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Cpt Pugwash

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Everything posted by Cpt Pugwash

  1. I paid by cash a few years ago and didn't use credit card but you have to leave money behind Customer Services desk at start of cruise and the amount you spend each day is taken off so if you spend a lot you can always top it up.
  2. Ya Big Sook. Should get some Brownie Points for that one. 😄
  3. The quizzes on P&O always made me laugh so many people 'desperate' to win the piece of tat that was First Prize. Remember one which was meant o be a bit of fun where the correct answer was the most common answer and one of the questions was 'Which outfit would you hire for your Mother-in-Law to wear at Halloween.? Don't think i need to print the answer anybody with two brain cells will know the answer but the people that guessed correct were standing up chearing like they had just won something.😌
  4. That reminds me of the sign i seen on the Azura years ago when entering through Security a list of items you were not allowed to bring onboard, the usual guns, knives, explosives but further down the list it made me laugh No Chainsaws allowed onboard. So if you were thinking of taking a Chainsaw better not don't want to get into trouble do you. 😂
  5. Exactly what i have thought so many people asking this question over the years. I got 'crucified' on another P&O Forum for saying Olden has must have changed a lot since i was there in 2012 when the Captain Announced 'What you See is What you Get' there was that little in the place.
  6. Lucky she didn't have Lunch when ashore the prices would have given a heart attack. Prices of everything in Norway are a lot higher than here in the UK but there average wage and standards of living are lot highers than ours so not expensive to those staying there. Something anyone planing to visit Norway for first time should note. Beautiful Country, Lovely People but if you don't know about prices before you go can be a shock.
  7. Hi folks i am travelling on the trip above and though not a wheelchair user i am limited in the amount of walking i can do and have looked at the on shore trips available but most without a lot of walking are those that you spend hours sitting on a coach watching the scenery go by which i don't want to do. Does anyone have any personal experiences of trips where there is limited walking or having to sit on a coach for hours booked through P&O or privately.? Thank You for your help, any info appreciated.
  8. That would be me but worse as i have a Prosthetic Leg Leg. 😁😁😁
  9. i noticed today a new Ferrari Dealership is being built a few miles from me. i wonder if it will be finished in time for me changing my Mobility Motor. 🙂 Once i'm in one there never getting it back cause i'll never be able to get out of it. 😂
  10. That's why i only take photo's of other people never myself. 😷
  11. I have never wanted anything taken away because i didn't like it as this was one of the reasons i was going to cancel my first cruise when read many times on the old P&O Forum of so many people saying there's only one way to do things MY way but was talked into not cancelling by others and thank those that did when i came back i just have a Objection with the Hard Sell have Photographers onboard without that i'd be fine with. P.S I did not mention in my post about them saying that i was cutting through Security when i had nothing to do with Security because it affected everyone but they STILL told me that rubbish, and i am Disabled and still expected me and other's to stand in a queue for something myself and many others were Not interested in. What is that if it is not the Hard Sell.? Would you like the Hard Sell if everytime you looked in one of the shop windows onboard if someone came out and try to talk you into buy something though you had no interest anything they sold.?
  12. The Photographers on the Quayside ARE those from the ship trying to get you to but a photo next to the ship. Yes i can see your point and others of wanting them there to take 'Special' Photo's but it's the Hard Sell that annoys me everywhere you go they want to sell you a Photo. My first cruise i took over a 1,000 photo's then deleted the ones i didn't like, do you think i want or need anybody to take my Photo.? Especially with my head sticking through a hole on a board like they wanted everyone to queue at Southampton for Including every person not interested in one.
  13. It's Maritime Law, when a SOS goes out the nearest ship no matter what country or size they are MUST answer that call and do there best to rescue those in danger.
  14. Sorry i'm booked on Iona in April in a Partial Accessible Cabin and on Britannia in June in Partial. Every ship that had Fully Accessible Cabins that there is not enough space for a Full time Wheelchair User or Scooter User to turn around in were re-classified as Partial.
  15. I understand where your coming from but when the OP fills in the Accessible Form when they say they are not a Full Time Wheelchair user or Full Time Scooter user they will be only allowed to book a Partially Accessible Cabin which Mobility at Sea can advise them on having different sizes of Scooters to hire and know the sizes allowed in each Cabin. I had booked a cruise this year that i Cancelled due to the on going question on Covid and they had advised me what size of Scooter i was allowed in Cabin when P&O changed my Cabin from Fully Accessible to Partially Accessible which was just as they re-graded the Accessible Cabins.
  16. Of you could consider hiring one from Mobility at Sea who work with p&o and many other cruise companies and if you know your Cabin No they will tel you what size is allowed in that cabin.
  17. No doubt it ,any hiring for day would be in town centre.
  18. The problem you would have there is Charging Battery for next day use.
  19. They must tell you as you go on or as you board or no one would know where there Muster Station was. The only times i've been on a cruise was a few years ago where you were told where to meet later on.
  20. Did you tick yes to the question in the Accessibility Form if you would need help in a Emergency? if yes the Member of Staff coming to help should know the best way to go . If No just ask at reception when you board. Take Care,
  21. No that would be no use taking the one your Divorcing, maybe Celebration Cruise AFTER you Divorce them. 😁
  22. Yes may be but if any offence is taken there should be NONE as no malice was intended. Anyway here's a little video to 'even' the sides up. ENJOY Scottish Wedding Singer..mp4
  23. They do have a Special Section on there Website about Arranging Special Occasions onboard so i would suggest that Dept. Good Luck
  24. Contact P&O direct and tell them you idea's of your Proposal i am sure they will be able to make it Special for you Both. They do Weddings onboard so i can't see a Proposal being a problem to them. Good Luck to both of you. (And if she say's NO just push her overboard.) 😇
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