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Everything posted by Florida_gal_50

  1. You live there part time. I have no idea dea if water is readily available. I always take a bottle of water with me when I get off the ship because I’m a water drinker. I’m not one of thee people that drink a teaspoon of water a day then wonder why they are dehydrated.
  2. I brought a danzante water bottle on the ship with me half full. I took it off and on the ship with me at all the ports I got off at. No one blinked an eye. Would this happen on every ship? Who knows? I took it with me when I left the ship for good and chucked it at the airport. I was totally prepared to lose it. I brought it in a bag I was carrying.
  3. I did add the have it all onboard but my story is a bit messy. I was on a two week cruise, 2 -7 day to be precise. I didn’t have the hia the first week. This was in March. On the Friday morning of the second week I got an email saying I could add it for $50 a day. The first cruise was to end on Sunday. I did buy it and it caused a chain reaction of unpleasantness. I’d purchased internet and was told it was only one week so I purchased it early on the cruise for the second week. Then got it through hia so purchased it for a third time. Also had random charges go through my account for hundreds of dollars they couldn’t explain. I know it would make good sense to purchase it that way but I caution you. I feel that the obc will be non refundable. I did not pay the money on board. My pcc charged it to my credit card.
  4. Don’t give them ideas 😛. While I probably wouldn’t have a second app at the pinnacle I almost always have 2 at the tamarind. The portions are not terribly large there. I never order the steak there as I don’t care for it. That is probably larger.
  5. Uggggg. They should know better about the drinks. I would not have tested that theory either. One of the funniest things I’ve heard on cruise critic was someone that bought club orange. They asked how big of an upgrade they could get. They had a balcony at the time I think. The person from hal said they could get the penthouse. This person hung up and called back at that point. I said you should have just rolled with it. Imagine if you got bumped up to the penthouse? What a great story!
  6. I’m not offended by it at all. Let me guess, you are in the this is amazing column. I just think there should be something more interesting on the front page. I was on what hal billed as a culinary cruise. Anything to do with that would have been 1000 x better. There wasn’t a peep about the culinary aspect.
  7. I asked about it too since I wasted time doing it. Same reply. Hal needs to get it together.
  8. And on the front page as a highlight of the entertainment.
  9. I don't even know what you are talking about so no. I think they were free but I had zero interest so I didn't pay a lot of attention.
  10. Good for you. Please realize there are many people that are paying thousands for their cruises. My cruises are no cheaper than they were 10 or 20 years ago and economies of scale are making them much cheaper to run
  11. The can is available, no problem. Speaking for myself I don't want to drink the whole can all at once. There is no reason hal shouldn't include the screw top in the drink package other than greed.
  12. I agree. Service seemed slow in all the pay restaurants. Once you ordered it sped up considerably. Can see that bring a problem if you eat slow. That's really odd about the sole. I ordered it after hearing people rave about it. It was good but nothing I'd likely order again. He definitely took the bones out at the table. Presentation was very nice. I think the lobster tail is the best it that restaurants when it's one not 2 smaller ones. Can't speak to the crepes. It's not something I enjoy. Sel de mer is my favorite. Thank you for your review. Camille in the explorations was lovely. She left the ship yesterday so hopefully she is home or close to home now.
  13. You forgot sleeping in the crows nest and in the chairs on the promenade where they have them. I’m tired as heck but I’ve yet to fall asleep in any of those places.
  14. Yeah that canned water sucks. Open it up and you are committed. They do allow crew on with plastic bottles. I’ve seen a picture on here of that. It’s a money grab for sure that’s not limited to cruising.
  15. I admit I'm addicted to being connected. Being on holidays doesn't change that. It's more stressful for me to be not connected. I have no problem with people that are able to put technology away but I'd like the same understanding.
  16. My boarding time was at 11:30 but the lines were there. I was on the ship for 2 weeks. I did get off the ship on the 19th but only to do the facial recognition turn around. I didn't leave because I didn't want to deal with the chaos. Back in November 2021 I had a boarding time of 1 something. I don't think you could go at anytime being 4 star and above at that time and I was in one of those lines so they do exist
  17. It has been reported by someone that works at the port that 4 and 5 star can show up any time. I would join the line though and not go to the front 😉. Verifly has not been used for over a month. This has also been confirmed by those at the port. I filled mine out for my koningsdam cruise on November 12 and it was for nothing. I just mention it’s verified so you don’t think I’m pulling this out of nowhere. Hal seems to have misplaced the button to turn these notifications off.
  18. It’s not might, it is. You corrected the person but they were not incorrect.
  19. I just love how the front desk blames the passengers for problems. Yes everyone should have an iPhone or don’t expect things to work 🙄. Bravo front desk. I had an iPad and couldn’t get into my bank account with that.
  20. I agree. That said it’s pretty rare for me to snack between meals or eat super late. I just can’t get away with it.
  21. I find the same and I’ve cruised a lot with hal. I would hazard to guess that most younger people can’t take off for months at a time if they are working for a living instead of giggles. It limits to shorter cruises.
  22. Ok, that happened once to me as well but people that were around me were not serve that way. They were served course by course and it was quite full around me. The next time I went it was served course by course. I didn’t request it to come that way.
  23. Thank you. I thought there was still limited stations open but I certainly didn’t want to post that without being positive.
  24. One way flights? You do realize most people do have to return? Cruises leave in the spring, summer and fall in Canada. Prices in winter one way won’t help that. I haven’t seen any flights under around $300 going anywhere from where I live but I’m done with economy. Like I said I haven’t checked every flight from everywhere.
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