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Everything posted by barbeyg

  1. Yeah, but like me with Ken, you chose him for life. For better or worse. 😁😂
  2. We lock all valuables in safe. CCs, passports, money, phones, jewelry, etc. I think that is just common sense. Never been pickpocketed, never been a victim of any kind of crime onboard. Feel very safe, but have always taken simple precautions, and been alert to what is going on around me.
  3. TAs really seem to have a huge price jump when a cabin category supply gets low. We booked a 2024 TA on RCI a few weeks ago, and our category is now more than double! I’ve watched the pricing on Celebrity as well, and booking early really seems to make a difference.
  4. When someone asks for a 10, they aren’t mentioned by name in my survey. The only person to ask that on our last cruise was our butler, and even though he did a decent job, he wasn’t mentioned by name. Our steward was mentioned by name, because not only did he never mention the survey, he did a fantastic job! I personally find that those who are doing an exceptional job never have to ask for high ratings. They simply earn them. 🙂
  5. I went back to look, and someone had posted that it would get to her a day late. She never returned, possibly too bummed to do so. I felt bad for her. I agree about putting it somewhere it is secure. I know I will be practicing that for sure. AND I remember a cruise where I left my small crossbody purse in the Windjammer window ledge after eating there. Thank goodness for the nice couple who sat there and guarded it till a woman with a crazed look on her face came back for it. 😂
  6. So glad things worked out for you, and SuperMom rocked it! I am obsessive about passports too, checking and rechecking like they are going to disappear. I could still see something like this happening in my worst nightmare, so I’m going to take a pic of our birth certificates right now. 😂 I read a post on an other social media site last week where someone from Australia dropped their passport in HI airport, and missed their FL cruise, because it was found on Sunday and couldn’t get to her till day after sailing. 😕
  7. I agree with Andrew. I bet your Mom was amazing. My mom passed when she was 36, but I remember how truly awesome she was. I know the holidays can sometimes be tough, but I hope the memories of such a wonderful mom bring moments of joy throughout for you. 🙂
  8. I would ask in Celebrity forums before booking anything, but don’t really think that Celebrity would be entertaining enough for a teen, especially if he is high energy, and enjoys entertainment for teens. I would have enjoyed Celebrity as a teen, but back then, being able to swim, go to shows, and read a few good books would have made me very happy. Our son when he was a teen? Not so much. 😂
  9. They are pricey, aren’t they? When Celebrity Retreat is more reasonable, that’s a big yikes. I want to ‘rent’ a suite, not buy it, thank you! 😂
  10. Have a great cruise! 🙂 I’m still wishing I was back onboard.
  11. This is Le Grand Bistro, on the Grand Plaza.
  12. 270°, great place to hang out for views. Music Hall is the best live music venue at sea, IMO. Love to see the cover bands there.
  13. They do. My husband ordered several different wines there.
  14. We have a very similar 12 night booked with them for Sep 2024, just in the opposite direction. Have a great cruise!
  15. We have sailed 3 times on RCi since Covid. We have two more booked. We love cruising. If you are the type that sees a glass half full, you should enjoy. If you see it as always half empty, you can probably find things to complain about. Even our least favorite cruise was a good one. 🙂
  16. Allure is a great ship! They would have to drag me off after just a few nights though. I'm afraid I would make a scene. lol Hope you have a great cruise, if you've booked. 🙂
  17. RCI is also putting Starlink on the Celebrity ships too. We didn't have it on Apex, and a couple of days, I couldn't have worked remotely, if I wanted to. But, yes, getting to that goal of 340 with RCI sounds like a wise choice. And since y'all enjoy the specialty restaurants, Celebrity would be a real treat for you. Luminae itself was much better than Coastal Kitchen, at least on Apex. Looking forward to possibly working some from sea too. I'm watching the reports on the RCI ships closely, since I have to VPN and Voom call as well.
  18. Yeah, once you get to the C&A 340+, singles finally get some relief with RCI. Not so much other brands.
  19. That's what we did before sailing Celebrity for a crazy low price on a Sky Suite. The points system is different, and you don't get the premium free drinks each day, like RCI, but we are going to be D+ after our next cruise with RCI, so we don't mind 'jumping ship' sometimes. I just expected Celebrity Ascent (the newest) to be more expensive than RCI for 2024 releases since Celebrity is a more premium brand. Shockingly, it wasn't and we both loved our cruise on Apex so....we booked Ascent for December 2024, in an infinite balcony cabin. My husband is sad, but he will get over not having the "suite life" for one of the cruises in 2024. lol Here's a link that shows you the points structure. The higher the category, the higher the points. https://www.celebritycruises.com/captains-club/ Now, the bennies aren't as good with Celebrity (still has the daily 2 hour happy hour), but the food and service are excellent.
  20. They do, don't they? 🙂 I guess we are going to have to wait for Wonder and Icon to be a few years old before we are happy with the pricing. But, we are very happy to be sailing the Ascent in 2024.
  21. I just priced Celebrity Ascent against RCI Wonder and Icon for a December week 2024, balcony cabin. Not only was Celebrity $800 less than Wonder, but it came with a $200 shipboard credit. So, even if Celebrity is going up in price, it's less than RCI is. Looks like we are booking Celebrity Ascent. 🙂
  22. Us too. And the food being a step up makes that an even easier choice.
  23. The balcony cabin pricing is....pricey, for Wonder (and of course, Icon). It's really tough to choose RCI when the rates for the Celebrity Ascent is almost $1000 less for a balcony cabin than Wonder is, and comes with a $200 shipboard credit. Both brand new ships. Trying to squeeze in a cheaper cruise at year end 2024 after two expensive ones earlier in the year.
  24. Looks like the release is missing some ships currently. Right now, a beach trip is looking better to me. 🙃 Edited to add: Symphony was not coming up on Bahamas search for me. I had to just search for Symphony.
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