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Everything posted by OneSixtyToOne

  1. This message appeared in MVJ today. First time I ever saw this. Promo FV424, usable on website if you already have a booking.
  2. If you are flying from Toronto, myself and others have horror stories about that airport and Air Canada. I avoid both.
  3. One more point. If you read your invoice, Viking states the air itinerary is selected about 150 days out. They ticket about 100 days out. You have between those two milestones to use MVJ to change your flights, cities, etc. After ticketing you can change things like seat assignments. As stated in another post, Viking is using contracted seats. These may not correlate to seat availability that you see when searching an airline’s website. They are essentially a different inventory of seats. Even if you pay Air Plus, if you want a different flight, there may be an up change because Viking may be purchasing those seats on the open market.
  4. This has been covered extensively on this forum by @FlyerTalker and others. Airlines use placeholders for what they “think” their scheduled flights will be. Everything is subject to change. At 5 months out nothing is in stone. I am 100 days out from our next trip and just had an equipment change that altered our seat assignments. We also have had 2 schedule changes. On our last trip back from Europe, Lufthansa stop flying into our destination city on Sundays. This occurred while we were in the middle of a cruise about 10 days out from our return. It required an insane return route to get us home. Instead of a non-stop from Munich we had to go through Frankfurt and make connections in the U.S. This added 9 more hours to our travel. Viking doesn’t actually ticket and lock down your trip until about 100 days out. You and Viking are operating at the mercy of the airlines.
  5. So you dock in San Diego on the 18th? Sounds like I have a photo op to take a picture of the ship. What excursions are you looking at? Pandas are expected to be back at the zoo later this year. Was just there last week. They are refurbishing the enclosure.
  6. We toured The Alhambra with Viking and here are a few things to be aware of. It sells out within minutes. Be sure you try and book as soon as reservations open. Book and pay for it immediately. The Alhambra restricts the number of busses allowed by cruise lines to one single bus per day per line. Admission tickets must have the passenger's name printed on it. Because of this, even if there are cancellations onboard, the seats will not be resold. You are subject to random ID checks during the tour at checkpoints. You must carry your passport and the name must match what is printed on the ticket. It was an awesome experience that has to be seen to be believed. Celestial ceiling
  7. Wonder why they scheduled this cruise with Malta on Christmas and Malaga on New Year’s Day? They now have scheduled them for sea days. Malta is a very Catholic country and I envision that everything will be closed on Christmas Day and Christmas Eve everything will shut down well before sunset.
  8. I’ve been on MVJ extensively this week selecting excursions and checking the status of the sold out excursions multiple times a day and have never encountered “maintenance.” Are you sure you don’t have multiple browsers or connections to the website open simultaneously? This can cause your data to be locked.
  9. The waitstaff serves you when you sit down. They are generous with the refill and people have been known to refill and then take their glass with them to other parts of the ship. If you have the SSP you are given a different glass so the staff knows what to refill.
  10. Welcome to the Viking Ocean board where general questions and comments are posted. There is a separate area for roll calls for specific sailings. For better results and to reach people on your cruise, this request should be posted in the roll call for your sailing which you can find here:
  11. We were on the Santiago to Ushuaia leg last October and there were only 40 pax on the World Cruise. It not real high demand so any discounts you see will probably be going on for at least several months. Booking onboard your next cruise might give you the biggest incentive unless something else pops up first. Be aware of any current promo codes before you sail in July. The tour consultant might be unaware of all that is available. If you provide the code they can compare it with other available discounts. Since the World Cruise has a limited customer base, the legs of the cruise are heavily discounted from time to time. We got ours at about a 40% discount with free stateroom upgrade, free beverage package and free air included. It was a deal we couldn’t pass up. We booked about 10 months out. This is basically a repositioning cruise from the Arctic to the Austral summer. The main draw is the Antarctic leg, which may fill up by being sold as a separate sailing. Here is my writeup of our leg of the trip: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2968838-almost-live-viking-octantis-chilean-fjords-patagonia-explorer-october-17-30-2023/
  12. Viking River’s Paris to Switzerland itinerary is now offering two new extensions that feature rail journeys. That now makes 3 Swiss rail extensions. It appears they are already moving in the direction of more land base options to feed into their various cruise itineraries.
  13. This one in Buenos Aires? It’s right down the street from the hotel we stayed at on the Viking extension.
  14. Yes, both port and starboard sides. Also the far port and starboard elevators are the only ones going to deck 6. There are also two out of the way elevators, one fore and aft. Fore is by the Explorer’s Lounge and will take you to The Hide. Aft will take you to the back of the World Cafe and down to the theater. i love this ship. Walking around is like an expedition in itself.
  15. Also the area between 4024/4026 and opposite is a quite little sitting area.
  16. It is an opening to the stairwells, no wall there. We stayed on Deck 4 aft. Often I would exit the elevator, go straight into this area then veer into the hallway through the opening. I would do the opposite going to the elevator or staircase. On the deck plan diagram, if you erase the thin black line in front of 4028/4029, that is what the floor plan really looks like.
  17. During the summer they project a fantastic multimedia light show on Rouen Cathedral. We stumbled upon it one night when docked there. Video in link: https://en.normandie-tourisme.fr/highlight/rouen-cathedral-light-show/
  18. We only had 8 people on the tour and 2 were crew members who tagged along. The cemetery and wreath laying was moving.
  19. FYI Gold Beach is off the beaten track. Viking currently does excursions to Omaha Beach and Juno Beach (Viking River, not sure about VO) Omaha is the overwhelming choice for American pax. Juno Beach is part of the Commonwealth excursion. There is a visitor center there staffed by Canadian college students (the same age as those who died there). It also visits the Pegasus Bridge which was featured in the movie The Longest Day. The museum also has full scale replicas of the gliders used in the assault. The first Allied casualty of D-Day occurred here. Viewing the Bayeux Tapestry is also a stop on the excursion. Since most pax are Americans who want to go to Omaha, this excursion has very few participants. I highly recommend it. Actual post D-Day photo of the crashed gliders and the critical bridge. They dropped in on the German soldiers and took the bridge in minutes, then held it through counter assaults until relieved many hours later.
  20. Don’t overpack. The self-service laundry is completely. Dress in layers and take a good raincoat or weatherproof jacket. Depending on itinerary, the wind may be brutal. A scarf or neck gator is advised. If raining, even with a hooded jacket, a hat with a brim will help keep the rain off your face A warm sweater is helpful. The Star Theater cranks up the A/C to cool it down for performances. It’s always freezing in there.
  21. There are umbrellas provided in the cabin and also at the gangplank when raining. However they are VERY large. I pack a travel umbrella. I was given a Davek for my birthday. By far the best umbrella I’ve ever used. One button open and close, made to get in and out of cabs. It’s also wind proof. Lifetime guarantee. 50% off replacement if lost or stolen. As a bonus, it has a very NYC feature, a heavy metal knob on the end that can be used to beat a mugger. https://davekny.com
  22. Yes. It changed after it was canned as rations during the Civil War and later railroads started to serve it. It was probably this cachet of travel and adventure they led it to be seen as a luxury food. https://www.samuelsseafood.com/blog/from-trash-to-treasure-the-great-american-lobster-history/#:~:text=It wasn't until the,started to become more mainstream.
  23. Just got a letter from the Chairman in today’s mail. Viking Sobek is launching 5 months early. Also, the Jerusalem extension has now been replaced with Istanbul or Alexandria. Promo SE4
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