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Everything posted by jmh2006

  1. @dani negreanu What else can I add that has not already been said? I imagine that this decision to move was not at all easy for them knowing how it would bring sadness to all. I pray and hope that they will be happy and you and your DH can visit them. Technology is amazing (when it is used for good) and I am thankful for all the ways we can "keep in touch", be in each others lives, and meet people from all over the world who in three years have become very important!
  2. Oh no Greg!! I am sorry the other knee blew up and I do hope you can get that treatment instead of a TKR. We need you to be our guide in October (well at least our cruise mates 😃!) and Linda too!
  3. @grapau27A friend of mine from Michigan is hiking in the Lake District and sent me some beautiful pictures overlooking Ullswater!
  4. +1. Wishing a happy Father's Day to all the fathers of any type out there on Dani's thread! We are having a nice weather weekend in Michigan. 🙂
  5. Oh my goodness MJ! What a story and you and your DH did make lemonade!! Did you rent clubs are the golf course? I am sorry you came down with Covid and I do hope you feel better soon as well as you DH.
  6. Hi Sue! I hope your trip home went smoothly and you have recovered today! Thanks, as always, for the entertaining review. I was late to finding it and just read it start to finish! You are one lucky lady, in more ways than one! Sea ya!!
  7. @A&L_Ont Excellent work Andrew and Lisa! Dave and I would have done the same thing with our son! In fact, we did last Christmas/NYE extending a pre planned trip to Scottsdale to go to the Fiesta Bowl and watch the Michigan Wolverines play against TCU. DS and DH are the fans and what are the odds that we would have planned this trip and they ended up there? I do hope your result turns out better! Safe travels and wave to me when you are at DTW!
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