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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. Cool, I have never heard of this balloon. I had read that t-mobile had set up cells on wheels to assist Puerto Rico.
  2. He was apparently home and took the video of the car being swept away. The car was sitting in the garage next to his rolls royce which was flooded but still there. I saw at least one other car but wasn't too clear what type of car. Probably whoever finds that car after water recedes will have some fun😁
  3. Yes, I saw video or photos this morning of the causeway to Sanibel and Captiva missing large sections. Good to hear your family members are okay, possessions can be replaced. I just heard on one of the news channels that cell service is tough right now, at least 100 towers are down in Southeast FL.
  4. from what I heard from my girlfriend that lives outside of Clearwater that Port Richey did okay, she was not aware of any flooding issues there but you never know as sometimes it can be just a couple of blocks that get flooded. Hopefully Crystal and Nate are just fine and simply have no internet. 🤞
  5. My Boss owns a couple million $ home in Cape Coral that he had built in 2017 on a canal. His neighbor told him that most of the newer homes on the street are okay - some tiles missing from roof and the pool lanai needs some repairs but no flooding where some of the older homes down the street were flooded and now have several feet of mud/sand, etc. in them. I remember what that is like when Sandy hit our home in LBI and we had sand and dead fish in our house that stunk something awful after we were finally allowed to visit the island.
  6. Gilligan's Island was the first one that popped into my head too! I watched that after school all the time. Seinfeld and Friends are at the top of my list. There are so many shows I have truly enjoyed and love watching re-runs its hard to narrow done to just one
  7. I just heard from our good friends that moved to pinellas park on August 30th. Happy to hear all is good at their house. She said they lost power during the night but is back on now. They "only" had winds around 75 to 80 mph and no flooding issues. They passed their initiation 😃
  8. If you go to the Live review of Anthem that Fiona is currently doing she posted this week's price list for the spa.
  9. Morons. I saw another video with some surfers getting pounded right near a pier. All it takes is one good smash into the pier and your paralyzed or dead! Let's hope those idiots never board a cruise ship😃
  10. I don't think it would matter if those guys had heads as everyone would be looking at your beautiful Granddaughter with that big beautiful smile🥰
  11. Just a saw video of someone at work that has a home in a Naples and his Wife is there (she stayed). His boat that was raised up above his dock is just about under water and his jet skiis that were also raised up are total immersed. Can no longer see his yard and his infinity pool is now level with the water from the canal. His wife is going to stop filming and lower their fabric storm shutters (will have to look them up, never heard of them) but it is a $11M custom home he had built 2 or 3 years ago and he had it built to survive any storm (he hopes).
  12. It is best to check out this link to Royal's site for updates om what is needed for any future cruise. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/the-healthy-sail-center/getting-ready-to-cruise I vaguely recall receiving an email from Royal about a month or so before our Bermuda cruise and the requirements.
  13. I agree the solarium on Anthem is gorgeous but I do like the sun garden they added outside the Solarium on Oasis.
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