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Everything posted by wandb

  1. Wow! What a treat to wake up to all these lovely wishes for a good cruise and Happy Anniversary! (It is actually 57 years!!). I wish some of you were cruising with us, but we will have a wonderful time anyway! Thanks, Kazu, for doing this so faithfully. 💕
  2. Yeaaa. Hope you will join us on the Roll Call. Not sure how to post a link to it, but it is the July 20-Aug3 Best of Norway. We could use a bit more input on excursions, private tours, etc. We don't have a Meet and Greet planned, but hopefully we can meet up informally at some point on the cruise.
  3. Thanks for the review! I'll look forward to seeing the shows again.
  4. Could anyone who has cruised on the Rotterdam recently post here about the type of production shows on board now? We really enjoy seeing the shows in the evenings and have missed them over the last few years. We will be on the Rotterdam (Best of Norway) in 10 days. Thanks!
  5. I know this information is available, because I've used it before, but it has been years, and I can't find it! Where online (on Navigator?) can I order distilled water for a CPAP machine? I remember that it was hidden under some kind of "services" topic, but for the life of me, it is escaping my view. Thank you for your help. Barb
  6. Thanks for the wonderful pictures of Rhodes! We will be there for the first time in February. Really looking forward to it. Wish I could have done it on the Prinsendam!
  7. Thank You, everyone, for all the great info! I have finally gotten a WiFi plan purchased. 😅 Some glitch kept knocking me off the site and back to the “Log In” page. I’ve “logged in” more times than I can remember! Switched to a different device today and managed to purchase the WiFi. Again, thanks!! Barb
  8. Hi, Jacqui! Thank you for doing this. I love reading through to see who is cruising where! I keep hoping I will meet some of you on a cruise! Our Rotterdam cruise (14 day Best of Norway) from July 20-Aug 3, is in celebration of our 57th wedding anniversary. Forgot to mention that! Barb
  9. I’m hoping someone can help me with a few questions. We will be on the Rotterdam in exactly 3 weeks and I’m determined to lock this down today! I’m so tired of worrying about it, and not getting answers on the Navigator or anywhere online. 1-Is the “surf” package only available if you have the Have It All package? Bummer! 2-If getting the next package up (premium) do both persons in the room have to pay for it? 3-The site says only one device. Each? Or per cabin? 4-Price is $208 per person. There is a 20% off sale for booking precruise. Does that mean $188 per person? Or is the 20% already subtracted from the cost? Thank you to anyone who can help. These questions may have been answered here before, but I don’t have time to search through hundreds of pages of posts, and I can’t quite figure out how to search for a particular topic here on the Holland America site. Barb
  10. Forgot to say that we will be on the Viking Star in Feb. ‘25 for the Greek Odyssey cruise. Really looking forward to our first Viking Ocean cruise.
  11. We are getting ready for our cruise to the fjords of Norway and excited to find this thread. We will be on Holland America’s Rotterdam instead of Viking Ocean, and I hope we won’t be disappointed. Love Viking, but have also loved HAL in past years. Hope it hasn’t changed too much. I’d love to be having Viking’s included excursions! The ones on HAL are exorbitant!! I’m going to go back and read this whole thread and hope to find some good port info. Barb
  12. To BlairsvilleCruiseGirl—- Hello from another cruise girl from Blairsville!! I’d love to touch base and see if we know each other. Do e-mail me at my cruise address: 2thesea2thesea at gmail dot com Will share our full names and info on that site. Barb
  13. Tony, thanks for the pictures of Ghent! Really looking forward to our time there.
  14. Thanks to everyone who shared pictures of Brugge, Ghent and Brussels. We will be there in exactly one month!! Can hardly wait. We have been to Brussels before, for one day—-about 20 years ago. Excited to see Brugge and Ghent.
  15. Thank you. Sounds great. I’ll have to try them next month!
  16. What, pray tell, are elephant ears?
  17. I agree!! We also always ask for blankets and no duvet. The cabin stewards always seem happy to change them out for us.
  18. Thank you, everyone for your very helpful comments and suggestions for the trip we are planning to Greece. Also for all the wonderful pictures!!
  19. I am loving all the pictures of Athens!! I am just getting started researching for a cruise to the Greek Islands for next year. I’d love anyone’s input on the best time to go. Is it too cold in Feb.-March? Too hot in July-Aug? How about Sept.-Oct? Or maybe April-May is the perfect time? I envy all of you who have been there several times. This may be my only trip there, and I want to see all that I can see! Thank you in advance.
  20. Thank you for your insights. I'll have to consult with others in our group, and give them these choices!
  21. I've always loved the pictures of Santorini---from the ship or possibly drone photos. The blue and white is breathtaking. We are planning a Greek Islands trip and after reading reviews, I'm wondering if I should plan on cruises that skip Santorini, or just stay on board. l could not climb the 600 steps, and my husband hates heights (and cable cars!!) Tell me please the "must see" sights at the top of the cable car. Thanks!!
  22. Thank you both for your informative replies. We are looking at Regensburg (or possibly Nuremberg) to Budapest. I think I'll try for end of April to middle of May.
  23. Weather wise and water-level wise, what is the best month for cruising the Danube?
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