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Everything posted by BND

  1. Okay, so now you're diagnosing people online that you have never met. Why does me saying it "could" happen bother you so much? Maybe you should check into that. I'm getting such a kick out of this thread. I haven't laughed this hard in a while.
  2. Sundae? There's a banana split on the kids menu, not a sundae.
  3. Do you remember the single (as in one) shoe bomber who changed all the rules about what you can carry onboard a flight? It doesn't take much to change how things are done.
  4. I have never seen a long line for BC/ID. I did not "propose" anything about changing the rules I said it's possible and can happen lol. My eyes are just fine. You are really defensive about all of this. Seriously? Just because someone said they can't "afford" an omelet doesn't mean anything except that they didn't do ANY research lol. Did she just randomly find you and tell you that? That's kind of weird. Wow, do you attract people who are needy? Desperately lol. Just making a statement based on many posts on here about the drink package and how important it appears to be to so many. So much to unpack lololol
  5. They have changed the menu a few times in the 14 years we've been cruising on Royal.
  6. They were working in Nov in the DL. Every morning there was a line.
  7. Give it a rest lol. All I said was it "could" happen.
  8. BTW, I don't care what others do about passports and I enjoy debating. I just love those that think they have to defend people they don't know about imaginary once in a lifetime trips.
  9. It's called they have the power and they could. The current exceptions are not permanent regardless of what some think. It doesn't take much to change them.
  10. I'm also retired, but when I was working I didn't know anyone in that situation where it was a once in a lifetime. While there are some people in that situation, it's hardly a large percentage of cruisers. When our kids were young, we did the vacations we could afford, a weekend at the beach, staycations (we live near DC so lots to see) driving to visit family. "Once in a lifetime" sounds tragic, but it just isn't that common.
  11. They will if the Federal Government decides to.
  12. Where is "here"? If it's the US, you can apply at the local post office for the first one and renew online for future ones. How hard is that?
  13. How many people do you know that that is their reality? The only people I know that have only cruised once are the ones that decide they don't like it and go onto another vacation type.
  14. And, if they started being required, they would come up with the money if they wanted to cruise, correct? This is my personal opinion. No group here. I think it's a horrible assumption to think that so many people can't afford passports. I think you're making a lot of assumptions about people without any data. You're basically doing the "elitist" group think. Those poor people are just lucky to be cruising type thinking. How many people cruising do you think fit in the category you mentioned? I'd hazard to say less than 10%. After 35 cruises, we have met many people and they pretty much all are very comfortable financially. Everyone has to choose how to spend their money, but I see some who justify what they do by whining. Alcohol packages aren't required either, yet plenty of people buy them, some of who probably don't have the money, but want to drink all day.
  15. Where did I say that? I said it will be a good change for ME based on the fact that apparently escargot won't be offered everyday. Geez, I'm just looking forward to different items. Not to mention, most of us have had these menus many times over the last few years and it's tired.
  16. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/about-us/vicki-freed
  17. In time for our April cruise. I'm actually kind of excited for something new. As someone who doesn't eat snails and can't eat shellfish, it'll be a good change.
  18. Per person. I can't believe I had to state that. Point is, people think nothing of spending thousands for the cruise, drink packages, etc, but not a passport. Not to mention travel insurance. I just think it's an excuse.
  19. I got one in 1982 at 22 because I traveled to Europe to visit my DH when he was active Navy. I went to Italy at 22 and France at 24. Before that I had never imagined I would need a passport. Fast forward to 2005 when we started cruising and I had let my original expire so I had to start the process all over. So, now I'm on my third passport, and will be getting my fourth. Growing up, the only "foreign" travel anyone in my family had done was driving to Mexico where you didn't need a passport and my great uncle who served in Guam during WWII where he only needed his orders. When I was growing up, I thought only wealthy people had passports because no one we knew traveled overseas or cruised. Now, everyone I know has been out of the country (my generation of siblings, our sons, cousins, nieces and nephews). My parents are 85 and have only been to Mex and Canada. Never say never. My feeling also is that if you can afford to spent $1,000 or more on a cruise, you can afford to spend $120 on a passport. How many of those saying they don't want to spend the money on a passport are spending $1000 and up on drink packages?
  20. It will also show up on the app, usually day of. They don't assign tables until the cruise before so it appears on your seapass card and the app but not until boarding day. It's assigned by the maitre'd onboard.
  21. My passport expires in Aug 2024. We have a cruise in April 2024 and again in Nov 2024. As soon as I return from my April cruise, I will send it in for renewal. Heck, I might even send it in after our Oct/Nov 2023 cruise just to make sure. So what if it has almost a year on it. I don't nickel and dime anything.
  22. We did it twice and enjoyed it, both times on Anthem. First time, when ship was very new, they weighed us. Second time in 2018, they didn't.
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