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Posts posted by seagunthera

  1. I just read that the Coral may have hit something (rumor is a whale or container off a ship) and is now missing a port and headed in for a 24 hour "hull cleaning".  Anyone know more/the truth? She is east of Brisbane en route to New Zealand I believe. 

  2. On 12/14/2022 at 3:04 PM, Donald said:

    When you contract COVID on a cruise, is it really a good idea to medically mask the symptoms, avoid a doctor’s visit, and continue to infect your fellow passengers and the crew ?

    The potential for contracting Covid on a cruise is a reality.  If your cruise is longer than 7 days and you are exposed early on, you will need all the things you use at home to monitor & alleviate the symptoms and make yourself as comfortable as possible.  If you think for a minute you will find those items readily available on any ship should an outbreak occur, you are kidding yourself.  I'm not sure what you think the ship's doctor is going to give you that you cannot bring for yourself or why you would automatically assume that people would willingly "mask the symptoms and continue to infect fellow passengers"?

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  3. I wonder if you're above us? We have one of the mega balconies on the Marina deck;). As to al fresco- I've been on the Discovery 3 times since her maiden voyage and the outside dining has never been open. Maybe I'm missing something this time around?


    It's getting soooo close and we are so excited!

  4. I have never stayed in M106 but have booked M108 a few times.  If you are prone to sea sickness, this is definitely not the spot for you.  The balcony is quite large from what I saw the last time I was next door but know that there are times when you simply can't go out there due to the strong winds.  Speaking of, be very, very careful not to open your front door when the balcony door is open; the wind tunnel it creates is amazing! Also, there are no balcony lights and you are supposed to keep the blinds drawn at night to reduce light on the bridge.  If having a larger balcony trumps those issues, then congrats...I think you'll love it!

  5. 6 hours ago, 2 cruises a year said:

    I was going to say just slap one of those disembarkation tags on it when I realized that luggage is beat up pretty much.  If your cardboard box ended up on the bottom of the cart....  This might also be a consideration for slapping a tag on it for boarding.  When I've had a case of sparkling water carried aboard, I did wrap it up with duct tape.  It had the force holding it together. (duct tape: it has a light side, and a dark side, and it holds the universe together)

    Yeah, I usually bring a case of sparkling Liquid Death (a brand, before anyone on here loses their minds;) and always duck tape the crap outta it. Never had a problem!  I like your idea of having Princess handle it at debarkation and meeting it in the luggage bay but I always carry my own luggage off the ship. The thing only cost me $40 during an Amazon Lightning Deal so I'm not too worried about it making it back in good shape (if at all). 

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  6. 5 hours ago, Shelly97060 said:

    Silly question… which ship?  If it’s one of the Royal class ships the balcony isn’t very big on most balcony or mini suite cabins.

    It is on a Royal class ship and the balcony is humongous!

  7. 3 hours ago, Lady Arwen said:

    My son and his wife asked this question while onboard Caribbean Princess a few years ago.  They were told absolutely not!  Princess did not want to take on the responsibility of something happening on the balcony during the night.  They also asked if they could sleep outdoors on loungers on Lido deck.  Absolutely not!  They were in their 30’s and thought it would be a fun adventure, but the folks at Princess were not amused.  However, I’ll bet there are those who just do it without permission.  I would not suggest you try it.

    Thanks for sharing their experience!

  8. 5 hours ago, Steelers36 said:

    Wow.. that seems like a lot - to haul a heavy blow-up mattress for one night.  Anyway, I don't think guests are allowed to sleep on balconies.  I believe I have read this some years back.  Someone else will know for sure I bet.

    I live close to the port so the only real hassle is folding it up into its bag and carrying it off the ship.

  9. 2 hours ago, donaldsc said:

    Even if they did allow it what are you going to do w it when you are not actually lying on it?  You are not allowed to leave anything that might blow away on the balcony.  Are you going to take it into your cabin all blown up?  Are you going to deflate it every time you are not using it?


    Think about it.



    Duh, of course I've thought about it. It has built-in inflation/deflation, easy peasy. It'll be stored in one of the many closets that never get used until we want to use it.

  10. Does anyone have any experience (positive or negative) with slapping a luggage tag on an air mattress (in a box) and having it delivered to your stateroom along with luggage?  We have a huge balcony and an overnight port stop and are thinking it might be fun to sleep outside (weather permitting).  I have read on here that many drag their cabin mattresses out there but that feels a bit disrespectful of Princess property.  

  11. 7 hours ago, Markanddonna said:

    Just a fyi, many ships are not carrying ANY over the counter medications in the gift shop. That was true on last month's cruise. Only personal care items like toothpaste, sanitary products, diapers were onthe shelves. The ships want everyone to go to the medical center. We carry a sizable medical kit.

    This was true during all 3 of my sailings with Princess this year. As such, a small medicine cabinet I shall bring!  Hitting the ship's doctor for such meds is expensive, not to mention time consuming,ing. 

  12. 12 hours ago, abbydancer said:

    We went on the 11/5 cruise.  They called us at 6am on the day before the cruise, and DH said yes, although he thought it was just a presentation on future destinations.  We picked 7:30 on the last day.


    We were traveling with 4 friends.  Two were in the suite next door, and the other two were in a Club Class mini.


    We traveled to the pier with the CC mini friends, and they mentioned getting the call (later in the day) and taking the same time.  


    Our friends in the other suite said they didn't get called, but maybe he slept through it (our best guess).

    Would you mind sharing the incoming phone number (Princess 1-800 line?) they used to call you. I really don't want to miss this call!

  13. On 9/11/2022 at 4:56 PM, SDPadreFan said:

    OK, so where is this mythical Gordo Lele's you ask. Well - here you go. If you can find Giggling Marlin - turn left and one block down is Hooliganz Corner. A little wiggle to the right and follow the street. Gordo Lele's will be a tiny place on the right. Right before the Los Milagros Hotel.




    A little back story on Gordo Lele's (aka the 5th Beatle). In the early 2000's, Javier (the owner) had a place that was little more than a crack in the sidewalk down by this church. The Church (owned that tiny spot) but the pastor told him he could stay there forever. It was an extremely popular lunch spot (always a line down the sidewalk). Just his cooking area and a couple of plastic chairs on the sidewalk, and Javier loved to serenade his customers with Beatles tunes while he cooked. And he was very good (at both). Well - the old pastor retired and the new younger pastor gave Javier the boot because he wanted to open a little bookstore right there. In come the Cabo Fanatics of the TripAdvisor Cabo Forum board. They collected donations and set him up in the little shop he has today. Over the years, they've helped him do repairs to both his business and his little house. Also helped pay for some substantial medical bills. He is a well loved person. So now you know. Here is the area of the old location.




    What a great story, thanks for sharing!  I just clicked on the link and according to Google, Gordo Lele's is "permanently closed"...I sure hope this is not the case. 

  14. 16 hours ago, iamaqt2 said:

    Our port stop at Loreto is on New Year's Eve.  I don't want to pre-book excursions for this stop as I'd much rather play a tender stop by ear.  

    Because of the holiday will many of the shops and restaurants be closed?  And will there be tour operators willing/available to take us to Coronado Island for a few hours?

    Thanks for any insight you can offer. 

    I'm with you on this sailing and am interested to read what others have to say. While I've cruised the MR itinerary a dozen times, I've never been to Loreto and am excited to visit!

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  15. On 11/2/2022 at 11:26 AM, Ladybuggers said:

    I asked the question on Facebook as well and my answers were the ports are "disabled" I am not sure what they mean, (Can't get behind the tv, can't sort out of to change input) but I am going to give it a ago. 

    I have had success in the past hooking the TV up to my laptop on the Majestic but recently sailed on the Discovery and could not get the input button on the center of the TV to toggle to show inputs. Hooking up to the back of the TV was no problem (I have small hands:), but I'm wondering if they may have disabled the function on the TV? I tried everything I know!  I'll be doing a 10 day on her again in a month or so and am wondering if anyone onboard the Discovery can give it a whirl and report back.  For what it's worth, I was in a forward facing mini and tried on both TV's. Thanks in advance! 

    • Thanks 1
  16. On 10/27/2022 at 3:04 PM, victory2020 said:

    Silly question - for all of you elites who were on this cruise, did you get your little upgraded toiletries goody bag? We did not, but our cabin steward seemed a little off (we saw his supervisor in the hallway several times so he may have had a complaint). Not a big deal, just wanted to know if they have been discontinued. We did get Princess plastic tumblers with a small Coke emblem.

    I was on this sailing and in a suite.  I got little bottles of Occitane shampoo, conditioner and lotion. There were no fresh flowers either, which was surprising. Pahhhrumpph!

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