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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. It happened to my friend. What really scared her was that she realized how closely she came to killing someone. Her line in the sand was if he had started to come in the window.
  2. Several years ago there was a guy high on meth, 2 days out on parole, who car jacked a person in town at 2 a.m. He proceeded to wreck the car into a tree in front of my friend's house which was located 10 min. from town. The police came, could not find the driver and towed the car away. At 7 a.m. the guy woke up from wherever he had passed out and started to bang on my friend's door. She did not open the door and called the cops after getting her gun from the bedside table. The guy then came around to the back porch which was all windows and a door leading into her kitchen. He was yelling at her and breaking the glass on the windows and door, she had set the gun on the counter on speaker so the police and he could hear her tell them that if he came inside she would shoot him. He stopped cleaning the glass from around a window he had broken and wandered over to the neighbor's house to try to break their windows. The sheriffs arrived, took him into custody, put him in the back of the car. While they were talking with my friend he somehow got into the front of the car and tried to drive off. Having all the deputies pointing guns at him convinced him to stop and they took him off to jail. 6 months later he learned he would have 25 years of 3 hots and a cot. My friend is notified every time he comes up for parole and so far he is still incarcerated.
  3. That is an idea. There is an Aldi near my nail salon that I will check out today after my nail appointment. Thank you.
  4. No trick or treaters here because we live in the country, the houses are very far apart and it is dark. Throwing away the useless piece of paper called a power ball ticket. @Lionesssthat reminds me I need to find a new place for glasses. Mine will do for awhile longer but at some point I will need new ones. The place I was going was awful during covid. The receptionist would fly around the counter with her thermometer and proceed to pepper you with questions about covid exposure. I wanted to ask her if anyone had ever said yes to any of her questions. It was very annoying so I won't go back. I need to find a turkey so I will be stalking Winn Dixie until I get one. The meat guy said they should get them in this week.
  5. Or you can pick someplace else to visit that will be just as interesting without having to do all that.
  6. I just have to say - Who in their right mind would answer yes?
  7. Last weekend I was at the Fiber Fest and this weekend my husband is at a tractor show. He is having a great time getting to plow with his rollover plow.
  8. I like to use my phone to call people, text people, share pictures and look up places and directions away from home and my laptop. I don't enjoy using my phone to try to read email on the little screen. I don't enjoy having to have an app for everything, trying to find and download the app and then trying to remember the password that goes with it. I really dislike trying to read a menu on my phone. On a cruise I want to leave it in the cabin. I don't always have pockets or want to carry a pouch for the phone.
  9. If you love what you do then there is no reason to retire. I retired at 55 and my husband retired at 57, now we love what we do.
  10. We used to when it was cheaper and you could win good prizes. I won a nice sculpture. Now it is too expensive, there are not enough games, too many people play.
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