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Everything posted by ace2542

  1. Does this mean that passenger will no longer need the ESTA if not U.S Citizens? After all you don't need one to travel over the USA to Mexico for instance
  2. This also interestingly allows passenger who are banned from the USA for some reason to travel on QM2 on the T/A when previously they could not do so to my knowledge. And as you say no way for a passenger to slip ashore perhaps one who is banned from America?
  3. Smoking weed or doing drugs you probably would get a life ban from the entire group. But it doesn't matter what we think it only matters what Royal thinks and they don't seem to want to deal with anything like that for whatever reason.
  4. Don't you mean the inadequacies of the ship's security it is near impossible to mask the smell. The searches where obiviously very poor. Coke you can get onboard taped to your body if the metal detector doesn't go off. That is how the young people got it on the NCL Gem in 2017.
  5. Cracking the guy's skull 😈. And I would do it. Speak to me like a man don't be a little rat running to reception desk. Though I don't smoke btw so it would never happen. It is a pretty poor show that people can get drugs onboard the ship though. Weed you can smell for pity sake.
  6. I have been on QM2 to platinum level and I have never heard of such an auction?
  7. Perhaps the ships are now no longer carrying enough bottles to be hit hard like that? I suspect they don't want to raid the duty free stocks if they can avoid it?
  8. They will go through bottles very quickly to be fair. We had brain hemorrhage or which one is baileys and blue curaco back in 2019 on the Pearl in bliss and they went through 1 bottle each of whatever they use to make it in like 5 minutes. There was like 10 of us but they still went through the bottles quick.
  9. Is the big gingerbread house getting made yet? They had it back in 2017
  10. Doesn't feature in "All bars and lounges though" You really have scroll through to find it though.
  11. Or is the schooner the only bar onboard the ship apart from the english pub. 2 bars on the ship of 5k people? What a joke.
  12. I am so sorry mate. I will keep you in my prayers.
  13. Service on QM2 wasn't the best. Wine waiter didn't come every night and we were not always offered sauces like apple sauce or horseradish every night depending upon the meal. And they seem to have less staff on duty as well.
  14. They have also altered the menu at Sir Samuels there is no Dark or White hot chocolate anymore. At least their wasn't in August. They are also leaving keycards at the room in that mail slot as well. At least they did at Brooklyn
  15. I am actually gonna stay up so I don't miss it as it wil likely be my father's last chance to see it. You think as many 500 people would want to see sail in?
  16. We have done that and every time we have missed it the ship is there already or past the statue of liberty. It never seems to run to time? Surely Cunard would have no problem maing a quick from call from reception desk. Something like this "morning Mr ace2542 we will be passing the statue of liberty in 15 minutes" or words to that effect?
  17. Does Cunard do a wake up service for any passenger that would want to see the ship sail into NYC? Do they a drop box for people wanting a wake up call? I know they won't announce it but surely the reception would ring you if you asked them to?
  18. 115 for 3 is better than 56 for 1. Thanks for the reply
  19. Hi Guys. Just been on the my royal cruise site. Seems like 1 meal in Chops Grille is discounted to £56 per person and one meal in Jamies to like £47. I have also noticed the 3 night dining package is £115 per person and it says upto 40% off. Does this mean that the cost of the 3 night dining is reduced by 40% per meal or do we get THREE MEALS for £115? Thanks guys.
  20. No it won't fry the ships electrics. Doesn't QM2 have UK plugs as well as U.S. The ship can generate 2 or 3 GIG per day it will be fine.
  21. Like there aren't knives onboard a person could grab or glasses or bottles they could break and use as weapons?
  22. You just walk in, results in about an hour they watch you test and I barely touched my noise and that was fine
  23. I actually prefer NCL to Cunard this is my one complaint and I have only ever been on the two lines the execption of 1 RCL sailing and we got onboard after 3pm on that one.
  24. Or get it done faster. QM2 is able to do it by 12.30pm as has been posted. And these days the key is in the mail holding thing outside the room for you. Why can Cunard do it quicker than NCL? More staff perhaps?
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