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Everything posted by Mary229

  1. In relation to this thread people try to put us back together always say “don’t you want to sit next to your husband” thinking they can shame me by social conventions. Nope, not going to happen. Likewise I don’t think the OP should be restricted by social convention either, if they want separate dining they should both be graciously seated according to their wishes. They both paid for a seat in the MDR
  2. Years ago in a North Atlantic storm it was strongly recommended that we stay in our room. As I recall it was more about containing seasickness to the passengers’ own room. Quite often I have been told to leave the outside decks due to weather conditions
  3. I know of no cruise line that requires an excursion. Many people will tour independently in this ports Just be sure to note the all aboard time and get back to the ship on time.
  4. We always fly aisle and window as that is our preference. It amazes me that people constantly try to put us “back together “. This week some person wanted the steward to force us to sit together so they could have the coveted window seat. I was amused but not moved.
  5. I use them and have had seat changes usually associated with an aircraft change. Always check your seating once it is ticketed. I have never had a fare increase. If there is a problem while traveling I try to work directly with the airline as that usually is far more expedient and it is my consumer right to have them accommodate me
  6. Last week in an inside cabin. I had the same as above.
  7. That would be an interesting discussion from my point of view. Those types of issues are part of the great experiment in civil governance
  8. I don’t see why you couldn’t request separate seating. Plenty of people cruise with a roommate. I would visit the MaitreD and make your arrangements
  9. No to politics. I will discuss public sector topics as an exchange of ideas. I mean true topics not controversies. Things like who manages and distributes utilities in your area, new materials for roads, permit laws, etc…. Very mundane stuff to perhaps take home ideas to my own city council. Wars, elections and drama are not included
  10. We are often regulars at the Ocean bar and have asked them to stock a particular wine, a request they have always honored.
  11. Any modern mid size cruise ship is going to handle the weather just fine. I have sailed smaller ships in both the far south Atlantic and far north during heavy seas and they were just fine. If you are prone to seasickness pay special care to cabin selection - choosing something mid ship I have no technical expertise to guide me but I think those top heavy mega ships would be much rockier in a storm.
  12. Tell your friend to be sure to include full info inside her luggage. Each of our bags has two or occasionally three luggage tags. The abbreviated version on the outside, the full version inside and if the luggage has a slide out - there also.
  13. One thing to note with YF is it moves around. Though YF may not be present at this moment it could outbreak for your visit. Tropical diseases can be tricky.
  14. Don’t worry. I had the same exact experience and I was flying to South America. HAL has a new inventory control system where cruises show sold out when they are doing the final window dressing - offering upsells to generate a little extra revenue and when that is done they assign the promo guarantees. I was given a lousy room but after 24 hours onboard I was able to move to a far better cabin, gratis (I think they may be watching carefully the RCCL problem and have decided being 95% full is better than the bad press of turning people away)
  15. I have done so in the past and the shore excursion credit appears almost instantly in my account to be used once again
  16. Look at Good RX for a coupon rate. Holland does not always provide a complete list of required or recommended vaccines and visas, it is always best to do your own research . Brazil’s Visa requirements and price is in flux so pay attention there also.
  17. I think we all are getting a bit nostalgic. Alaska towns were very small before the current tourist boom. No tourist then there is no need to have the shop open regardless of whether they came by ship, ferry or air. For a town to exist they need economic activity. I regularly travel the Route 66 trail and once the boom of tourism left the towns shriveled and died. And yes people complained about the traffic during that boom this is our time, sure 1899 might have been better.. It is up to us as travelers to make discerning decisions and up to the towns people to divvy up their resources to suit the best needs of the citizens.
  18. Adding , even prearranged Uber only waits so long then you are back to square one.
  19. That is true only if you stay on the”strip”. Ketchikan has its own homegrown economy if you step off the strip. Even some of Creek street is locally owned
  20. Has your flight actually been cancelled? Once cancelled you should be able to go to the United website and select a new flight. Flight Ease will assist but not until the flight is cancelled.
  21. Besides my tours or taxis (transportation) I will buy admissions and perhaps a few artisan items. $65 is probably about right, per person.
  22. Heritage Auctions recently auctioned a regular $2 bill, with no odd markings, for $2400. You might want to hang on to those bills.
  23. They are revamping desserts. I have had a few new items this week including the delicious cake rolls. They also have had a separate selection of regional recipes on this cruise every day in the lido. The cake bar of yesteryear is also now back. Also there seem to be multiple sugar free options daily. I do think the MDR dessert menu is lackluster so I always choose fruit after an MDR meal and head to the lido for a sweet treat
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