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Everything posted by mo&fran

  1. I have to say I had no idea what a Chevy Eurosport was, and Google showed me some pictures, and also a driver report from the day. As I read the article, it dawned on mr thet the writing stile was familiar. A quick check of the URL confirmed the article appeared in Car and Driver magazine, one of my favorite back in the day for its humorous writing style. My first new car was a 1968 Mercury Cougar GT. Anyone familiar with the movie Bullitt, my car had the same drive train as the movie car. In the 70's leaded gasoline was banned, and the 55 mph speed limit came along, and cars weren't fun anymore. But , in 1984, my local ford dealer invited my to a drive in the new improved Mustang GT. Cars were back again. Later that year , I was back and got a 1985 GT , now with a 5 speed manual transmission. Well, I was between wives at the time. When I got married again, Mustang went away, and my driver was a Ranger. The I got transferred co CT and up upgraded to an FX4 Ranger. After I retired, I ended up with a Mustang V6 coupe. One rainy, wife was away on some mission, I decided that if someone had told my 50 years ago I would be happy with a 6 cylinder car, it was time. My local Ford dealer has just the car for me, a 2013 Mustang GT convertible, 6 speed manual, Coyote V8, and Brembo brakes. Wife was surprised when she got home.
  2. I suspect they are talking about the convertible top , since the Brits call their hood the bonnet. and the trunk the boot.
  3. As i usually do, if I don't like the menu for dinner, I order the extra charge fillet for dinner, This time, I noticed it what seemed to be a much larger cut of meat. It was very good, Last night, I noticed that the fillet was priced at $19.99, not $16.99 like before, which with gratuities was like $20.00. IFIRC, Chops always offered two sizes, maybe now the MDR option is the larger size. Not complaining, just saying. We are on Harmony.
  4. The only ship we have been on that serves food in the pub has been Odyssey. Non of the Oasis class or older ever have.
  5. Getting ready to board Harmony Sunday for a B3B. Been a busy week , getting a new suitcase and clothes. And I hate shopping. I did get a 4 pack of Air Tags. Hopefully it will help keeping track of our luggage. I tried Amazon, but they couldn't deliver in time, so I picked them up at the Apple store, not much difference in price, and they have them. We did file a report for the lost luggage, but I had an email yesterday that they have had no luck so far. They said they will look for 30 days, and if they don't show up, I will file an insurance claim. We have an annual travel policy. I have used Sears a lot in the past for clothes, and our local store is still open, but when I went to the men clothing department, all I saw were mostly empty racks and tables. Really sad, so I ended up at Macys. One thing that I am really mad at myself about is tossing my little hand held GPS in my suitcase, which have never done before. I had been looking for a new one, but the ones I have looked at have a satellite phone, which I really don't want. The biggest loss is all of the waypoints I have stored with all of ports I have been to, maybe going back close to 10 years.
  6. I was able to get my old laptop functioning again. I forced it into hard shutdown but turning off with the power button rather than the normal shutdown command. When it powered up again, it gave me a list of trouble shooting options, so I selected a reset option without any changes to the computer, and that worked. The most extreme option on the list would be to erase everything, and go to the initial factory settings. The old computer was always a pain to get logged on, to the point that I kept it logged on all of the time, disabling all of the sleep and logoff functions.
  7. That was something I never expected. Even as D+ , I always got the cup in the pub, and a couple of times they just gave me one for free. One funny thing, they give us a receipt with the drinks, and we add a tip for the waiter. AS we got close to the end of the cruise, those tips were not showing up on the account tab of the phone app, looking like they had not processed those receipts. In fact the app also took a long time to show any purchases, but when I got the final statement in the mail, those charges were all there.
  8. Our fist cruise as Pinn is over. 2 weeks on Harmony. Some nice surprises, but at the end, not so nice. Could not find my suitcase when we got off. Searched all over the luggage hall, with the help of numerous porters, no luck. I could wait awhile to see if it shows up, but we have a B3B coming up next Sunday, so I need to get a new suitcase, and a lot of clothes. Then , when we got home, my laptop refused to boot up. It is dead. I need it to print luggage tags for our next cruise. So, off to Best Buy for a new computer. At least these days every thing from the old computer is stored on the cloud, so really didn't lose much there. DW has been having some difficulty walking recently, so we have been requesting wheelchair assistance for boarding. Earlier cruises, they would have us go inside, where the have a group of chairs where she could sit , and wheelchairs would be delivered and someone would wheel her on board. This time, I went to the Pinn checkin, showed my boarding pass as a Pinn, someone went to get the wheelchair, we were checked in right there, went through security, and onto the ship. I buy a freestyle soda cup since the chip does not have my drink mixer, caffeine free diet Coke, and when I went to get the cup, the guy saw my gold seapass card, and got on his phone, and found out that I now get a 40% credit for the cup, which is actually good for 2 weeks, even though you only pay for the one voyage. WE always us MTD, but as a Pinn, there is a separate checkin desk, no waiting in a huge line. For the time being, the new menu is a bit of a disappointment, with the reduced choices. We have been looking at the CK menu, we'll have to give it a try soon. I did try the Pinn option of breakfast at Chops one morning, But I just prefer JR, it is just a more comfortable atmosphere for breakfast for me. Then we get the 6 free drinks now, but we never used them all. Guess I just cannot drink that much anymore.
  9. I don't pay for the cookies sent to my cabin, and they send chocolate chip cookies, which haven't available for a while in WJ.
  10. Thanks, it was nice to meet you guys. I suspect we will meet again, since we mostly sail out of FLL. We enjoyed our first cruise with the gold card, I am sure you will also.
  11. There will also be instructions for doing just that.
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