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Everything posted by LHT28

  1. We used our bank Manager to notarize a document see if your bank is authorized to do so
  2. I agree just the top club members get pins at the party Ours was in the cabin last time ..fine by me LOL I like to go & see those with over 100 cruises I will never get there 😪
  3. I do not think it will happen The hostess or Maitre 'D do not want the pax to create a scene Pre covid we saw a man in denim overalls in the GDR for dinner if that was not enough he blew his nose in the table napkin 🤢
  4. I have not noticed people dressing any different on any cruise no matter the season Jacket yes & no Personal choice
  5. So you not have to go wait in the lounge until the tender tickets/numbers are called??
  6. Probably a good percentage but they will give you that number at the party plus you get to see some of the Milestone cruisers receive their club pins 😃 Don't forget the free drinks
  7. An option if the cruise line would agree is to get on in the next Country after India if the VISA situation continues You will be paying for the full cruise
  8. Bottom line Talk to your parents & ask them what they prefer We only know what works for us & not what your parents are comfortable doing
  9. Yes the GDR is usually less chaotic but some like the Terrace as it is faster Friends like to wolf down their food in 20 mins & be off someplace else We prefer to enjoy the meal & not pop up & down for courses Personal choice
  10. So they follow the leader Not booking & navigating the trip on their own which is a big deal some people need more hand holding than others JMO
  11. If they are comfortable doing their own hotel etc..Then that is the better option Maybe just book a hotel someplace then book the non stop flights for them Some travellers cannot find their way out a paper bag without assistance Only you & your parents know what would work for them
  12. Depends on where the ship dock & your ability to walk long distances Terminal J would be the closer dock to get to Bayside https://www.miamidade.gov/portmiami/cruise-terminals.asp
  13. Sorry confused Why do you need a Chinese VISA for South America?
  14. You may want to just cancel now before the penalties kick in & save the worry
  15. Are your parents experienced travellers? Be sure they fly in a day or more early they can just grab a taxi at the airport or arrange private car service for them with meet & greet option We are able to still in our 70's manage finding our way but some people are not as savvy Talk to your parents & their comfort level is what is most important
  16. Have you considered the Hotel package option with O it is PP but includes transfer to the hotel & to the ship Then ask for the flights & pay the deviation fee to get the nonstop flights It may be more expensive in the hotel end but maybe cheaper for the flights & less hassle for your parents https://www.oceaniacruises.com/australia-cruises/sydney-to-sydney-REG240125/hotels/ Do the math & see what works best Do not forget the e Visas for both Countries
  17. Or you could pay for the O transfers & book their own air I would look are something more than Econ for that long of a flight PE at least unless they are under 50 the econ on 15 hr flight would be uncomfortable 😉 JMO
  18. There are some nice shops at Royal Dockyard if you want a bit of a change we took the ferry from Hamilton over for a few hours
  19. Some men will some will not For dining venues long pants & collared shirt The Terrace is the exception you can wear nice shorts or jeans if you like
  20. probably O was trying to clear the GTY waiting list so they move people those that take the offer first get the deal 😉
  21. What bar did you get it in?
  22. you might find something on the tourism site that interests you https://www.novascotia.com/places-to-go/regions/cape-breton-island/sydney
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