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Everything posted by mz-s

  1. I don't see how anybody could fool themselves into thinking this recession will be any different than any other. Of course it will affect Carnival.
  2. I agree with that. I don't know that I've ever seen one with names or addresses on it however.
  3. Yes it's true an exact comparison isn't possible, but my point was I didn't pay 3x as much as I would have paid for a Carnival cruise that is as similar as I can make it. Thank you for the video, we are excited!
  4. I've been on the Sunshine several times. I am not familiar with Mr. Cashman however, don't think I've ever seen it.
  5. Around the slides is a place people often ignore. Just make sure they won't blow off the open deck!
  6. When we decided we wanted to fly to our next cruise, that opened up options to pretty much whatever we want to do and my wife went to Disney last year with her best friend and wanted to try a Disney cruise. We got a great deal on a Halloween cruise on Disney Dream in a veranda room. Yes it's more than Carnival but it's not three times as much. A 5-day Carnival cruise on a newer ship in a balcony might be $1200-1500 for two. For Disney we're paying $1900. Obviously many of us on here can get offers for really cheap cruises (my last cruise on Carnival was $20 plus port charges), I'm going by what the average new cruiser would pay.
  7. I imagine so, all the companions can see each other's names in their cruise manager (and likely on the hub app once onboard as well).
  8. It's incredible how little traffic that venue gets, yet Carnival still keeps it.
  9. I reckon if you want to wait on hold be my guest. But you can invite cruise companions under Booking & Order Details on your cruise manager on Carnival.com.
  10. Yes nobody knows that is certainly true - but Ray Charles can look at the stock right now and tell it ain't going back up any time soon.
  11. So far yes, only Carnival, but have a Disney cruise coming up in October. For the longest time we didn't want to fly and Carnival's port in Charleston was an easy, affordable way for us to cruise and we loved the product so had no need to venture out to try other lines.
  12. She is a relic of a bygone era of cruising but you will have a great time. She's one of the oldest cruise ships afloat right now so temper any expectations you may have. We've been on newer ships but my wife and I often get off a cruise and say "we had a great time but we'd just as soon have been on Ecstasy"
  13. Yes, they're building a private resort (like Amber Cove I'd assume, or Princess Cays) on Grand Bahama Island near Freeport.
  14. I just used medivac as an example of "this is too expensive for me to self insure" That dollar amount is different for everybody. Some people may need insurance for an unexpected $1200 doctor bill in Nassau. I could absorb that without needing insurance. Everyone has their own comfort level.
  15. It's called an emergency fund. I don't bother insuring for a $500 emergency. Now if I did need to be medivac'ed off a ship, that's something that I'd need insurance for obviously.
  16. Pay for the care with all the money you've saved by not taking out travel insurance all these years, would be one way to handle it.
  17. More like 100%+ but not really a problem, cruise ships are designed to sail full.
  18. Boats fit on ships, the boats on Carnival ships are typically only used for emergencies.
  19. no room for anything like that on the boats anyway
  20. Buy on the way up, not the way down.
  21. There are no dress code rules on Carnival anymore, except in the steakhouse. That's the only place they enforce them. The Ecstasy doesn't have a steakhouse. Any bar on Ecstasy can make an old fashioned or grey goose cosmo.
  22. I would be very nervous about relying on connecting flights to get me to my cruise on time. But I have flown in the morning of a cruise several times with no issue. It's all up to everyone's individual comfort level.
  23. You used to get a discount for buying a bucket. $7.50 each is not a discount at all. Maybe they rang it up wrong? Or maybe the bucket discount is gone.
  24. Does the flight you originally booked even exist anymore? It is possible that Southwest cancelled it and Carnival had to book you the next best choice. I hope you understand that Carnival doesn't control Southwest's schedules, all they can do is react to the schedule.
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