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Everything posted by grapau27

  1. Thank you so much for your lovely comments which are really appreciated. Graham.
  2. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Sharon @Sharon in AZ for your very nice compliments. We love the English Lake District. The hotel was on Lake Ullswater which is one of the prettiest spots in the lake District and only 95 miles from home. We often go to the Lakes for a long day trip as well as staying over for 2-3 nights. As a teenager I went camping in the Lake District and when I met Pauline we have been to and stayed in numerous hotel's together. For a time in the 1980's when I sold records part of my area was the Lake District and I stayed in lots of different hotels in the area. Graham.
  3. Thank you Wowzz. They are Ralph Lauren Polo shirts and I wear them because they are smart and never had any issues wearing them. I have them with New York on and Great Britain on too.
  4. A few photos from our 3 day stay in the English Lake District last week.
  5. Thank you Kalos. The steroid injection has really helped taking away the constant pain in my right knee. Doctor said there was still some muscle wastage around my right knee and quad which might be causing knee clicking and some pain walking downstairs and suggested quad strengthening exercises to support the knee. Graham.
  6. My right knee I had keyhole surgery on 10 years ago for a torn cartilage which was very successful. My knee used to lock then and why surgery was done. My recent x-rays showed moderate -Severe osteoarthritis in both knees and my right knee was in constant pain and why I had a steroid injection 3 weeks ago. Walking down our stairs or downhill is still a little difficult but was almost impossible before the steroid injection. The steroid injection worked almost immediately on the pain plus I lost a stone in weight in the last 3 weeks to further help my osteoarthritis. Doctor was happy with the results and said if necessary he will give the knee another injection if the severe pain returns. The next step would be a knee replacement.
  7. I had a follow up appointment with my doctor this afternoon after my steroid injection in my knee 3 weeks ago.
  8. Thank you Bonnie and Marietta. Sarah text yesterday to say she was feeling better and today she has just text to say she has slept all day. I had my follow up appointment after my knee steroid injection. I have lost 1 stone in weight in the 3 weeks since the injection which the doctor was pleased with. He said to exercise to build up a little muscle wastage and if the constant pain comes back he will give me another injection.
  9. I hope you both get an All Clear from the dermatologist Lenda. Best wishes. Graham.
  10. Your photos are always excellent Sandi plus your description of the photos really helps. All my photos are from my Android mobile phone. Graham.
  11. Thank you Lenda. He suggested a few basic exercises plus I still have the exercise program I got after my keyhole surgery for a torn cartilage in that knee about 10 years ago. Graham
  12. Thank you for posting all of your fabulous photos of Athens Lenda.
  13. Thank you for your nice words Sandi @StLouisCruisers. Sending Amy our prayers 🙏. Doctor was pleased with my weight loss and my knee. He said both Knees were moderate - severe arthritis but there was muscle wastage around my right knee and quad caused by the pain before the steroid injection 3 weeks ago. As my left knee and leg had good muscle support he said to leave that knee alone for the moment and look at another steroid injection if the constant pain returns in my right knee. Graham.
  14. I hope everything goes well Sue. Those temperatures might even be hotter on Monday and beat our previous record temperature. It is cloudy and 70°F here in Tyne/Wear. Graham.
  15. Good afternoon from a cloudy 70°F North East coast of England. Thank you for today's daily and fleet reports Rich. Many thanks Roy for today's lists and Sarah's inclusion. I do not like 2 faced people so the quote is Lost on me. Prayers for everyone on the care list. Sadness and heartfelt condolences to Buddy's family @StLouisCruisers Sandi. We have been to Piraeus and seen the Athens sights. I have a doctor's appointment later regarding my steroid knee injections. Take care and stay safe everyone. Graham.
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