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Everything posted by les37b

  1. Wife just showed me..... Looks like they stole my avatar from here! Lovely photo.
  2. Great news. I expect half the numbers to the previous Lisbon sailing I was on, eased that boarding situation immensely. (It wasn't pleasant!) Our first night, discoveries was chaos with queues extending way past the bar to the elevators and was like that nigh from 7.50 to 8.20 while we were at the bar and filled me with horror. Fortunately that was a one off.... And we were luckily spared that problem anyway as we ate in Prime C on night 1. Enjoy your cruise. First day aside, service was fine, so expect with such low numbers, yours will be a breeze on that front.
  3. Sorry to hear that Joyride, but as you say, you got lucky you didn't have to quarantine in a foreign country at your expense, mess around with new flight bookings once you know you are negative. I was on the sailing after yours as you know. I expect you had several COVID cases on board with you as did we. Not informing guests this fact, brings a sense of invincibility and false outlook that life on board is well with no risks because covid is defeated. Most understand this, some are blinkered. I'm unconcerned about COVID medically. I am however greatly concerned at the attitude of the few lacking the awareness of the consequences of behaving like COVID never existed. The scary things are all but over. The fall out, whilst diminishing, is still there and real. We weren't as lucky as you in January. We had a choice in Equador on day 6 of positive. Stay on ship and complete the 10 days and disembark 9 days later than scheduled. Or disembark in Guayaquil and quarantine for 14 days ... Yes a total of 20 days I remained negative. My wife had ZERO symptoms. Like I said, the virus isn't a concern. The implications are real and can be pretty scary. Luckily, we were separated and that saved me from also becoming infected.... Unlike on pursuit where they kept a positive in the same room as a negative almost as an incubator. Quite unreal. Anyway, hope you are not feeling under the weather and make a speedy full recovery soon..... And thank you for posting this. Fingers crossed we dont have the same. We arrived back home late last night.
  4. Personally, I'd not purchase from a US based agent. I'm guessing that OZ probably gives you legal protection for your travel booking which is likely similar to what we get in the UK. (Maybe wrong, just a hunch). You would lose all those rights. Of course, that's not to suggest it's still not worth a gamble if it's a great deal, but do so with this in mind. I almost did make a booking a few years back. They couldn't arrange the flights as I was starting in the UK. This could also impact your travel insurance as the booking is 2 separate entities. I've read on CC where the Insurance invalidated a claim because the commencement of travel of the booking was outside of the UK for the cruise Just things to bare in mind that could affect you.
  5. There on there first page of the document posted, tells you all you need to know and confirms completely as I'd suggested in my previous reply. "The EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS Joint Action has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Third Health Programme (2014-2020). The content of this document represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains." It is neither expressing the opinion or a requirement of the EU, just as I'd said. As always, I'm happy to be corrected. As it stands and as already stated, Viking Ocean (who had the strictest testing regime with onboard daily testing within their own PCR lab) no longer does any pre boarding tests. They don't have special dispensation and are following all LEGAL EU requirements. Whether a pre boarding test and the difficulties and costs we all face for this is a good thing, is not the issue. (That's a different topic) Silversea, have stopped giving the free pierside tests, but many still are and charging a fortune for a $2 test claiming it's a legal requirement. It isn't. Those that are and making the claim "it's not us - they are making us do it", are making a fortune based on misinformation. Some could describe that as fraud! Having just shelled out £158 for 2 same day PCR tests based on what I was told was an EU directive, I feel quite annoyed. If cruise lines want everyone to be tested before a cruise begins, that's fine, just come clean and say it's what WE want not that it's mandatory government legislation and following a legal obligation.
  6. The only problem with that strategy is the price hikes from from when first available and rising higher the nearer you are to your sailing date.
  7. I believe she was trying to convince you to book with a fairy tale you would be pampered as they'd not be many others on board. Unsure if it's dishonest sales tactics by that staff member or an instruction
  8. Thank you for your link. I was about to post your doc was dated April and found one for June but I see you have also found and updated. I'm not quite sure who healthy gateway.eu actually is. It doesn't look like an official EU gov mandate. If it's an official "must comply" document, it suggests a lot within that is not being adhered to. Included a further COVID test after day 4. Social distancing and quarantine in isolation in a single cabin (something they certainly didn't do on pursuit.... I hope the negative lady escaped ok and wasn't infected by having to share his cabin while he "isolated" in her cabin! If it is pucker EU legislated site (and it's certainly better than the cruise line declaration it's "EU law".... Then it still isn't clear... Why isn't s 3 day PCR valid in Athens for example? Anyway. Genuine thanks for finding something.
  9. Some people have tinted spectacles, carry pom poms and pour scorn on anything negative. My boarding experience was similar to yours, though not Athens and our 2 day old (expensive) PCR acceptive - thankfully. Luckily things generally improved and overall enjoyed Azamara. My experience this time would probably help me going forward should I decide to rebook and avoid many of my niggle list. At this time I've no plans too as we are all cruised out with over 60 nights booked on 5 Silversea and Viking cruises until April 2024. This booking was a late replacement for a Japan booking that should have sailed at the same time but cancelled. I've sailed on several lines since cruising restarted and pleased to say, Azamara has not joined the "never again" list currently occupied by Virgin and Carnival (from 2016) I was apprehensive after seeing some reports regarding service, but pleased to say my sailing with 590ish guests was fine.
  10. It's definitely a regurgitated mistake. It says you don't need a test (only temperature taken), references RCL and further down also states: Secondary health screening parameters will include the countries of France, Germany, Spain and Thailand for travel or contact occurring 20-days prior to embarkation. Quite embarrassing really. Hopefully they will update their error soon. On the UK version, it still states home testing is not acceptable, though someone thinks there is no conflicting information on their website.
  11. I was gutted after booking the Stockholm extension (leave this evening) so missed the sail in and departure today. There certainly would have been some high flying videos had I been home for the one time only visit in 2022.
  12. You have my sympathy in respect of what appears to be a clear and obvious error and the type of thing that frequently happens on the website. I suspect anyone from Italy will be less than impressed they allegedly can't travel from home to sail with Azamara. Do you have a link to where that's shown? I ask as that list of countries really seams to be the countries hit with travel bans in March 2020 at the very beginning of the pandemic.
  13. A wise choice. I knew we'd not be far from the little mermaid, and Royal palace and easily walkable to Nyhaven, but decided to book the Copenhagen highlights, which turned out to be a coach stop at the Little Mermaid and another at the fountain and palace, then sit on a coach for two hours being told somrthing was on the other side of a wall while driving around for 2 hours. Nice coach, lovely attendants, just very poor value and not what we had expected The Guernsey potato peel trip also had issues. We were moved the day before to the morning start from the afternoon we had booked. I assumed "operating difficulties" meant they had to reschedule, not that a trip if booked months ago, we were bumped. We were the last scheduled to leave the ship on tenders and arrived at the 1960s bus 40 minutes after the start time. Then further delayed because someone locked themselves in the toilets killing a further 25 mins. We arrived back though in time for the trip we had booked though. So our 2.5 hour excursion lasted 1.5 hours. I have no idea if we missed any stops.... But we had to be back in time for the one we did actually book. The late start was entirely down to Azamara and no one else.
  14. When you read everything was perfect and being compared to Silversea, it's a report to be taken with a pinch of salt.
  15. I expect it will end up costing a bit more! You must be on the one before mine. After the Panama I had given up on for the second time actually sailed. Never say never. I'm hoping third time lucky!
  16. Given in Athens, testing is widely available for between €5 and €10, I think it's safe to say who gets the bulk of that $59..... For a test that is stated as an EU requirement, but seemingly established now is actually an Azamara requirement. (Unless Viking have some sort of dispensation, which I very much doubt.) Be interesting to know what the testing regime is for everywhere outside the EU in respect of cruise departures.
  17. Bingo. I suspect this is the reason and whilst conflict related, ultimately is sales driven. I saw those offers too and gutted I was unable to take advantage as I'd made a June booking already (currently in Stockholm), but definitely would have taken one of those. I wonder if my Osaka to Seward will be amended (other than just a avoiding Kamchatsky.) That's a rather large area of Russian waters it's sailing in!
  18. I potentially had a similar scenario in Valparaiso in January, where we were due to berth at 7 and flights at 2pm after the long taxi ride to Santiago. Usually would have considered this ample time. The unknown being how long Chile would take to clear, during their COVID meltdown at this time, or even if they would allow us off. (We were already 9 days late as it was!) Luckily they were on this occasion quick and from memory we left the port at approx 9.30 and arrived in good time using the toll roads Stress we didn't need, though that this was not a SS created thing. (On the contrary, I cannot fault them for their assistance in getting us home.) Your scenario would have raised huge alarm bells and I'd have insisted it wasn't enough time and at least what they intend to do, if you missed your flight due to nigh impossible scheduling. Without the extra help at LHR you got, this would have simply ruined your wonderful holiday. I've been attempting to get my flights sorted for my next..... And 6 weeks on still waiting. With only 3 choices of direct flights to chose from, it should be straight forward.... Well I'd like to think so....
  19. It begs the question if tests are still required for company policy, why it's deemed ok to pass the costs on, since pierside testing was always included. Annoyingly I just had to cough up £79 each for a PCR on another line, which were fine with up to 72 day results. For several EU ports (and Athens in particular there are test sites in abundance with charges of between €5 and €10 for an antigen test and certificate. But.... Having 3 D2D bookings where nothing is excluded, I now find I may have to locate a testing facility in Barbados, Osaka and Ft Lauderdale. If SS expect test results, they should make sure the "package" is complete If they are no longer testing (and see my comments above about it being an "EU requirement"), if tests are required at those locations, I guess I will need to hope test sites are available still at a reasonable cost and near the pre cruise hotel SS provide me with. It seems potentially to be a logistical nightmare.
  20. I'm not convinced there even is an EU requirement for boarding with a valid negative test result. I once thought there was and sure I'd seen it specified, but it seems it's always cruise lines stating "it's EU policy" Viking no longer test to board and have gone from the strictest testing regime, to nothing needing (outside of general country entry requirements.) For all cruises going forward, I will be passed the 270 days, so probably need a test to enter the country anyway, plus I'm I don't have an issue if all guests had to be tested. (There are loads of cases on the ship I just disembarked and many seemingly disregarding the consequences of quarantine and missed flights. Stupidity in my eyes!) I rather suspect the "it's not us, it's the EU" is to lay the blame for the requirement and cost elsewhere. I doubt they have special dispensation.... Hence my suspicions it's not an EU requirement as being stated. If anyone can show an official EU site that stipulates this extra boarding requirement, I would be grateful. So are tests required for non EU boardings? My next 3 are well into the future, starting in Barbados, Osaka and Ft Lauderdale. I'm assuming the EU has no jurisdiction in these places and no test required? Mine are a long way off and appreciate goalposts move. But would be interested in what the current testing requirements SS mandate for elsewhere since the CDC test change for entering the US.
  21. Personally I don't understand why the penalty for "changing your mind" which is £120 on all my past and current bookings, is not considered an issue to now be increased to 15% of the total cost. (And that was actually refunded when transferred to a replacement.) What about when Silversea changes its mind and amends start and end points and places it visits? Out of interest, at what % to be non refundable would you consider a change too far? Clearly 15% is an acceptable risk for you to book. What if it was 50 or even 100%?
  22. It was poor in Lisbon also, taking 2 1/2 hours to get on from arrival. I initially thought it was the third party staff, but the bottleneck was the final part and getting on the ship. It was a repeated topic I heard guests complain about. Luckily after the first day (massive queues at the MDR), service generally improved. There were some minor niggles, but generally it was fine.
  23. I live in the real world, where there are calculated risks which are managed the best as possible. It matters not that you think Covid is a fuss about nothing. If you are suggesting you would happily travel infected and risk others, then that says a lot about you. There are several people on our current trip who are in isolation. This was the room next to ours, which I mentioned I saw medical staff attending. This is what happens, when you are confined to your room on the ship. The effects will be more costly if you are positive when you disembark. And no, the tests were done because of suspicion and you cannot say "no thank you, I want to be back to normal". I have zero fear from the virus from a medical perspective. The effects in travel are a different matter. If you get unlucky, you might then understand the consequences. I might happy agree with your desires to be "back to normal", but until quarantine and close contact restrictions are lifted, but until then..... Them's the rules and if you court the virus, I'm no doubt you will likely be rewarded. BTW, when you say you have no cases on your cruise, I rather suspect there are. Just because Azamara are keeping it quiet, doesn't mean your thoughts are true. On mine they told me the same. False info. I know there are as there is a positive case posting an I saw a medical guy dealing with the room next to ours with a long list of room numbers.... I suspect it wasn't to say hi.
  24. I wonder how many on your cruise currently have COVID and in isolation and likely to miss flights home. No matter what you feel as being acceptable risks to you personally, the outcome if you do catch can be devastating on your wallet and time away from home. Been there, done it.
  25. I am certain before our current sailing that was the case and the requirement of a 24 hour antigen or 72 hour PCR was an official policy of the EU to board (despite no test needed to enter the country.) However since the CDC US entry changed, that requirement by the EU seems to now have been dropped. That said, it was the Portugal Passport control people in the port in Lisbon who checked the PCR results, not the CL (which kinda suggests it's an official government policy.) So now, it's cruise lines requiring it. I searched for a ages and I can't find anything EU official - it just seems to have vanished as if it wasnt ever there.
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