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Everything posted by ColeThornton

  1. https://www.ncl.com/faq#!#age-requirements
  2. Why would they be assigned extra cabins because they aren't making towel animals?
  3. Not surprised at all by rising prices anywhere at this point in our current economic environment.
  4. Okay, this is starting to kind of ridiculous. Not everyone needs to agree or get the last word. Let's move along. Drinks are on me and no, I'm not sending the server to another bar. lol
  5. Probably just the ghost going up to put a towel on a deck chair.
  6. If you put what you wrote in your subject line into Google you will get hundreds of reviews from sites like Trip Advisor, etc. Enjoy.
  7. In that case why even bother having people do it? lol
  8. But is it an actual advertised perk listed as a Haven amenity? Or, is it just something that a few people had experienced then other people expected the same accommodation? Just thinking out loud. 😉
  9. From the CCL FAQ section: "Carnival recognizes that some state and local governments in the U.S., and in the destinations we visit, might allow marijuana use. However, Carnival Cruise Line follows U.S. federal law, which strictly prohibits possession and use of recreational/medicinal marijuana and other illegal controlled substances."
  10. Lots of great tips and information on the Bermuda port of call forum. Here is the link for you: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/118-bermuda/
  11. Unfortunate situation but there's a couple of valuable lessons to learn from this.
  12. Can't answer that for you but recommend you ask/research on the East Coast Departures forum. Lots of good info on NYC. Link: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/317-east-coast-departures/
  13. Good to see. Does their DSC charges start today or tomorrow?
  14. If it was just me I would sail on the Gem for a much better itinerary BUT with two energetic kids that age I would definitely pick the Getaway for all the fun bells and whistles of the ship. YES! 🙂 If they don't care for the ship that will be a looooooooooong and miserable ten days.
  15. Ask/Research on the East Coast Departures forum (which this may get moved to anyway). Here is the link for you: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/317-east-coast-departures/
  16. You would like it Keith, Will Smith plays Don Corleone. 😉
  17. Yea Chief, I knew that but I was just trying to be diplomatic. lol
  18. I've never seen airlines ever associated with the PVSA and Google comes up with nothing. Do you have a reference that you can share? Thanks.
  19. No offense but guessing isn't really helpful for things like this.
  20. Well heck, this thread really went off the cliff.
  21. If this was a Disney cruise I would have blamed Mickey.
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