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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. One lady is making Hennifer, several Barbbeak, a couple of Rastifarihens are being made which I can't wait to see. There will several that are made from stash yarn too and some crochet hens. It was the names that sold most of us on doing this. LOL
  2. She is not for sale. There were 19 of us at the shop who decided to order kits and have a knit a long with them. We got together last Sunday at a nice brewhouse to get started and help each other out with anything we didn't understand in the instructions. Most of us don't normally make stuffed animals so it was a little confusing at times. Tuesday I was at the shop and finished her except for the stuffing which I finished today. I am the first one finished but I think several people are finishing today. At some point we are going to have a big photo shoot with them all.
  3. The newest trend in knitting is Emotional Support Chickens. Several people at the shop decided to order kits which are based on celebrities. LOL I present Tailfeather Swift
  4. Surprise, surprise, surprise as Gomer Pyle used to say. The Dr. said the little stone had passed just like I thought and then he said pointing to the image "this one is too big to pass". Sigh. So now I find out what he wants to do about it on July 15th. I just hope it will be a quick fix cause I have a lot of things coming up this fall.
  5. What a wonderful cruise. The food looks really good. I am so glad you had a good time.
  6. Can't imagine any number of personal reasons but okay. When asked about passports or no passports you give your thoughts and I will give mine.
  7. Not having a passport does limit people.to only take closed loop cruises. Our favorite cruises all required passports. Two Alaskan cruises and a Norwegian fjord cruise.
  8. I thought the first post was about people showing up and being denied boarding due to not having proper documentation or having to scramble to get the proper documentation. Over the years people have posted all kinds of stories about not having a certified birth certificate and having to scramble. On our train trip out of Ketchikan the border official gave one poor guy a really hard time for just having a birth certificate. I tend to err on the side of being prepared since I don't want to be the one in a million that has an issue. I get that you are a big cheerleader for no passport, while I am of the opinion of just get one and you are all set - they really don't cost that much.
  9. To all the people choosing not to get passports. That is your choice however, don't come on here to cry when something goes wrong. Don't blame the cruise company for not letting you on. Don't cry to the national news media how poorly you were treated, how you were abandoned in a foreign port and couldn't catch a plane back home immediately. Just suck it up an realize that maybe you should have gone ahead and gotten that passport.
  10. I do feel better. I think it passed. It takes a lot to make me cry but this did. I never had one before and hopefully this is a one and done.
  11. Thank you. It must have passed Friday night because my symptoms have gone away. I will find out for sure tomorrow at the Dr.
  12. The meds they gave me really helped so far. I am just tender and icky feeling. I am glad I have an appointment Monday to see what the urologist says.
  13. I am drinking water like crazy. I usually drink a couple of bottles of water a day and I am upping that. I did take the dog on his walk this evening and now I am sitting and knitting. The Dr said he didn't think it would take much longer and it was small. At least I am not dealing with this on a cruise.
  14. Well some days are just not meant to go well. For a few weeks I just haven't felt great but nothing that didn't go away. This morning after my husband left for Georgia to go look at a Farmall High Crop made the same year he was born I started having pain on the lower left. The kind of pain that can make a person cry. Called my Dr. No appointments available so suggested I go to urgent care. I was pretty sure that it was more then urgent care could handle. Drove myself to the ER. They are so nice there. No waiting and everyone was so nice even if it did take 3 tries to start the IV line. Tramadol on board and I felt all better and after the CT scan that verified a kidney stone I was sent home with a referral to a urologist. Several meds were sent to the pharmacy. Or maybe not. Half way home they call to say one of the prescriptions glitched so I needed to come back and get a written one to take to the pharmacy. Back I go, get the prescription, drop it off and go home. Call the urologist and have an appointment Monday. The pharmacy texts the prescription is ready. I call and they didn't get the other prescriptions so back I go to the ER to get written ones. Then to the pharmacy. I begged and they filled them while I was there. So that was my day. Sigh.
  15. How upscale is 150? I bring cocktail type dresses, mid-calf not formal and my husband brings slacks with a dress shirt. Not sure he would want to dress up more then that and I really don't want to have to find a formal.
  16. Thank you. We have done Wonderland and while I loved it and would do it again, my husband not so much. We always eat at Izumi and like it but with all the other choices. What is Playmakers? Can anyone eat at 150 or is that for suites? I think we will do Hooked and Mason Jar.
  17. On Wonder of the Seas - if you could pick 3 specialty restaurants which ones would you pick? Has anyone taken a Viking cruise? There is a Great Lakes Cruise I am thinking of but just not sure yet. It goes a lot of places we would like to see and would take many separate trips and many miles to see if we did it with road trips or flights. It is pricey but I think they include a lot of things that we normally have to pay for.
  18. I wouldn't cancel yet. Wait a little longer to see how you feel. We got the first two shots and one booster after that. We stopped wearing masks February 2021 and took several land trips where there were no restrictions. We have started to cruise again after the protocols were lifted. So far neither one of have gotten Covid.
  19. I am sorry this is not going as smoothly as it should. Hopefully soon it will be finalized. That was a wonderful thing you did taking care of everyone. I am excited for you about your new life and the cruise you are.planning. Definitely have to have a bed that works for your back.
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