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Everything posted by Angel57

  1. Minnie is gorgeous Michelle. Freddie is very taken with her photo…… x
  2. @P&O SUE I’m so sorry to read your post this morning. What a sad time for you and your family. How is your Mum doing? So glad you were able to be with your Dad at the end and that he was surrounded by all those who he loved and who loved him. No one can ask for more than that and this will give you all so much comfort in the times ahead. Sending a virtual hug. Gill x
  3. I agree. I’ve never noticed any kitchen aromas on the port side. I’ve stayed in D176 and D182. Great location.
  4. My opinion is that those responses are not good enough and I would not be happy to wait until on board to get them sorted (especially the cot). I would try contacting them again as you may have got an inexperienced person answering the phone at P&O. I’m assuming you booked online, as opposed to one of the cruise specialists that many of us use? I suspect the latter would have been able to answer /sort out your issues before parting with your deposit. But hindsight is a wonderful thing….. Good luck.
  5. I like Aurora’s cinema, but only gone a couple of times. I did saw Titanic on board many moons ago. It was quite a idd feeling and there were not many people in there!! Can’t think why!!
  6. Allo Allo…..🤣 that last sentence made me laugh out loud. The wine was obviously rather good…..🤣🤣
  7. @Selbourne whilst I appreciate all insurance companies are different….my company was happy to extend my absence from the house from 60 days to 110 days, providing someone went in once a week to check everything and that the heating was kept on at a constant suggested temperature of 10c. I also made sure all my bills and anything likely to become due were set up on Direct Debit.
  8. Never had a problem getting off apart from when the air bridge broke and there was a 90 minute delay. Then, it was an absolute free for all…… I have generally found people get off when meant to, altho I am yet to experience Iona disembarkation……😄
  9. My friend recently got an exemption certificate/piece of paper instead of yellow fever jab due to being over 60 with health issues. She had to go to a local travel clinic, but it was hassle free.
  10. Oh dear. That must have been very stressful. I generally find in life, it’s not normally not that people are nasty - it’s just a blinkered approach of “I want and never mind how my actions affect others”. Hopefully you can relax a bit now - but I do know how you feel 🙄
  11. Everything aligning like that is a sure sign that you have made the right decision. I too look forward to the blog…..🤣
  12. That doesn’t surprise me as they have a different culture. It would be very rare for me not to reward good service - but it would be after it has been given and not before. But it’s such a very personal choice……
  13. We have black for household, blue for recycling and green for garden (next year is 65pa). One week is black bin and the following is garden and recycling.
  14. Personally I would opt for B deck (more expensive) or C deck. A deck is ok but you need to look at what is above your cabin as you can get noise if under the gym or the Lido area with the moving of the sun beds on deck and the chairs in Horizon Court. I’ve been in C225 and C227 and both were quiet. I’ve also been in B199, B203 and B205 and they were also quiet. My favourite ship……
  15. The pharmacy tried to give it to me free by asking if I had any medical issues or a carer but as I said no, I had to pay. Next year I’ll be eligible but knowing my luck, they’ll up the qualifying age to 70…!
  16. I don’t qualify either. Had my flu jab on Friday (£16.99) and no sore arm and no side effects. 😀
  17. @Astrajet @yorkshirephil I hope you have a fabulous cruise on the very lovely Aurora……..
  18. @SarahHben Thank you for posting the photos of Petworth. I used to live there (not in the big house I hasten to add). It is a lovely town.
  19. @kalos Many, many congratulations on the safe arrival of your great grandchild. Gill x
  20. So sorry to hear about all your issues. My boiler failed this time last year and I had to have a new one. Must admit the new one (Worcester Bosch) is far more efficient. These things always break down at the wrong time, altho better now than in December! I think your cruise next year may well be needed so fingers crossed there’s enough 💰 left…..
  21. So pleased to hear your wife is now resting and recovering. I’m sure you are an excellent nurse Kalos. Hope you are also feeling better now. Sending my best wishes to you both. Gill
  22. I agree it is ridiculously early, but I suspect the slots will all be gone by the end of the week! A coastal walk sounds lovely. Make the most of the good weather and enjoy.
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