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Everything posted by mo&fran

  1. AMS is the hub for KLM, We have flown into AMS from the States and connected to the smaller plane to get to BCN.
  2. The business cards we have gotten has , I believe , a generic number, like 3700. That I assume would be a general housekeeping number, not a direct line to the actual person. And I have had many occasions where nobody answers.
  3. You might also give JR a try for breakfast. No charge for breakfast.
  4. If that cruise added the next cruise to Australia for a B3B, then that would be legal?
  5. I like using the Garmin gpsmap. Unfortunately, a little more expensive than the Nuvi , but has a lot more features for a nautical environment.
  6. Kind of like NH with their state liquor stores. In fact I95 has exit ramps to the stores in both directions. ( no state sales tax in NH). I thought that you could also buy fireworks that state also.
  7. It does help that DW is an RN who worked in this area for many years , and still has a lot of contacts, including active and retired MDs. About 7 years ago, I had a spot on the back of my leg that wad diagnosed as malignant melanoma. My wife first spotted it, and I went to the dermatologist who biopsied it to confirm. Had surgery , it was all cleaned out and scans since then have been cancer free. Surgery this time is not an option.
  8. I guess it has to get a little scary before it gets better. The radiation doctor said I need a dental exam before he can start. The radiation can cause dental issues if precautions are not taken first. The radiation treatments are 35 doses, scheduled 5 time a week , seven weeks. One can be missed, but 35 is a hard number, so if one is missed, it has to be made up. The chemo treatment is planned to take 6 weeks, once a week, through IV. After about 4 weeks , they expect I may have trouble eating, so they are ordering a feeding tube to be installed. The point is to keep my body nourished , Boost drink is suggested when swallowing becomes difficult,or if the feeding tube is used. I asked about my October cruise, and they all seem confident I will be recovered. Dentist tomorrow for him to see what is needed there. Then a visit to the GI guy to schedule the feeding tube. Souns like a lot of Dr visits over the next 2 months.
  9. Today is the first step to the treatment of the throat cancer. I have a 900 AM appointment with the nuclear Dr, and see what his plan for the radiation treatment is. Then at 1100 AM is the oncologist, I assume the plan for the chemo. He had said before this would take 6 weeks, once a week. Then would insert an IV every time, rather than a port. Side effects should just be some tiredness and maybe some nausea, and there should not be any hair loss. The only issue I have been having happens when I am eating, food gets stuck in the back of my throat, so I drink something when that happens and everything is fine.
  10. I see that CC has reformatted their website. No longer shows your location under your screen name, Doesn't show who reacted to a post unless you place the curser over the symbol, and doesn't show a list of recent pages . The main page seems to have fewer columns, which might format better on cell phones when viewed in portrait mode. wonder whqt else is planned. No problem , just different.
  11. I see that CC has reformatted their website. No longer shows your location under your screen name, Doesn't show who reacted to a post unless you place the curser over the symbol, and doesn't show a list of recent pages . The main page seems to have fewer columns, which might format better on cell phones when viewed in portrait mode. wonder whqt else is planned. No problem , just different.
  12. There is a separate suite/pinnacle checkin desk on the larger ships.
  13. When I was on my last cruise, I guess about a month ago, I noticed a lump on the side of my neck. Got home, went to my PCP, got a CT scan. Sent the result to my oncologist, next a ENT Dr, next to the hospital for a biopsy. Result, I have throat cancer. It has been many years (like 20) since I smoked, so we really not sure what caused it. Just got off the phone with the oncologist, the treatment is to zap it with radiation, then 6 weeks of low level chemo. Oncologist said there should be minimal side effects from the treatment, it is very treatable.
  14. People in Florida would know where to look and more likely would have seen the forecasts. We were at Coco Cay before it was perfect, facing north, and DW went to the rest room. She came back quickly and said we have to go back to the ship. I got up and saw a big black cloud to the south, and we caught the first tender back to the ship. We were back in our room to drop our beach stuff, when the captain made an announcement warning everyone to stay off all outside decks, including balconies. Being anchored, the ship was pointed into the wind, and we watched through our balcony door , the wind was so strong the rain was horizontal. I never went up on deck, but lot of passengers were hunkered down on the island. The storm passed in just a couple of minutes, but the seas stayed rough, so tendering was rough after that. Now that Coco Cay is perfect, I cannot imagine that storm hitting that ship broadside while moored at the pier.
  15. Thanks. Got Seaside confused with Seascape. Apologies to OP.
  16. Good Luck. Port Miami is closed due to marine accident this morning. No vessels in or out for now. Seascape is at anchor outside the port. Sorry to have this news for you.
  17. Interesting that even the salesmen didn't recommend Samsung. I had an appliance repair man replace the ice maker on my refrigerator (Amana ) trash talk the LG about their compressors. Apparently he had replaced them more frequently than the other brands.
  18. For others here that like aviation related Youtube @bobmacliberty , I discovered one that is not flying at 40000 ft , at 300 kn or so in a multi million dollar jet, it is an 800 lb , ultra light prop plane , at 1000 ft, 100 kn, flying through the mountains out west. Great scenery with a lot of filming out his plane and a lot of drone filming. These plans are STOL plane, (short takeoff and landing), and him and his buddies in their own planes, find all kinds of places to land their planes. All of these planes are experimental category. Look for Trent Palmer. https://www.youtube.com/@TrentonPalmer BTW, his real job is a professional drone pilot, he flies big expensive drones with big expensive movies cameras hanging underneath creating content for movies and other productions. Some of his videos talks about using the drones.
  19. I guess PC is serious about having the most cruisers port in FL , if not the world.
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