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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. I will celebrate today with some nuts during the football game. Elie Weisel was a true messenger for what happened in the Holocaust and that indifference to other people's plights and hate can have horrifying consequences. I am sure he is enshrined in the Nobel Peace Museum in Oslo. A very good quote from him. Thanks everyone so far today for the lovely photos of Stockholm. Thanks @dfishfor today's Marsala recipes. They all look yummy. @summer slope I will pass on the bitter cocktail but thanks for researching these each day. @cat shepard today's wine looks like a winner, since the name is unfamiliar I bet it is hard to find. @JazzyV I hope that you will continue to get some relief from you epidural. Prayers for everyone on our care list and the people in war zones of Israel, Ukraine and Gaza. Prayers for our members who are dealing with loss and other lifetime events such as severe illness of loved ones. @Smmessineo Bon Voyage! Have a lovely Sunday everyone. Nancy
  2. I am happy to have a great menu to look forward to. Especially when there is pork schnitzel and chili rejennos involved
  3. @HAL Sailer prayers for you and your DH. Please be careful and take care of yourself Melisa. @smitty34877 thinking of you today and praying things get easier for you. @dfish. Gorgeous photo. Our fall colors have been fabulous in Michigan but we have had so much cloudy weather it has hampered some of the enjoyment. Still no frost, we got down to 36 last night.
  4. Good morning everyone, I had a lot written and Google had issues so I closed out and my content didn't save. oh well. Nachos should have their day every day. A thought provoking quote. Today's soup #3 from Debbie is a good one to hold onto for our Thanksgiving left overs. I will pass on the sweet drink but I am so glad that Ann chose the King Estate Pinot Gris, a nice change for once and a versatile varietal. Thanks for the photos of today's port @rafinmd. Florence Nightengale did so much good. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports each day Vanessa. Prayers for everyone in our group needing them and for the innocent people of Israel, Ukraine and Gaza who are forced to live in war zones. Happy Birthday @Lady Hudson and your dear sister!
  5. It probably depends on the interests onboard. On the Volendam GSA there was a very active stitcher and knitting group going near Explorer's Lounge every sea day. Join up with you Roll call meet and greet and it is the best way to find them early in your voyage. We had a dedicated ukulele group too that got larger as the cruise went on.
  6. The menu looks like boilerplate from what we had on the Volendam for NYE. That first specialty dinner set me up for the remainder of the cruise until March 18, I was the "no mushrooms" person when actually it was the truffles are the no no. Our dessert from. NYE.
  7. Good morning everyone and happy Friday! Thanks for the daily reports Rich. I used to make fruitcake for my DF with brandied fruit. Great International Chefs on BHBs. Happy waiters day in the UK. A wonderful quote. Never have been to today's port. Thanks for the photos @Quartzsite Cruiser. I will take my Red Snapper Veracruz style with the corn nuts. The Paloma looks like a wonderful drink. The wine looks really good too, I wonder where I could find it. Prayers for everyone on our care list especially those healing from surgery or suffering from pain. Prayers for those in war zones, Israel and Ukraine. @RMLincoln I hope that you can rally the troops to get your final packing done. It seems like you have a good plan. Another rainy day today. We will figure something to do. I need to plant my tulips yet but it appears the only nice day coming up is Sunday and by the time it warms up it will be football. A very tough game for the Ravens playing the Lions. I opted not to hold my tickets for that game as October weather is too iffy for an outside stadium. Have a lovely Friday! Nancy
  8. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Today's Evaluate your life seems to be in conflict with today's quote, one is backward thinking and the quote forward thinking, a good quote. It is always important to try resolve conflicts. I dress like a dork a lot at the cabin when working in the garden. Many layers that usually come off during the day, beat up shoes etc. and no care to matching. Nobody is up there most of the time. @dfishthanks for the recipes the second one with just a bit of sauce would suit me. The mule would be good with sugar free ginger beer. Pass on the wine, I like my bourbon separate from my wine. I have not been to Valparaiso. Thanks for the port photos @StLouisCruisers and @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for the article about the port @rafinmd. Streptomycin made TB a life long decline into something that could be cured. It fell out of use when newer ones were discovered because of the side effects. Glad today isn't a Monday, stock market has been shaky for the last couple of years. @Lady Hudson Bon Voyage! Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports @JazzyV, I hope that the procedure helps your pain. Prayers for everyone on our care list and the people suffering the ravages of war in Israel and Ukraine. We have literally decided to pull the plug on the ovens. I ordered a new one from Costco and it is scheduled to be delivered next Thursday. We have to remove the old one, something John neglected to tell me but he came up with a heavy duty table on wheels just the right size and height to pull it out on to. Thankfully they take the old one away. I got all of my calla lilies dug and even though I gave some away last spring it seems I have more than ever. My Daffodils are planted too, the tulips will go in our next sunny day on Monday or Tuesday. It is raining here and will be for the nest couple of days. I have a dental cleaning appointment and garden club at 6:00 with an Audubon Society member speaking on feeder birds. Have a wonderful Thursday. Nancy
  9. Good morning everyone and happy hump day. Thanks for the reports each day @richwmn. Global Dignity Day is important but so much politics, tribalisms and hate make it very hard to recognize the dignity of every human being. I finally have gotten to the point that I love my body, not much else I can do about it other than control what I eat. Information overload is pretty easy to handle, just turn it off. A great post by Elizabeth Kubler Ross and I think it is the foundation of our current Hospice organizations. Thanks for the comestible reports each day. I made Chili yesterday because John bought too much ground beef. I had everything I needed in the house and it turned out really well, it is in the freezer for future meals. I will pass on the Cruzin Tea, not a fan of spiced rum though today's Pinot Noir sounds lovely. I have never been to Riga and look forward to photos of the city. @cruising sister Thank you for the somewhat positive update on Baby Murphy. I am glad that her parents can work offline to be there for her. @mamaofami I hope that your DH is in rehab and progressing. Prayers for everyone going through different pain episodes and others in our group who need them. @rafinmd I hope your oncology visit goes well and continued good news. Prayers for everyone in the war zones in Israel and Ukraine. @grapau27 thinking of you and Pauline today. Is is a beautiful, sunny day here and it is 40 degrees. It is supposed to stay clear so I will be able to get my outside work done today that I have been procrastinating on because it was too cold for me. I will just get it all in one day, fingers crossed. John is handy so he is taking the oven apart and it appears he intends to switch out the broken panel. I am keeping out of it but now he appears to looking at a piece of plastic that he removed and how to put it back together. @superoma there are many uses for public libraries besides the reading material within. They are becoming more community hubs with meeting rooms and classes. Our garden club has about half of our meetings in a beautiful new public library and we use that opportunity to advertise our speakers as a public service and also in attempt to increase our membership. I have done a couple of garden related talks for a couple of public libraries over the years too.
  10. Happy Birthday @SusieKIslandGirl and @Seasick Sailor! 🎂
  11. @StLouisCruisers That itinerary change would make a lot of people regret not getting Platinum Coverage. 🤯
  12. @kazu Jacqui thanks for sharing the photo of the caviar lid. At least id doesn't have a Russe in big letters. I will check on origin next time before I order. Enjoy your cruise.
  13. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily reports @richwmn. I was a boss for a long time in my career and of course had a boss, I didn't own the company. We both love pasta but it is a rare treat usually at the holidays as we watch our carbs. I do have a gaudy pink and camo sweatshirt but it is up at the cabin. A good quote by Coelho. As Graham I like my Chow Mein with meat in it. A wonderful cocktail and I will pass on unattainable vino and instead finish my half bottle of Dehlinger 2013 Cabernet that I opened yesterday. Fakarava is on our intinerary for 2025 on the Konigsdam. I hope someone has some photos of the atoll. I have been following Bill and Mary Ann's blog on their current Volendam cruise and I am happy for them the experience is completely different from their world cruise on the Zuiderdam. Prayers for Edi @NextOne as she has her heart procedure today. @JazzyV I hope you are getting some relief from your pain. @smitty34877 I hope things are going better for you as we move through this week. Prayers for everyone in our group needing them and the people in war zones in Ukraine and Israel. Well we woke this morning and the panel on the double oven is kaput again. I have a card from an appliance repair company that did great work on my recall on my Bosch dishwasher so will call them today. I hate to have to shell out big bucks right when the propane bills will be picking up for the winter. I hope to work outside later today to cut back my Ostrich Ferns and start digging the holes for my daffodil bulbs that arrived over the weekend. I also am going to get my Calla Lilies dug and started to dry. Have a lovely day. Nancy Calla Lily from last year.
  14. Thanks Lenda, I would pass too. I know what is in it to, I guess on the same scale as scrapple. When looking at the menus that Jacqui posted today the full English breakfast does have the mushrooms.
  15. Jacqui, thanks for the photos and comments on the PG dinner. I saw that you had caviar and it is a favorite of mine. Do you recall seeing the origin of the caviar. I complained to HA in February for serving Russian caviar in the Pinnacle and all the while they were staging On Deck for a Cause for the Ukrainians. We ate it but it sure took a lot of joy out of it.
  16. @grapau27 On BHBs there is a full English breakfast. It has the baked beans, two meats, eggs and the tomato. No mushrooms and what are the black things on the plate? If one wanted mushrooms with full English breakfast I am sure they could be added from the omelet station. I tried it once but it was too much for me.
  17. Good morning everyone. I will celebrate International Cat Day even though I have no cats. I miss mine. I won't cut up my credit cards though I have managed them down to two. A strange quote. I think the hamburger pie recipes will be good and I look forward to them from @dfish Debbie. Pass on the strange cocktail today, mint and pumpkin pie spice? Thanks for researching these for us Dixie @summer slope. The wine sounds good today, thank you for finding these for us each day Ann @cat shepard. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports @JazzyV. I hope you are feeling better Vanessa. Prayers for everyone in our group needing them. Special prayers for the family of Baby Murphy, @smitty34877 who really needs a break and the people of Ukraine and Israel who are in war zones. For International Cat Day a couple of photos. Have a nice day!
  18. @57redbird I hope all goes well with your procedure on Wednesday. @ger_77 I hope you can avoid surgery for your torn rotator cuff. My late DH went through it 4 times. Throwing a suitcase into an overhead compartment and trying to tilt a large rock 3' + with a shovel caused them to blow out after first times done. @smitty34877prayers for you and your family.
  19. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily Reports Rich. Sweetest Day is a good day to celebrate with a nice bottle of wine and a home cooked dinner. Our repair to the oven has worked so far. I have searched for a small interior oven and there is a nice Bosch model that isn't too breathtaking and a good independent company to install. Pass on the wrap, the cocktail looks fun and a good looking pinot noir. We have been near Devil's Island on the Volendam, HA made such an issue about Yellow Fever shots we just stayed aboard, it was stinking hot anyway. Great photo of the Volendam from the island @StLouisCruisers. Thanks for your photos also @Quartzsite Cruiser. @grapau27 thanks for your photos of your trip to Florida. @NextOneprayers for you as you prepare for your surgery. Prayers for everyone on our care list and the people under war conditions in Israel and Ukraine. Another day of football here. Ravens are the 9:30 game from London and John's Vikings are on at 1:00. Have a lovely day. Nancy
  20. I loved the gifts you received on Wednesday. I guess HA is hearing the complaints that Grand cruises were no longer grand. We got no such gifts on our Grand South America in January. 2btimme
  21. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily and fleet reports each day @richwmn. I recall the bald day too, nobody bald in my family. I'd love to have some sugar free egg custard for dessert, they make a good one on BHBs. I think Amazon has made the last minute shoppers life a lot easier. I love meatloaf and look forward to the recipes. When I lived in Maryland I would love Wegman's take and bake meatloaf, I haven't found a good substitute. Pass on the minty cocktail but the Entre du Mers SB looks like a winner. Thanks for the photos of Victoria Sandi and Lenda. We spent a couple of days there prior to our first Alaska cruise. Our chance to walk the city was complicated by my DS having to rent a car and return to the US to SEATAC to get her correct suitcase. What a mess and she said the line at the border was terrible. It was a beautiful day and I walked around the city proper, nothing picture worth and sadly never made it to Victoria. From now on we will book out of Seattle. The airfare differential was massive. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports @JazzyV. I hope that you are getting some relief from your pain. I am happy to read that Tana's aide is working out. Prayers for the people of Israel and the people of Ukraine. My heart aches for all the horror caused in these war zones. Prayers for Baby Murphy and her family. I had planned on making a quick run to the store but it is absolutely miserable. Windy and rainy. Our experiment worked to get the touch panel on the double oven going. I don't know for how long. To complicate things we just can't buy any double oven. It has an interior depth slightly more than 24", most are more like 29". This house was built to have ADA hallways so I guess the choice for the shallow depth oven. There are few alternatives unless they are very expensive. John wants to get the cheap one ($2600 OUCH) and make it fit by fitting wood around it. I am not going to allow that and will search for some kind of shallower depth one. A good project for a rainy day. Have a nice Saturday. Nancy
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