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Everything posted by les37b

  1. Ok thanks for clarifying. It would seem the majority of positive cases are people self testing and being honest and ensuring they are not responsible of spreading the virus by reporting themselves. So did the medical staff not do their own test or just rely on yours? During my ordeal, I think I did 4 personal antigen and 2 ship antigen and 3 ship PCR and 3 port immigration PCR. That's a lot of tests for someone who remained negative. I think my wife had that and a few more and did see the medical staff daily in their hazmat gear over her 10 days in captivity. (She even had to leave the room wearing one too when re-released to the wild!) I truly wonder how many know that have got it or possibly have but shy away so they don't wreck the holiday they've paid for. Well done for being honest, even if it doesn't feel Azamara appreciated it or took care of you Sorry to hear the food situation, which again is not really excusable.
  2. I did that in Lisbon. 1L of orange gin was about £14 and 1L of Smirnoff was £9.50 Lasted all 10 days and the 2 nights in Stockholm. 3/4 consumed so a good move.
  3. If you don't mind me asking, how did you learn your DH was positive? I know when it happened with us in January, it was because we were testing ourselves every other day and handed ourselves in. But my experience on Pursuit there were no temperature checks and with people coughing away, just curious if it was random tests they were doing. Whilst positive, you wouldn't get someone inside your room, so your experience there on all lines is normal. Only visit would be in a hazmat. I expect food was delivered at your door with a knock and tray left? Hopefully all what you'd ordered and hot? On Silver Moon, they had about 30 quarantine cabins which was shut off and they took the risk of infection very seriously. (Maybe even OTT.) I didn't see that level on Pursuit. Knowing the guests in the next room to ours, leaving their finished trays in the corridor where everyone walked past, wasn't good IMHO. And whilst the argument can be small ship and not enough spare cabins might have some Merritt (silver moon capacity is under 600), it can be done with some thought and effort.
  4. Did you sail the Kiel canal? If so we may have crossed paths and had a wonderful horn display on passing, which I have to admit the Europa 2 won hands with the final toots! Caused quite a chuckle. Sorry for the off topic guys... Just an amusing moment
  5. We lead..... They will follow.... I wonder if China still require a 30 day quarantine to enter? I can remember leading up to Panama, there was no chance of us sailing. I think the 8 red countries had reduced to 4, plus the US at the time was still closed. Then, bang, everything was clear. OK, South America were paranoid about having these negative tested and double or treble vaccinated guests come visit, but that's another story. Just don't step of the bus in ecuador! lol Progress is and has been made, but judging by the number of cases of Covid on the cruise I was on last week, us people posting they were now positive a day after getting back home, it's clearly the reason why things have not just been lifted. That said, I think all those cases, no one had more than a mild sniffle.
  6. Thanks for posting. Like the previous site posted, I think this is guidance and not a mandatory requirement. It also seems to be out of date looking at the update records. The clue is using the word "should" and not "must". I mentioned "I was sure I'd read" regarding the 270 booster "rule". The country I was researching at the time was Croatia, who were the 2nd country (1st was Austria) to introduce this 270 day timescale. At the time it was worrying, as I was just a few days short of reaching that for my 2nd shot. This was from last September and my recollection may not have referenced boosters, but fairly sure it did as my initial thoughts were "so what happens in 9 months after the booster I had booked for the day after I returned from Croatia." My comments are certainly on record in respect of this in the Viking forum, as the Croatia sailing was with them and we also had to navigate the red country Montenegro. Anyway, I just had a recheck. If I am reading it correctly, to enter Croatia now, you dont need a negative test, nor do you need any proof of vaccine status or records. ie completely open borders in respect of COVID ... Which certainly overrules that "guidance" site and suggests the "guidance" is for countries to use if they wish and it seems they chose what they do and don't. And they wonder why people, travel agents etc are confused Just wished it was simple, but it seems to be a quagmire of interpretations.
  7. It's on the Muse. Osaka to Seward 16 nights in April 23 It's my 3rd attempt for this booking originally made in March 2019. I'll give up if it needs a 4th attempt. Who knows what's planned for 2025! At the mo, I don't believe Japan is open at all yet for tourism. I did raise the question (as Japan 22 is still showing) and was told SS are "hoping" a change of government may solve this issue with upcoming elections. Genuinely not sure re double boost. I suspect some countries will, but not all, which kinda messes with the Shenghen arrangements making some member states lesser members if the case.
  8. Couldn't agree more Ivi and have been shouting loudly about the potential consequences of being quarantined overseas as you e probably seen. On the case mentioned above, if Silversea had kicked us off at our disembarkation point of Guayaquil Ecuador, she would have been stuck in quarantine there for 14 days (yes 14 days!) And that was on top of the 6 days she had already served... They counted for nothing can you imagine being locked up for 20 days for an infection you have absolutely 100% no symptoms whatsoever. Glad you got home safely and recovered / recovering.
  9. Then they should sail with fewer guests (IMHO). On your last comment, it was something I wanted to ask, so I'm pleased they sorted something. When we got caught out in Jan on Silversea, my wife was stuck in the hazmat zone for 10 days which extended into the next cruise. I was isolating on my own for 2 days (should have been 1). Our 16 night Panama cruise was expanded to a 25 night cruise at no extra cost and they took care of our amended flights. When we left the ship, we were given a letter telling us we have 10 days pro rata refund for both of us, which could be taken as cash or at 110% as a FCC. My next booking planned was Japan (unfortunately cancelled)...... And I had already volunteered to be the one to catch COVID for our next refund! If you are going to be holed up for 10 days and get a longer vacation, I can't think of a better place for it to happen
  10. Going from memory here, I'm fairly sure EU entry is dependant on the 270 days since last jab (including booster), so you would be deemed unvaccinated and require a negative test for entry as a legal requirement. Embarkation will be down to the CL and tend to agree, they will need to change their rules or face no UK cruisers as guests pretty soon. The whole situation has become farcical. All my 3 SS bookings are way into the future, but if I'm not considered compliant come 150 before each sailing, I will simply request a refund and put it towards my electricity bill. 😄
  11. No, I agree..... And said service is the priority in my eyes too.
  12. On my future booking, they have provided the train transfer. It wasn't something I requested or even knew was an option.... But it's showing up in my.silversea. Can't help with your other questions (no details shown anywhere in my booking)... Is your booking with Silversea air and transfers? If it is. I'd be tempted to ask for the train. (The YT videos look good.)
  13. The agents we've used here in the UK give us 10% off the cost of the cruise fare. Is $150 OBC really the best offer on the table? Obviously good service is the most important thing, but that amount for what you are spending seems crazily low. Even booking direct I've negotiated more than that from my usual rep.
  14. I suspect it won't be long before near impossible to get a test.... And no doubt will cost a fortune. As of yesterday, I became officially unvaccinated. We have no double booster option in the UK, so pretty soon most of the UK population will be over 270 days since last jab. My next 2 SS cruise embarkations are Barbados and Osaka early next year. If these restrictions are not lifted by then or testing at the pier returned, I'm fearful I won't be going. When I spoke with my SS rep a few days ago, he mentioned the difficulties a guest had getting tested for a departure from Edinburgh. Things will get worse.
  15. It creates a whole new perspective on "cruising with confidence". From what I've gleamed, SS are waiting on the outcome of Japanese general elections and are hopeful (for their benefit) or a change. So do P2P and get shafted if they cancel. Do D2D and at the mercy of the flights that will be allocated which are likely not what you wanted I called because I was chasing up flights for March 23 only to be told 7 weeks after requesting, I'd not been given what I wanted. At the time I requested, they were the cheapest option, but SS dragging their heels, they are now £40 dearer and allocated something I don't want That's when I asked about Japan as the following month I've got Osaka to Seward booked though to far ahead to be too concerned. What's potentially annoying, is it's already a 3rd cancellation, which I had to pay extra to get slotted into a like for like replacement that is 2 days longer. Hope that gets refunded if it gets bumped again
  16. Glad you were able to stay onboard. Some CL are only too happy to get you off the ship ASAP. As you know, there were a fair few cases on this voyage and many positives upon return. There is certainly a lesson here given all the coughing and spluttering on board and lack of mask wearing, particularly near food and in the elevators. Fortunately you both tested negative in Stockholm, or things with have got worse with an enforced hotel quarantine and rebooking of all your flights. People forget these incidentals and risks and it really needs to be reminded until quarantine rules disappear. The negative for Azamara on this was that negative guests were mixed with positive guests which was effectively a covid incubator. There were spare rooms, so it could have been done. Can you imagine how you would have felt if you tested positive in Visby and husband finally tested negative. Not a nice prospect and probably avoidable. Luckily you were fine though. I saw one of the medical team attending the balcony room next to ours and did see a long lost of room numbers (which I assumed contained positive cases). He refused to say if it was a covid visit or how many cases onboard - though the trays left out in the corridor was a bit of a giveaway!
  17. I am not advocating not taking a cautious approach. I know first hand the effects of COVID quarantine on a ship. The issue is to claim it's a government mandate which I've repeatedly said isn't true and you've attempted to disprove and now arguing it's simply a good idea. That's a completely different thing and I'm not disagreeing with that perspective. And yes, they have said it's a lawful requirement which is why this is being challenged. The rep I spoke with still tried to say it was a legal requirement until he backed down and then admitted it's a CL decision. There is nothing wrong with being truthful. Viking still insist on testing "in various countries" as you point out and that is because in some it's still mandatory. eg South America. And my personal opinion, is if it's a company preference, then it should be at their expense at the pier and provided by the CL. Maybe this CLIA could organise it
  18. Don't put them in your suitcase on the plane! lol
  19. When I asked where the mandate is, you posted this guide which is simply personal advice and not an instructions. If it is being used by EU member states, their instructions regarding boarding would be published somewhere and appears not to be and I would have thought the preface would say it's as you suggest. Not even sure what CLIA is... But it's not an EU mandate and seems to be an affiliation type group.... And Viking are not the only ones not testing. P&O have also dropped - at least on some. They can do this because it's the CL choice, which is absolutely fine either way. Test or no test. Just dont claim it's a government instruction when it's a CL preference. I actually spoke with SS today re flights and asked after about testing and the difficulties. Funnily enough, the rep quoted your guide and when I challenged it's value, he admitted they are aware it's not a mandate but something they want to do and their choice not a legal requirement. Given the issues and difficulties now faced with getting tests and it being a SS preference, is why I challenged it's being insisted as a legal requirement. It isn't and the rep I spoke to admitted that is the case. He did say he personally thought it may well be dropped. You can't have people missing cruises because they've been unable to get a test and the CL no longer provides tests at the pier that had always been free.
  20. You might not be saying that if they've finished all your shweppes tonic! Seems there were a fair few come down with COVID a day or so after returning from mine..... Not too surprised. Luckily they got home. Including the lady in the incubator, who held out until day one back at home. Very lucky!
  21. Are they UK round trips, or any EU starters?
  22. Logistically they had no where to go apart from share or disembark, which I assume wasn't likely an option on a coral expecition. As I said, they shouldn't be sharing, but in this circumstance there was an unresolvable problem which you've said the couple didn't want to seperate. You originally said it was protocol on most boutique ships not to split. Certainly on my Azamara and the preceding there was spare capacity but the option wasn't offered. If someone choses to stay, that's entirely their perogotive. Indeed in my instance in January, there was a couple with one neg and one POS who decided (against doctors recommendations) to share in the red zone quarantine. The option was given though. I personally asked about doing so myself (as my wife took the regimented way she was marched to quarantine badly) and they repeated, you could have it but we would be delayed until both clear. Luckily it turned out well. Had I decided to get incubated, the 9 day cruise extension would have ended up being 21 days more as options were messed with Chile and Argentina not allowing cruise ships. (Actually that would have been great, but not for my wife!) When I spoke to the medical guy outside the next room of a positive case, I asked him why they hadn't sperated a negative guest and his reply was "it's company policy and they will probably be positive in a couple of days". Would have been nice to have got the choice though and not learn the policy is effectively putting one guest at risk who may have avoided infection. As I've said often, the infection itself holds no fear personally. The guest in question said her husband should be clear for arrival in Stockholm. If she didn't text positive straight away, they were left with the issue of quarantine and delayed flights home.
  23. I think it's fair to say there is COVID on most cruises, especially the monster ships. Luckily you got home safely and it's travel quarantine effects weren't felt. That's the point some might baulk against sailing for a while. When my wife got quarantined in Jan from Costa Rica to Chile, it does focus your mind more. That said, I still sailed 2 weeks ago and have 5 more sailings planned. I'm not deterred. (I even joked it would be my turn for COVID quarantine on our eventually cancelled Tokyo to Seward last month.) I do think people are more vulnerable now because the lockdowns etc all seem a distant memory and back to normal, but until those restrictions are completely lifted, I'll always be wary. (Not the virus effects, just the consequences on my wallet and time if detected before flying home.) Glad you are back safely and recovered. I expect it's the tip of the iceberg. Knowing we had several cases on our sailing and the constant coughing heard and mentioned continually in posts by several members, it makes you wonder how many caught it. I bet it's not low numbers.
  24. My observations are different to yours and have experienced first hand. I find it inconceivable a negative tested individual should be forced to share, unless that is their wish, which may have been the case and not protocol as you suggest. May I ask what CL you are talking about and why you think it's protocol on most ships? You don't have COVID but forced to share with someone who has, doesn't sound like there is any duty of care for the individual being placed in a covid incubator. The point that you've missed is the comments that were made by others were consistsantly dismissed even before your sailing. Thank you for not doing the same. It's interesting that your reply which was the thing which grabbed my attention, was the comparison to Silversea. Did you think it lived up to their standards? I guess the fact you didn't rate it 10/10 suggests you agree it doesn't. Your boarding may have been flawless in Barcelona, but your guest count was half of some of some sailings and think it fair to say went some way to achieving that success and appreciate you haven't called into question everyone else whose experience differered. Before you sailed, I always knew it was going to be the best cruise ever. It just was... Hence the comment.
  25. Im rather surprised your consumer laws are more similar to the US for travel, though I did say it was a hunch and could be wrong and different to the UK. A dispute from a cruise procured direct from the US, would be dealt with under US courts, if booked in the Aus, under your courts. So again it's still a factor for consideration. From a consumer perspective the point is completely valid if you are from the UK or EU, so a valid consideration and worth mentioning to anything thinking of doing similar and purchase from the US and not American. My comment on Insurance is also completely valid, since I did specify it COULD impact your insurance and serves as a reminder it's a consideration that needs to be checked and validated and potentially falling foul. Certainly my own worldwide banking policy would fall foul since it would constitute two separate bookings and the second would not start from the UK. The OP might have a similar policy or not be something they had thought about. Just because insurance can be tailored, I'm sure most people would look at the whole thing as one trip, when it can be conscued differently. Your confirmation of my point on flights confirms it can't be any anything other than 2 bookings.
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