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Everything posted by BND

  1. I just uninstalled and reinstalled and it works. DH did the same. I'm glad none of my other apps are that screwed up.
  2. App isn't working for either me or DH right now. It wants us to add a cruise, but all our upcoming cruises were listed previously. And, I see no update for it. We just assumed the app is down right now.
  3. I think it's an easy way to test out smokeless casinos without making the full up one so until they see the results. It's coming by the way as cigarette smokers are a smaller and smaller percentage of the population.
  4. As for the statement made that we're all rich here, by the world's standards, we are. Even people living paycheck to paycheck, at the poverty line, on welfare, are all wealthy when compared to many other people in the world. When we were in our 20's and 30's and I was home with our boys, we could barely afford a weekend at the beach on the bay side in a motel. Things change as you get older. I went back to work and made pretty good money for what I was doing. DH got promoted and he also retired from the Navy reserves which left a gap in income for about 6 years before he started drawing that retirement. Kids get through college, they move out, get married, etc, you get closer to or actually retire and you have a lot more disposable income. Also, we made sure to pay ourselves first (401K's) so we'd have more when we retired. All of that were choices we made. Now, we're reaping the benefits. As for the OP, she's cracking me up with the talk about spending 5K on a trip but acting like saving 10K for carpeting is hard, all while talking like they're rolling in dough. And, she sees spending 100K on a car as worth it.
  5. Fortunately both our "kids" make very good money. Youngest DS (36) makes just over what my DH makes because he chose IT and is very good at it and managing people. His wife can't work so he's their income. Oldest DS (39) is an engineer and makes just about as much and his wife is an RN so they're very comfortable. Both boys have had good jobs since they finished school and both own single family homes. They put the effort in. My friends gave their kids down payments on houses which the kids never paid back (they should have). They had families and jobs. We spend money on our kids but I'm not giving them our equity. We did use some equity to help pay for college but never would I just give them the equity. But, as has been said, everyone has to make their own choices. The green eyed monster always comes into play though.
  6. And, we have friends who aren't exactly wealthy. She makes good money and he's retired, but they gave so much to their kids before they retired that they had very little equity in their home when they sold it. They don't own now as they are renting. A few years ago, they took 20K out of their retirement account (we bit our tongues) and took the whole family on a cruise. Was that a good financial decision? Not particularly. Do they regret it? Not now. Point is, you don't have to be wealthy to spend that kind of money. As I said before, it's choices. We used to only cruise in GS the first few years we cruised. We moved to JS when they started requiring double deposit for GS and, on longer cruises which we were taking, meant $1800 was tied up for one cruise for over a year. But, that was our choice as we could afford it, we just didn't like giving up that much for each of our 2-3 at a time booked cruises. When we close on our previous home at the end of April (we just moved), we'll be paying off our new to us home so we'll only have taxes and insurance on it. Our payments are currently both very large, so it will mean freeing up a lot of money. A lot of seniors who had decent retirements set up have no mortgage so it's much easier to choose what's important to spend money on and can do so without worry.
  7. We've sailed with Autism on the Seas and they are a great organization. They provide a quiet room for them in the conference rooms so they can go decompress. It's an all volunteer organization and gives the families a break as the volunteers do activities (swimming in particular) with the autistic person (they work with all ages) so the families can relax and do something they couldn't easily do with their family member. We've been on with them and honestly, we really didn't notice anything different. Unlike other groups that just take over public spaces, they tend to do small group events and one on ones.
  8. And, you are fortunate to have been able to retire at 59 (no SS at that age though). Obviously you live somewhere where you can afford to. 50K here isn't enough to live on unless you have savings to supplement it and/or you don't do anything else except live. People forget where you live impacts how far your money goes. Average single family home in the NoVA area (unless you want a complete fixer upper) is over $500K so incomes, hence savings are higher. My point is that the OP makes choices as to how they spend their money. And, I retired at 60, but my DH is 65 and still works so he can max out his SS because we want to keep cruising as long as possible. We go 2-4 times per year depending on whether we do a b2b. And, we also get the "you're cruising again" question. Although DH works with a few people who go quarterly to timeshares in the Carribbean and Mexico so they don't question it.
  9. The same way people afford 100K cars and 2 million dollar homes. Choices. I would say most people on these boards make six figures (it's very common now). DH and I just moved. We bought our new home before selling our last one. Once we close as we have a contract, we'll have a very small (if any) mortgage. We have no other debt. Our household income is over 200K and I'm retired. Our net worth is north of yours. When DH retires, we'll prob still be close to that number. But, we live in a fairly high cost of living area. We have multiple sources of income. While we don't spend 20K on a suite, we do always cruise in a JS. If you spend $600/night on a hotel, you can do a 20K suite. You just choose not to.
  10. I just don't enjoy people soup. Hot tubs tend to be much more crowded than pools and I've seen people sit in them for long periods of time drinking. Have to wonder how long their bladders can do that for. That's particularly common in the Solarium. But, everyone can decide for themselves.
  11. How about minors traveling with who they live with, get the highest status? Otherwise, what do you consider a "family" group? You could get a group of 25-30 family traveling together using the status of one person. How do you determine who is "family" To keep it simple, they've always used people traveling together who live at the same address. It has been a ridiculous policy to allow inheritance, but has only become a real problem in the last few years. In reality, it should be each person has their own status and points with minors having their parent/guardian status til they are adults like is being reportedly being done now.
  12. I have no problem with this policy. Status should not be inherited. I always thought it was a weird policy. The numbers are getting way out of hand.
  13. WOW. I never said they can do no wrong, but saying EVERYTHING was wrong doesn't carry any weight. As you said, SOME!. OP said ALL. BTW, do you think someone who books at a specific price and then complains about the price isn't at fault for booking at that price?
  14. BTW, others said basically the same thing. Why focus on my post? Do you not think people need to take responsibility for their decisions?
  15. It's so subjective. We enjoyed Jewel's solarium, but also love Anthem and Oasis class. The reality is we like all solariums when we can find a lounger in the shade.
  16. It's not there. The one that is there is the one asking where the original one went. So, you need to look again.
  17. Heartless? People need to take responsibility for what they do and grow up. No one made him take this cruise or pay what he did.
  18. Um, okay. You're one of "those" lol You didn't even say what exactly you mean by your post.
  19. Cruise out of Baltimore or NJ. Lots of families year round, even on the longer cruises and they're sold out every trip.
  20. You mean all those parents who say their kids are "mature" for their age? Are some, absolutely, but that is not a hallmark of most teenagers. Monitoring your kids is not being mean, it's being responsible and teaching them important life lessons. I can always tell the adults who were raised by parents who thought their job was to be their kids "friend". Most are adults who make terrible life choices.
  21. So, people are supposed to run away because people don't make their kids behave? We've had no issues with cruises with well behaved kids (usually that's cruises with the number of kids the ship can actually handle in it's youth programs). Why should anyone have to switch from a cruise line they have been sailing on for years? Personally, IMHO, the cruise line should limit the number of kids under 18 to what the programs can handle. That makes the most sense for everyone. And, who knows if this behavior continues, it may come to that. I wonder how those parents feel who have been kicked off the ship (and probably banned) feel after the fact? I know they most likely blame the cruise line which is 100% the problem.
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