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Everything posted by Heartgrove

  1. Not trying to offend but just being logical with your concern of you passing germs to other passengers. We are currently onboard a HAL ship right now for a 14-night cruise with 1,450 passengers and there have only been five COVID cases. The crew wore masks the first seven days and masks are now optional for them; passengers with masks are probably less than 10%. The crew is constantly sanitizing the ship and we feel very safe. Post-cruise infections are more than likely the travel home, not from the cruise.
  2. Thank you for identifying feeling ill. Your assumption of the man coughing is a common misconception of COVID transmission. There has been a flu virus this season that is not COVID but has still made people sick.. You should have been given the option of your husband going into isolation alone and you being just testing negative two more times to be cleared. That way you would not have the fear of passing COVID germs. Remember you are only contagious Days 0-5. Your husband will need to test negative to be released from isolation.
  3. Follow what HAL4NOW said and ask for a supervisor. The supervisor will review the taped conversation as well. It should not be an issue getting a new PCC.
  4. 11 nights into a 14 night Transatlantic and still seeing men in shorts and flip flops in MDR.
  5. This ship hasn't been built yet but my guess is a double sofa bed and one pullman from the wall or ceiling. Those plus the bed would equal five.
  6. Thank you @mawvkysc and @Two Wheels Only for your responses. I am currently on a HAL ship in the middle of the Atlantic with the basic Surf package that is performing quite well! I understand that I can just ignore any offers that may be included in my cruise fare on any cruise line or have already added. But, for example HAL tells me that I already have something and doesn't allow me add it a second time. Maybe the MSC site is not as adept. We still enjoy cruising with them.
  7. Then why offer an enhancement to someone already booked in an Experience that automatically is included? I never tried to add it to see of it would allow me to include it twice. What would be the sense in that?
  8. Another area where the website conflicts with the options available. We were offered a WiFi package and a drink passage - even though we were in YC where those are automatically included.
  9. We were recently aboard the Splendida in YC sailing the Med. My wife is gluten intolerant but not celiac. She identified as GF. The waiters were initially like GF police as to what she could order. There was a separate GF menu. Eventually they lightened up and allowed her leeway with ordering items from the regular menu. They would offer her a number of different rolls that were GF that she said were quite tasty.
  10. Hit or miss with the FCC as to attitude. Our current one is off the ship in 17 days so helpful but not very friendly. We have had better.
  11. We are currently in a verandah aboard the Oosterdam which should have same layout of electrical plugs. What I have found is that the USB ports are of the lower amperage capacity and are less than ideal on recharging camera batteries. Good for phones. It is best to use the charger that the device came with in the 110v/220v receptacle.
  12. We normally tip $2 - $5 for room service. Not sure if you have ever lifted a tray full of food but they are heavy. Plus the added stress of navigating into the staterooms without an upset, they deserve the individual tip.
  13. If you choose Midships, the verandahs on Deck Four are shallower than decks above. Deck Six is a good choice as you will be above the line of sight of the lifeboats/tenders.
  14. We are currently on a 14-night Transatlantic aboard the Oosterdam. The cost for the Unlimited laundry is $129.00. After spending three weeks in Italy, France, and Spain before embarking, the Unlimited is well worth it.
  15. Lenda, that ship is probably the USS Independence, a stealth-type ship for close in combat.
  16. No it doesn't seem worse than usual after sailing on other Pinnacle, Signature, and Vista class ships on the upper decks. The rolling seas that we are currently experiencing does play a part. But the bench is bolted to the deck in the MDR. I am going to avoid them from now on. We also are just off of a MSC ship a week ago with shaft driven propellers so my comparison is pretty fresh whereas my Veendam cruise. not so fresh, and was seven years ago. The MSC ship has an entirely different deck layout as well.
  17. Thank you all for being here! Remembering the 29 sailors that went down 47 years ago today on Lake Superior aboard the SS Edmund Fitzgerald. Stay Safe! - Jack
  18. Currently on the Oosterdam and was seated in the Deck 2 MDR on a banquet seat bench while my wife sat in a chair the other night. I can usually tolerate vibration but this was terrible. It seems chairs do not transmit as much vibration. The port side azipod sounded as if it had a flat tire due to the condition of the seas. Years ago my berthing was aft when I was in the USCG so I am familiar with cavitation. For those days I didn't have a choice but now I do. Ships with traditional shaft driven propellers seem to exhibit less vibration IMO.
  19. We disembarked the Splendida in Genoa at the MSC Terminal on October 29. We were able to take the 10:47 Reginale to Allasandria with time to spare. But would not have been able to catch the 9:47.
  20. Correct. HAL shore excursion passengers will have priority for early tenders.
  21. My mother's mother lived with us when I was growing up and did the majority of the cooking. She was Irish and as such we were served a lot of "grey" meat. Yes, she served lamb with the mint jelly that was .... I became a connoisseur of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It took a trip to New Zealand for me to venture having lamb again. It can be prepared properly!
  22. We were in YC aboard the MSC Splendida two weeks ago. There was a marked difference in port and at sea for service. Better have a backup plan.
  23. On our MSC Splendida cruise two weeks ago, a crew member told me that they embarked the majority of passengers in Marseille. The same would probably hold true for disembarkation - and more crowds wishing to leave.
  24. It was like this in 2021 with poorly managed Viking Ocean excursions for Iceland. No excursions until about three weeks before sailing - and then opened the excursion bookings at noon to 4K+ customers for Iceland and Greece sailings. Total fiasco overloading their Shorex!
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