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Everything posted by Georgia_Peaches

  1. I agree that many of the YC benefits may be lost on you due to your young children. As you point out, kids could care less about canapĆ©s. In fact, the biggest appeal for them will likely be outside of YC altogether (pools, water park, slides, kid zones). For us, in the era of younger children, YC would pay off for priority everything. Traveling with children makes priority this or that very appealing. BTW, I wasnā€™t aware of the Pullman set up you described in the YC deluxe. That could work.
  2. Can you share some insight on any added benefits to booking the RS or OS vs the YC deluxe or interior? (Besides space) On celebrity there are some added benefits to those categories but Iā€™m relatively new to MSC so not as up on all the benefits. TIA
  3. I actually priced a cruise that I have my eye on today and itā€™s the same price as last week. Was hoping for a little better price but at least it didnā€™t go up. Maybe yours will come down again.
  4. IMO traveling with 3 kids in a YC deluxe would be a true test of patience and in no way sounds relaxing or enjoyable. Could you do it? Probably. Having said that, if you can swing it, YC is the only way to go. Perhaps investigate your sleeping options further. I know there are larger YC categories.
  5. Thank you for the compliment. Iā€™m not sure Netflix is blocked as much as the signal strength just isnā€™t strong enough to support streaming. You can upgrade to a streaming package but YMMV. I had no problems with the included wifi and was able to stream music from YouTube with no problem. I didnā€™t try Netflix.
  6. Great suggestion regarding the universal adapter! Regarding the stateroom hair dryer, I find it too cumbersome due to the fact you have to hold in the button when using...
  7. Weā€™ve had to call them to get any 5% discount applied. Havenā€™t tried for the wifi but this was the process for getting the 5% off the cruise.
  8. No clock in our room. There was a USB port, regular outlet and European outlet on the desk area. No outlets by the bed. I brought a regular, 2 prong extension cord to plug my phone into for charging and kept it on the night stand for my clock.
  9. Ohhh the blinking red light is the worst!! Iā€™ve never been able to get it to stop. On one cruise I put the phone in a drawer but another time the phone wouldnā€™t reach a drawer so we piled up extra pillows on top of the phone. It got to where our cabin steward caught on to our problem and at turn down heā€™d pile the extra pillows on top of the phone for us. Iā€™m telling you, itā€™s the little things that they pick up on that really earn them our generous tip at the end of the voyage.
  10. This is so interesting. The correlation to the knocking and banging is rough seas but whatā€™s actually causing the noise? Do they know? Iā€™m an earplug sleeper as well bc DH sounds like a freight train when he sleeps but that has to be very frustrating for those light sleepers out there.
  11. The first seating was 6pm and second was 8:30 on our sailing. Sounds like the times in the drop down menu werenā€™t updated after the Mera returned back stateside. I suggest you just select whichever one you prefer, early or late, but plan on the actual times to be different once on board.
  12. Sorry to hear they got sick. If they were all vaxxed and boosted makes me wonder how they got it tho. šŸ¤”
  13. Sadly, this could be describing my beloved city of Atlanta.
  14. Lots of folks suggesting the use of the search function in lieu of starting a thread and I am in complete agreement that the search function is really good. But I would also like to point out that lots of content surfaces in a search that can, at times, be quite dated. I'm speaking in general terms of course but I don't think it's a bad idea to have fresh perspectives on any topic that may have been discussed before. Current info on anything, especially post covid is always good information. Just my opinion.
  15. YC is so much more than butler service! Itā€™s priority everything, private lounge, sun deck, restaurant (on the ships Iā€™ve sailed), prime location on the ship, included drinks and wifiā€¦ excellent service, dedicated conciergeā€¦ Iā€™ve never done an experience outside the YC but the perks mentioned above make it a No brainer good value for us.
  16. We once docked along side a Costa ship. Canā€™t remember which one but it was significantly smaller than the one we were on and we had a nice view of their private sun deck area. Had a hot tub and several loungersā€¦and nude sunbathers. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
  17. Following. Very intrigued by Brazil cruising as well.
  18. Beautiful cabin! I love room tour videos and pour over them before we book. So helpful! Thank you. If thereā€™s a place to post this on a stickie tan at the top of the page, I encourage you to post there as well. edit: no room category stickie at the top of the page. I think there should be!
  19. What was the process for using your 30% off voucher? Did you book direct or through a TA?
  20. That's a shame about the lack of hot tub. Was wondering if a RS is still considered a higher level suite with all the perks afforded that category on an S and M class ship. I could be mistaken but I thought I read somewhere that they are not considered "upper suites" on E class ships.
  21. The short answer is YES! I am just off a 4 night cruise and needed 900 points, which I accumulated pretty quickly šŸ˜Ž and was offered a 30% off voucher for my next cruise in any stateroom category. This can also be combined with the 5% off loyalty perk, so a sweet deal IMO. To @Essiesmom point regarding the international crowd, we did not find this at all (to my disappointment) on our 4 night cruise but did so in a big way on our 7 night cruise. In fact, announcements were only given in English on our 4 night sailing. It makes me think that shorter cruises may be less of a draw to international cruisers but I'm going to have to book several more short cruises to properly test my hypothesis šŸ¹!
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