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Everything posted by LeeW

  1. All of the cabins need to be MTD and linked, not early/late fixed seating. If even one is fixed it won't work. The link allows you to book dining for the other cabins. If not linked, just book separately and show up together. Note that linking needs to be done by whoever you booked the cruise with, either Royal or a Travel Agent. If you want to sit together just show up together and the dining room host will make it happen (assuming everyone is MTD). And they can set you up for the same table each night. MTD starts when tables start clearing out from first seating. They is why now you typically can't get a reservation until 6:45 or 7:00.
  2. With a multi-device package you get more than one device on a single login (account/pin). You can give this account to anyone onboard. When you hit the number of login limits it will tell you that you are exceeding the number allowed and will ask if you want to replace one of the current logins. You can't predict which one you will bump, so when you have multiple users each person needs to log off when they are done with their login. So if you have four users and you want to switch from phone to computer log off the phone to free up the login. Even with only one login we sometimes have problems logging off and have to bump the old one.
  3. We usually do a ruins/boat trip there through cruise line. Have had three tours going to a cay cancelled due to weather/waves.
  4. Check both shoreexcursioneer and shore excursionsgroup for ideas. These are cheaper and smaller groups than through royal. The Cruise line will have tours up on a plantation with zip lines and tubing. We have had some in our group do both and some did longer tubing ride. Several hotels have all inclusive days that may be available through royal. Also check the Jamaica board. Moderator might move this thread there.
  5. Waterfront station serves two subway lines, so the Canada Line stops along the longer dotted line you show. If you walk toward the front of the train you wind up at the Waterfront Station building (which has an elevator and a block and a half walk to Canada Place). The station also serves the ferry and the other subway line that runs along your short dotted line. martincath has you walk toward the rear of the train, bypassing the surface walk uphill, with an elevator at the Pacific Center Mall. Your solid line is pretty level. Blue line to the pier is downhill from your hotel. With traffic, it is a long ride from the airport downtown. Canada Line is easy and has plenty of space for you and your luggage. Only problem I have had is squeezing my suitcases between the concrete bollards and getting two suitcases with me through the ticket taker. You have to move through smoothly with suitcases close to you to avoid it snapping closed. Not much space between the posts (suitcase fits sideways) and the ticket machine. If you decide to tap in with a credit card make sure you have one for each person - can't use one card for two people. When you tap out your card will be billed the correct fare. In your case you will want to sit near the rear of the train - to the right as you move onto the platform.
  6. On Princess a couple of weeks ago had the paper versions. The app doesn't have port contact information and they actually tell you to take a photo of the sign near the gangway to get that information. The app also doesn't tell you when the ship gets into port or when all-aboard is. Royal much better giving you this information.
  7. Log in to your account on the app. Go to the profile page and it allows you to select a different cruise. Once there go to the bottom of the list of your booked cruises and all the ships are there. Select the ship you are interested in and then hopefully find a cruise date going now. Select that and you can see the whole Compass. Thanksgiving really won't be much different (except guest entertainer) than what you see now. This will also show current menus.
  8. Mountain top is seldom more than 20 minutes for any tour - not much parking there and they want a turnover.
  9. We've been on the Ultimate snorkeling trip five times through Royal in St Maarten but last time I was there it had a low age limit (70, and we've been twice since then). So now we do a lot more independent bookings. As others have said, a ton of things to do in Cozumel. Try shoreexcursioneer or shoreexcursionsgroup. We've used these many times and generally you get a smaller group on your tour at a lower price than the cruise line. Plus you don't get to wait for the two or three people that are 20 minutes late for the tour.
  10. Magens Bay has float rentals, food, drinks and a gift shop. As I recall they did want your driver's license as collateral to return the float and line to return them can be long. We just pack inflatable noodles but their floats aren't bad. You will need to pay for the cab and entrance fee if you are not on an excursion. Driver tip if you are on an excursion. Note that Crown Bay, the port Royal usually uses, has far fewer shopping opportunities than Havensight.
  11. City Hall here charges 3% to use a credit card for car tags and property tax. For ships we carry cash for tips and casino. Onboard charges go to credit card (although some folks do that as room charges to increase the credit card rebate). Thought the companies that issued traveler's checks quit doing that 20 years ago.
  12. We often rent cars northbound for Vancouver cruises but don't rent for southbound - dropoff charge can be $200 or more. Last time we took the quickcoach shuttle bus that picks up from Canada Place and various hotels and drops off at a Washington casino, in downtown Seattle and the airport. Took around 5 hours and the border crossing was somewhat of a pain. But the $40pp was much cheaper than rental car dropoff and we had the time. You would have to stay at a hotel in Seattle to make this work. Seattle Shuttle Express does pickups from both SeaTac and downtown hotels and shared shuttle probably cheaper than Uber.
  13. App has been glitchy last few days but if website still shows wrong date/event and cruise is still more than 5 days away you can cancel (from the Orders page) and rebook. OBC goes back almost immediately when you cancel. You sometimes have to refresh the page to make the OBC show up. Obviously not good solution if price has gone up.
  14. Once you connect to the ship wifi everything becomes available.
  15. The problem with the garage for Princess is that it is shared with the convention center. Check to see if there is a major event when you are trying to park.
  16. Note that the free trolley isn't designed to handle luggage - looks more like a San Francisco street car.
  17. Twenty cruises since restart. About half since masking requirements dropped (although crew wore them longer than passengers). We got covid once, on second half of B2B while they still required testing between cruises (tested positive after we got home). Still see a few random people wearing masks, but very few. Last cruise (two weeks ago) had discussion in elevator about number of vaccinations and getting sick. The folks with the seven vaxes had been sick multiple times and more serious. We had three and have no intention of getting another shot. We did get our normal flu shots this week in prep for cruise next month. Most ports these days have no restrictions and few people wearing masks. Will you get sick? Who knows?
  18. Some folks on the roll calls buy a 4 device package and essentially sell the extra logins to others. Note that this requires some trust and cooperation to avoid bumping other people off. With a 4 device package you all use the same login ID - the system just limits you to 4 devices at a time.
  19. Actually on some ships there are columns around halfway up the seating. Seats behind these are really bad - if you are stuck because you got in late the back row is better than these. Or just come to a later show.
  20. With boarding at several ports you could probably actually get on then, but you will get to the ship around 11:30 so even normal boarding starts by then. Room may not be ready - kind of depends on the number of new passengers at that port.
  21. Back 10 years or so Navigator handed out tickets for the ice sho in the atrium until they were gone. You just asked for which show you wanted and they gave you as many as you needed. Long time ago.
  22. Cruise ships do pay a big premium for their transits - you see it in the taxes/port fee part of your bill. And they pay extra for daylight slots.
  23. The clean at end of cruise is a different promotion, but same effect. Usually somewhere in mid-cruise they publish it, but often the steward can get you the bag/slip anytime. Note that it is limited to certain items, like underwear, shorts, socks, pjs and T shirts - as many as you can stuff (roll for a better fit). Don't try sending in laundry last day (you can pay for same day service) and even second from last can be iffy.
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