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Everything posted by jagoffee

  1. $2434 a day for a Celebrity suite? I kind of doubt that others actually paid that amount. You cruised in an EV for 1,000 a day? Are the pricing that you are reporting for two people? I think you will enjoy Oceania’s Riviera. We completed a 14 day cruise on her last January. In our opinion the food was outstanding. We did not care for their drink package, but that does not matter to you.
  2. It seems clear to me. The from $9.99 (33% off the regular $15) reflects one day for one person. If you paid $20 for a voucher it would be for two people for one day. Did you receive a voucher (via e mail) after you made the purchase? The cost would be $170 a person for the 17 days. Do you really think Celebrity is offering a discount of 94% off? Why would they do that? The per person per day is very clear. It seems fairly clear that you purchased a one day package and you will have regular internet for the other days. It does seem strange that they did not ask you to pick the day or charge you for all 17 days.
  3. My discount increased to 35% from the previous 15% for all my excursions for my August Iceland repositioning cruise. I had to cancel each one and rebook. This is a true sale as I just booked the excursion a week ago. No increasing the cost of the excursion and then offering a fake discount. Real,savings. Of course excursions for this trip are very expensive.
  4. I would not assume anything. But I think it is likely that the price increase only applies to booking for cruises after the new program is implemented.
  5. You are all kidding, right? It clearly states that is it $9.99 per person per day. (A savings of 33%) I am not sure how it could be any clearer. Cutting out the details on the screenshot does not eliminate the details.
  6. Congratulations to both of you. Smart move to hold off on the Specialty dining until the second cruise. Since you were booked in a CS, you already have the standard Retreat perks. Jim, this might be a good cruise to see what comes with a RS. A lot of amenities as you know. Am I correct to assume you do not have the four device each internet plan on your current cruise and the planned upcoming CS cruise? If not, it will interesting to see if you get that amenity/perk with your RS upgrade. I would guess yes. Do not forget to make your Specialty dining reservations. Enjoy Murano’s and Tuscan. So happy for you.
  7. It must work different depending on the ship. Did you use all your OBC at one time? Or did you do this multiple times over the cruise without making any bets? I am guessing that you can do this one time. Then on the second attempt the “next day” the system will prevent you from transferring OBC to a machine. . I am not sure for how long, but probably a few days. On the Silhouette I heard the Casino manager (assumption of the title) tell someone who was prevented from transferring OBC to a machine that they were locked out from transferring. The reason was because they did not make any bets the previous day and did what you are suggesting. They were told they need to bet at least 10% of the amount every time they may a transfer. They tried to get this released and they were told that they had to wait a few days. So in this case, I would say you need to make some bets (video poker in this example) unless you are only doing it only once. I knew the people involved and discussed what happened with them. If managed correctly it is way to effectively use most of your non refundable OBC. I would caution people about laundering their non refundable OBC without making any bets. I do not know if the system to prevent cheaters is automated or monitored manually. I am confident that transferring money to a machine from your account, not making any bets, and getting cash is not “using your OBC” in the Casino. I am also fairly confident that it is not same for every ship and that some of the ship’s have slightly different systems. (Or the system keeps,changing) I transfer a controlled amount almost daily. Initially if I transferred $100, I would make 20 five dollar bets and then cash out. I would only do this once a day. Then I started to not bet the total amount transferred each time and cash out. Sometimes I did bet the whole amount and sometimes I did not.
  8. Yes and I also wish they did not eliminate Murano’s, which is our favorite.
  9. The free shipping was never a Plus benefit as far as I know. You did (do) not need the Plus package to get free shipping, but you will in the future.
  10. On the Silhouette in October, the LPC offered three different shows/menus.
  11. Based on the first post, I believe the OP booked the cruise with the TA from the start.
  12. It depends on your definition of Elite perks, right?
  13. Then you should get the same price and perks that you have if your transfer is successful. There might be a TA cancellation fee of around $100 a person, but I have not experience. What is your objective by transferring at this stage? You can get a new TA for your next booking.
  14. I always get an individual quote (not advertised) from my TA before I book or transfer a booking. Hoping that a TA gives you some perks is not likely to maximize your savings/perks. In my case I am referring to commission sharing with full refundable OBC. Good luck. Maybe in your next cruise, someone can give you some names of TA’s to use for getting a quote.
  15. Never knew that there was such a lunch. I woukd have loved to try it.
  16. You may be surprised to know that it has never worked that way for us in Celebrity. There is a relatively small section of seats in the first couple rows on the Starboard side of the Balcony section. They open up the seats to everyone around 10 minutes before the show. The seats are far from the best seats in the theater. It is only on Chic nights (Princess’s formal equivalent). We have never had to let someone know, although we are sometimes asked. Your butler try’s to escort you. More marketing than anything else IMO. Even when staying in a suite, we seldom use this “benefit”. Of course Celebrity has much larger theaters and finding a seat for a show is not usually an issue. We like other seats better and usually arrive early if we attend a show. It may work totally different for Princess. Perhaps they will require a reservation. Although I suspect it is marketing base. They are probably trying to find ways to attract people to the high level package that offers questionable value.
  17. I would guess it will not be your last cruise on an Edge Class ship. Let’s circle back in a few years.
  18. Could also be a different form. Happy2cruise reported that Luggage Valet also applied to MIA.
  19. This form does not indicate that it applies to flights out of MIA.
  20. Perhaps they have eliminated the signing? Covid or a permanent change? If it is a permanent change then that advantage goes away. Although I would be a little concern about being charged something without some kind of receipt. As I reflect back to October on the Silhouette, I did purchase a large premium beer and I did not sign a receipt. But I was charged.
  21. For many (us included) the Classic package wine choices are very limited leading to Premium wines or even higher. With sodas, coffees, and teas it does not make no difference.
  22. I will have to check that out. Glad you mentioned it. I did not realize the difference between the Cruise Only rate and the rate with the AI bundled changed that much. Just to confirm what you are stating. The Classic drink package retail price is $69 plus 20% a day, so $83 a day? The difference between the Cruise Only and the fare with the AI built in is more than $83 a day per person? One advantage for the TA is that they earn a commission on the higher cruise rate. For many of us that means more refundable OBC for those that share their commission. It sure does complicate getting price reductions after booking, especially if the cost of the any of the packages increase. I wonder what % of the non casino bookings are actually Cruise Only bookings.
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