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Everything posted by grapau27

  1. I tried to make it a nice day for Pauline for her dad's memory.
  2. Lovely photos of Hong Kong Sandi. Nice one of you too. Graham.
  3. We called at the remembrance room for Paulines dad's 14th memory. We then went to a country pub for lunch. It was appropriately called The Angel Inn.
  4. We called at a country pub for lunch for Roy's memory. It was appropriately called The Angel Inn.
  5. For Roy's memory we called at a country pub for lunch. It was appropriately called The Angel. Graham
  6. Good afternoon. It is 16°C and sunny. We called this morning at the remembrance room at the crematorium to leave a message and read Pauline's dad's memory in the book of remembrance. It as 14 years today since Roy passed. Thank you for today's daily and fleet reports Rich and Roy for the various lists. Interesting food days and quote. Not sure what today's food is. I hope everyone is happy and well today and prayers 🙏 for those who are not. Picture inside and outside the remembrance room with Pauline reading the remembrance book. Graham.
  7. Good morning. It is currently raining and 57°F here in North East England. It is a sad day as it is 14 years today since Pauline's lovely dad died. We will go to the remembrance room at the crematorium later to leave a message and see his name in the remembrance book. I hope everyone is well today and have a great day.
  8. Good morning. It is raining and 14°C. Sad day today as it is 14 years since Pauline's lovely dad died. We will call at the remembrance room at the crematorium later to leave a message and see his name in the book of remembrance.
  9. Good morning. It is raining and 57°F. It is a sad day as it is 14 years since Pauline's lovely dad Roy died. We will be going to the remembrance room at the crematorium later to leave a message and read today's page of the remembrance book. Yesterday afternoon we went to church and Pauline met the church warden and Pauline entered several new names into the church remembrance book for her. Graham.
  10. Some places won't accept £50 paper notes now because of forgeries but plenty of larger stores will accept them. I was thinking a bank might exchange your old £10 notes for your DSIL if they called in. Kind of you to give them your notes. Graham.
  11. Great photos. We visited in March 2012 and stayed in the nearby Holiday Inn. When you register for your pass to get on the Royal yacht it covers you for 12 month's unlimited visit's.
  12. Good afternoon. It has been 17°C and cloudy most of today. I hope everyone is well and having a great day. Graham.
  13. Being from England I take mine to my bank but you or DSIL might try this. Graham.
  14. Well done George. They should name that hole after you. Graham
  15. Prayers 🙏 for Tana's son. I hope he feels better soon. Take care. Graham.
  16. Sending Fluff our best wishes for a full recovery from an op to remove her cancer lump. Graham.
  17. Shadow looks a beautiful dog. When you said she is frightened it is so sad to think she may have been abused by previous owners. I'm sure she will get to love and trust you. My late mam and dad took 2 dogs from a dog rescue. The first developed parvovirus and had to be put down. The other cowered when you went to stroke it. Paulines friend owns a cat rescue and an animal charity shop. Graham.
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