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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, we had three bookings. We had booked 2 21 day cruises last winter and then took advantage of another "deal" for the 10 day so we have three bookings. @Nickelpenny I doubt you will get soft clothes with more fabric softener. We line dry our clothes at the cabin because we run off solar. Our clothes are fairly stiff and it ttakes a lot of shaking to try to get some of the wrinkles out. We get really spoiled by tumble dried clothes, for the ease and the feel. Those line dried towels sure do absorb well though. I hope you can get a new dryer soon. John did some research on our oven with issues and one youtube said to run the self clean because sometimes it causes the panel to reset. We are cleaning it now, I usually wait for cool weather so it is perfect to do today.
  2. Thanks for the Corfu photos @Heartgrove and @Mr. Boston. A beautiful place I would love to visit.
  3. Good morning everyone, Thanks for the Daily Reports @richwmn. It is good to be a skeptic from time to time. John has some silly things he says from time to time. As a late bloomer to get on with my life there is an awful lot of truth in EE Cummings' quote. Pass on the cocktail, pass on the fussy cod dish but the Toscana sounds like a lovely wine. The wine dinner I went to a couple of weeks ago had Jackson Family Wines as an extra treat they poured their specialty line of wines. They poured a Terlato importers Toscana. I liked it a lot so I bought 6 bottles. I got it home and looked it up on Wine Advocate and it was 92 points and keep until 2030, probably the reason I liked it so much it is more Merlot than Sangiovese, better yet it was $19 off from usual retail. Thanks for the lovely photos @StLouisCruisers. Thanks for the Cares list @JazzyV, Vanessa I hope you can get some help for your pain. @mamaofami I am sorry your DH is back in the hospital and to top it off your smoke alarm going off. Please take care of yourself too. @smitty34877 I hope things are going smoothly with Tana's new aide and her health is stable. Prayers for Israel and Ukraine, so much loss of life and homes. Prayers for everyone needing them. We had a nice day yesterday driving about and stopping at my favorite restaurant in town for their happy hour, great $5 a glass sauvignon blanc and they have the best calamari. Plus no need to cook dinner. Our oven is probably on its' last legs. It started making its' beeping sound and two error messages that indicated the mother board for the key pad had failed. I said lets reboot it tomorrow by flipping the circuit breaker. No need, John hit bake this morning and the display started working again. It is 21 years old and it gets a lot of use in this house. We probably need to start thinking of getting a new one because we can't have it going kaput at Thanksgiving. A windy and rainy day but the forecast shows nice weather for next week, hopefully I can get my ferns cut back and my calla lilies dug and dried. I bought Narcissus and Tulips and they are due too. The ground I plant the Narcissus in is so hard the ground where the Tulips go is soft. I hope all the rain makes digging those daffodil holes easier. We got great news from HA stockholder benefit department. Since we are on 3 different bookings for our Eurodam cruise we get $100 onboard credit for first booking and two $250 for our second two bookings, That put a huge dent in the price of the shares. Have a lovely Friday! Nancy
  4. Happy Birthday @cruising sister! Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily Reports. I love cookbooks and I have some absolute favorite recipes in several of them. Saving is important no matter how old one is. My Dad was an old farmer. A fun quote. Today's soup sounds tasty, pass on the bitter cocktail but today's Rose' looks good too, Thanks for researching these for us each day. @marshhawk safe travels to Italy and Bon Voyage a little early, I recall you usually go dark near cruising time. 🍾✈️⛴️ @RMLincoln great news on finding a realtor and having a plan for selling. Prayers for everyone on our care list. @mamaofami I hope that Sam is in rehab. @HAL Sailer prayers for your DH. Prayers for the people in Israel and Ukraine as they face more uncertainty and attacks. We got a lot done when we had a warmer, sunny spell yesterday. Our Christmas tree is now in the garage, I forgot it was 9' tall, we didn't decorate last year because we started a cruise on December 27th. I sprayed Wet & Forget on the decks, once we had that October heat wave the green on the deck just exploded. I also got poison ivy spray sprayed all over the property, there were still some green leaves so I hope it works. Another gray day and we are caught up so we will go to the local wholesale green house and see if they have second mums on their rack 5 for $10 and pick up some prescriptions. Then lunch some place as John likes to get out of the house. Have a wonderful day. Nancy
  5. Good morning everyone. A happy morning here because there actually a visible sunrise. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. A day to celebrate girls, I have 2 sisters I dearly love and some beautiful nieces. Emergency nurses have earned their day for all the hard, gory work they have to do. No parties here today. @StLouisCruisers, @Cruzin Terri and @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for the lovely photos of Keil. A thought provoking quote by Marcus Aurelius. A mindful way to live, I could never be in the moment that much, especially with my wandering mind. Pass on today's meal and cocktail, cocktail probably would be great with Maker's Mark. Pass on the unattainable SB, plenty of great value ones at Costco. @JazzyV thanks for starting us off each morning keeping up up to date on celebrations and prayers needed. Prayers for the war torn and suffering countries of Israel and Ukraine, for no fault of their own but caused by hate. @RMLincoln I am glad that you are moving along with your moving process. I went through it when my DH passed away and I decided to return to MI though I set my own timeline. @mamaofami I hope that you are taking care of your DH at the rehab today. @HAL Sailer Prayers for your DH and you while he is in the hospital. @Haljo1935 I hope your chiropractor visit gives you some relief. @Heartgrove thinking of you on the one year anniversary of your DB's passing/ We are planning on working outside. It was sunny at sunrise but it has now turned cloudy, It is supposed to reach 62 here but I really doubt it. Today John is going to hitch up the red cart to the lawn tractor and haul the 5 big bags of potting mix around the house to store under the deck for the winter and then load up our 7' Christmas tree onto it and drive it up to the garage. We store our Christmas trees undecorated so just like a bare tree. We will store it in the garage until before Thanksgiving when I will put it up. We will probably be beginning our drive to Fort Lauderdale on December 27 so I picked the easiest of my two trees to decorate this year. It has boxes of red and gold ornaments so it is easy to plop them in the packages. We are facing another weekend of weather as we had last weekend. High winds and possible 2" of rain. Have a nice day. Nancy @Nickelpenny Happy birthday a day late, I am sorry I missed it. 🎂
  6. Good morning and thanks to Ada Lovelace and her work as the basis of computing, calculators and computers made my poor math skills much easier now. I will celebrate Angel Food Cake Day today minus the Tarantula. I am glad the US pulled the plug on the metric conversion many years ago. Thanks for the beautiful photos of Wellington today @StLouisCruisers. I will pass on the high carb pasta, will have a pork chop tonight with a lovely Dehlinger Pinot Noir Renatus 2018, left over from my dinner last night. I will pass on the strange herbal sweet cocktail and probably the pinot would be okay. @grapau27 I would love to have some of the steaks you have been enjoying. Prayers for everyone on our care list and the people of Israel and Ukraine. Prayers for Baby Murphy and her family, the pain they must be going through. We are heading for another color drive today, more toward Lake Michigan this time preceded by a trip to Costco and the bank. It is 46 degrees and I am not ready to work outside in this cold. Have a lovely day!
  7. @0106 you covered a lot of area in your tour. Honfleur and Bayeux aren't that close. Ioved your photos.
  8. Good morning everyone and Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! @smitty34877 I am happy to see that you are getting closer to having heat in the house again. @richwmn Thanks for the daily and fleet reports each day. John brought up a curious event as he rode with me to my mammogram appointment just to get out of the house. He said it seemed like it was deja vu from last year when I got back to the truck. I agreed because it was cold and lousy last year just like it was today. Fire prevention is very important, our local noon news just has a story about 2 children killed in a house fire. Check those smoke detectors. Leif Erickson is an important day to celebrate, interesting that it is the same day America was discovered by Columbus. Indigenous people all fit in the mix with these 2 days. An interesting quote today. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you for the photos of today's port in Korea. I will pass on the lentils, the lemonade but the Apalta red wine looks like a winner. @JazzyV I sure hope that you feel better soon. Prayers for everyone on our care list and that @mamaofami that your DH gets out of the hospital today. Prayers for the people of Israel and the hostages and the people of Ukraine. Sad day in Baltimore today with the Ravens collapsing and the Orioles getting skunked too. John's Vikings lost too. It is partly sunny and partly rainy today. Almost a full week of expected rain and cool weather. I was up late and up early today so a nap may be in order this afternoon. Have a lovely Monday and a shout out to all in our group who are enjoying life on cruise ships. Nancy
  9. Thanks for taking us along, wonderful review. That salad should have never been plated, sorry about that.
  10. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, thanks for the lovely photos of Split especially the crowd comparisons. I am sure the crowds were greatly reduced by 2020 but I would they are back to 2019 levels once more.
  11. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. Universal music day is probably universally celebrated, music is so important to enjoyment of life's moments. A good quote by Barrie. Thanks for the lovely photos of Split today @StLouisCruisers. Pass on all three of the comestibles today. Thanks for researching them for us each day. @mamaofami I hope Sam is released today and does well in rehab. @JazzyV thanks for keeping us up to date with the events in our groups' lives. Prayers for those needing them, and those in war zones, Israel and Ukraine. We have lucked out today as both of our football games will be carried by CBS here, my early Ravens game and John's later Vikings game. It is sunny but cold, especially after having 80s a few days ago so it will be a day of football from early to late. To top that off I have the four crab cakes I made and froze for dinner tonight. Easy peasy. I had a good day playing the horse races and ended up in the win column including covering my expensive Daily Racing Form downloads. I will be late tomorrow as I have an 8:30 mammogram, thanks to the ladies in the group that gave me the reminder to book. Only one more thing to tick off the list after that is the RSV vaccine. Happy cruising to all in our group at sea right now. Have a lovely Sunday. Nancy
  12. Fabulous photos and great reviews of your days. You have been blessed with beautiful weather. Thanks.
  13. Another happy memory from your journey, we had Agus as our waiter in the Pinnacle Grill on the Grand South America.
  14. @HAL Sailer So happy to read of some good news for your DH and you. I hope everyone gets out of Haifa quickly.
  15. Our neighbors at the cabin had their last visit, returning home yesterday. They shared a photo of our place with some color and a cool visitor.
  16. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Rich! No bald people in my family but I did have to walk a long way to my bus stop from all 12 grades. A strange quote. Thanks for the photos of Portree today Sandi, it looks like a beautiful place to visit. @dfish thanks for the lasagna recipes, the chicken one looks good, I am more or a traditional lasagna person. @summer slope that is a strange cocktail but thanks for finding it for us. @cat shepard thanks for the information on the wine, I hope I can find it because I would term it poor man's Amarone. @smitty34877 You are surely due for a break, just as the weather turns cold you have heating problems. @JazzyV thanks for keeping us up to date on all of the happenings. Prayers for all needing then and the people of Ukraine. We have had a lot of rain and more rain and wind today. Our furnace finally came on last night, as long as I have been back in Michigan I can't recall making it through the first week of October without it coming on. Holed up in the house today racking some wine and probably pre-entering in stuff that is due here in the next few weeks. Ribs fir dinner here, perfect for a cold, windy day. Have a nice Saturday, Nancy
  17. Good morning everyone! Bon Voyage @kazu @0106 and @St Pete Cruiser! 🍾
  18. @grapau27 happy engagement anniversary to you and Pauline. Thanks for sharing your celebration dinner photos.
  19. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily Reports @richwmn. PAs should have their day. I see a wonderful one for my primary care. I purposely chose her for ease of access. I have physicians for my RA and asthma treatment. Fun quote by Einstein. Great two days in history. The Sabin vaccine began the end of polio and iron lungs and the beginning of the basis of NATO is also very important. Pass on the Cod dish, the cocktail and the Mark West Pinot Noir, I have had it before and it wasn't a favorite. @StLouisCruisers thanks for the photos of today's port. Prayers for everyone on our care list and the people of Ukraine. @RMLincoln I hope your DH continues to improve and thinking of you as you make a lifetime move to NJ. It is a beautiful morning here but things go south quickly with wind and rain through Saturday evening, a good excuse to watch horse racing from Keeneland and Belmont at the Big A, though I think Phillipe is sending rain toward Long Island again. We are going to Walmart this morning and that is about all the excitement we have around here for today. Have a lovely day. Nancy
  20. You are fortunate to have Johan has the F&B Manager. He was ours on the Grand SA and food service was top notch. There was not a single day that we didn't see him in the Lido and the MDR. Any complaints were rapidly dealt with. We had Francois as our hotel manager and Reggie as beverage manager. Continuing to enjoy following your journey.
  21. @luvtoride Thanks for sharing the article. Our biggest pet peeve on the ship is over aggressive scooter drivers. We had a tall man on the whole Grand South America cruise who drove through the Lido like he owned it. Another time I was sitting in one of the inside tables in the Lido (the tables near the aisle) someone went buy on a scooter so fast she almost ran over my foot. All that said most people were very polite on the Grand South America other that a woman who got kicked off the ship in Buenos Aires for being rude to the crew and kicking a waiter. I will remember her name forever. Good morning everyone, thanks for the Daily Reports @richwmn. Teachers definitely should have their day, our two neighbors across the street are teachers. A strange quote today. I will pass on today's recipes, as Debbie said too carb laden. Today's drink could be a dessert. I like pinot blanc wine and get a nice one from Willamette Valley winery. Sandi, thanks for the lovely photos of Tromso. I look forward to more of them. Prayers for everyone on our care list and thanks to @JazzyV for keeping us updated each day. Prayers for everyone on our care list and the people of Ukraine Prayers for Baby Murphy's family. We are going to get almost an inch of rain today. I will be doing a lot of catch up stuff and be happy to be inside all day. All the lawn aerating got done and the gypsum pellets spread so the lawn will be appreciating the rain after virtually no rain since we returned from the cabin. Have a nice Thursday. Nancy
  22. Good morning everyone! @JazzyV Happy Birthday!! 🎂 @Cruzin Terri Happy Anniversary! 🍾 Welcome to the Daily to @Smmessineo and @AroundWithMAPTravels! @0106 I hope they get your flight rebooked quickly. Thanks for the daily and fleet reports. I agree with Sandi the big important today is Taco Day even though it is a Wednesday. A strange quote by a strange dude. I will pass on the Tortellini and the cocktail, it would be one John would love, but the Crianza looks very tasty. Prayers for everyone on our care list and the people of Ukraine. @smitty34877 I hope everything goes great for Tana's new aide. It is another beautiful day today. I am afraid it will be the last day in the 80s till May but I am ever hopeful. I have a meeting in downtown Kalamazoo for my other garden club, I have to leave early to pick up Greens Sale Flyers to hand out at our meeting, sheesh it is almost Green's Sale time again. A beautiful weather day started with an unpleasant but not unexpected Itinerary Change email from HA. The inevitable cancellation for the second time is our stop in Key West. At least they aren't making us leave Cozumel early and we go to Bimini instead of Nassau like was substituted for our February cruise. Never been to Bimini, it has to be better than Nassau. I had hoped to meet our cabin friends for a long lunch in Key West but we will have to make up for it at the cabin. Have a lovely Wednesday and enjoy some tacos! Nancy
  23. @smitty34877 Terrie, thank your for sharing your photo. It was nice you had that happy memory at the Celtics game. It has been only a little while since your DHs passing and those events like you described will be happening for a long time. Thanks for sharing this with us. You have been through so much and we all are thinking of you and praying for you. @0106 Safe travels to Amsterdam! ✈️
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