance when we need a quick 3 points (diamonds in december, Junior suite) to get to D+ under old points system, and I swore off the older ships. But then neat itineraries showed up and I got over it. We tried Grandeur this past spring, and we booked two more in January, 24 days. With Grandeur. we have now sailed all classes of ships currently sailing, with the exception of the original Quantum layout ships.
  15. I suspect the ambulance had prepared syringes of morphine of fairly small quantities, just for the trip, which for my was just a couple of miles. Not enough to make it a worthwhile target for someone to try to steal. I was surprised that the paramedic said that was what they were giving me. I don't know what they gave me in the ICU. I know that they would wake me every couple of hours for vital signs, but towards the end of my stay, he admitted that I was finally sleeping so well, ne skipped the tests. Cf course, that was after they realized I had a punctured lung, and had to have 2 units of blood.
  16. My GI guy scheduled me into out patient surgery to put the PEG tube in. That is a feeding tube to the stomach in case the cancer enlarges during treatment preventing swallowing of food. After the surgery, it was kind of painful, and he came into recovery and said he was going to admit me for the night. He asked if it hurt, I said yes. The pain med of choice in this situation ( I still had an IV) was Morphine. I don't know what is so great about that stuff. It still hurt. Of coarse I have no idea what it feel like if they hadn't given it to me. I had had Morphine once before, when I was in the ambulance on the way to the ER with my broken ribs, I had the same opinion. During recovery from the ribs, I had Percocet , and that really helped. Only problem was, he prescribed the max number that he thought he could get away with. See, we were scheduled on the repo cruise on Explorer from Bayonne to PC, which of course meant we had to go to the ABC for the PVSA, a 2 week cruise. That injury had also resulted in a punctured lung, so I had had a chest tube in the hospital, and there was a stitch involved when it was removed. that had become infected, so the ship Dr, gave us antibiotics to deal with that, so when we went back and told him i had run out of pain meds, he gave us enough for the rest of the cruise. That was enough, I did not need anymore after that. At the end of my hospital stay, I told the Dr's my travel plans, and they not only blessed them, but gave us their personal cell phone numbers with instructions to have the ship call at any time if there was a problem. Never used that number. And that turned out to be an interesting cruise, getting hit by a roque wave early on , that took out one of the promenade doors, and shut down the aft elevators for a time.
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