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Everything posted by grapau27

  1. My mouth is watering with those dishes. There was an Asian eatery in the Quays on P&O Iona in March and we went there most day's for lunch. Graham.
  2. Good afternoon. After record breaking temperatures last night it is currently 86°F in our garden. All of our plants and hydrangeas have had a good watering. Thank you for today's daily and fleet reports Rich. 3 nice days today. Excellent quote and what Pauline and I always abide to. Nice meal and drink. We have never been to today's port and all photos will be welcomed. Prayers 🙏 for our care list people. I hope everyone has a nice day. Graham.
  3. Sorry to hear that you both have Covid Bob. Prayers 🙏 for mild symptoms and a quick recovery. Graham.
  4. Good morning. After a record breaking 80°F last night it is currently 82°F in our garden in North East England with a high of 92°F expected later today. London is expecting 100+F today and a new record temperature. The hydrangea's in my late parents memory garden at our house had a good watering
  5. Good morning. It is currently 26°C in our garden with a high of 33°C expected. It is just too hot in the house. It was 38°C yesterday in the car when I went to pick Pauline up from work. I wrapped an ice pack in a facecloth and put it on my forehead to keep cool lying on top of the duvet last night.
  6. Your news is excellent. I'm really pleased for you. Graham
  7. I would but Pauline won't. We usually only have a couple of humid nights a year here on the North East coast of England so I don't know anyone who has AC. We have been to Florida 30 times and tonight feels like a Florida night.
  8. It is currently 82°F at 21.03pm. It has never ever been this hot at night in North East England. Graham.
  9. Thank you Lenda for your amazing selection of photos. Graham.
  10. Thank you. It was 102°F in the car when I went to pick Pauline up from work. Fortunately I had the air con on in the car. Graham.
  11. Pauline bought some lovely ready made salads in Mark's and Spencer yesterday so I have promised to bring them out with me and take her to the beach as soon as she finishes work. Graham.
  12. Thank you Sandi. Pauline is at work today and tomorrow in her air conditioned office while I have to suffer in the sun and shade.😇.
  13. It is 30°C in the shade now in our back garden. I dozed off for a while and when I woke up I thought I was in Spain.
  14. Good afternoon. It is 86°F in the shade here. I am sitting in a shaded area between our 2 conservatories. We named this spot The Smoking Area as this was where my late dad would sit and smoke. Graham.
  15. Thank you. It is currently 86°F in the shade. We do not have AC in the house. I am sitting in a shaded area between our 2 conservatories that we call The Smoking Area. This was where my late dad would sit when he had a smoke. I stopped smoking 45 years ago. Graham.
  16. Lovely photos Ann. You look very elegant and Pat looks very smart. Graham
  17. You are doing a fantastic job with the food descriptions and menu's 👍 Graham.
  18. Prayers 🙏 for a successful doctor's appointment today about your hand and that you get a favourable outcome. Graham.
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