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Everything posted by ColeThornton

  1. On this forum? LOL....not happening. Just don't click. 🙂
  2. The thing about situations like this and saying you'll just go to another line is that guess what...the other lines are penny pinching and tightening their money belts also. Tough time for all the lines which you can see if you peruse the other cruise line forums. Chalk it up to a lesson learned, acknowledge and move on. 🙂
  3. It's a valid concern that shouldn't be dismissed. Ship happens.
  4. Edited: Link not working, sorry. The full Liquor and Beverage policy is available in the NCL FAQ page.
  5. Easy to Google that. "monthly temperatures mazatlan" etc. You'll find plenty of sites that will give you air/water temps, rainfall, etc.
  6. Meh...just sounds like a lot of CEO speak for the benefit of stockholders and investors.
  7. Here's a great forum for you to ask/research all things Bermuda... https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/118-bermuda/
  8. Click on the link to the parking lot site provided in post number 6. 🙂
  9. You're not going to get the answer you want. As answered so many times when these type of posts come up the answer is: Could be rough, Could be smooth. No telling when or where that will happen. All you can do is plan accordingly with the appropriate medicinal precautions. Sorry.
  10. For queries about Princess you should ask on the forum for that line. Here is the link for you: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/119-princess-cruises/
  11. Water Water Water Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate.
  12. You may find this forum helpful: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/291-grand-turk/
  13. The Oscars are televised in many foreign countries.
  14. Personally I prefer to take a full size one. 😉
  15. Welcome. You're in the wrong forum. This is the test forum. Click on "Forums" at the top of the page. Scroll down and you will see a link for Marella. That is where you want to ask related questions. Cheers.
  16. https://www.bermuda-attractions.com/bermuda_000158.htm
  17. I wouldn't even mess with the tub. Remember you are on a ship that can shift or roll at any moment with no warning. Safety first. 🙂
  18. Very easy to navigate. Here is a port map that you can zoom in on. https://www.miamidade.gov/portmiami/images/portmiami-map-2.jpg
  19. https://www.miamidade.gov/portmiami/parking-information.asp
  20. It's only a few people on one thread. There have been plenty of positive reviews. Like any other venue some meals can occasionally be hit or miss. Try it once and make up your own opinion. 🙂
  21. The PM feature is not activated for posters, only for moderators and CC staff.
  22. Grenada port of call forum: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/330-grenada/ St Lucia port of call forum: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/138-st-lucia/ Enjoy. 🙂
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