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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. I had a good friend recently loose her key fob while shopping at a mall. It was the only one, no spare at home. She called an automotive locksmith who came to her car, sold her new fob then programmed it right in parking lot mall. Expensive, I think she paid something like $250.
  2. My MIL does that except she is really bad as she pulls on the cord to unplug and has several outlets that do not work probably because of a loose wire with her yanking at cords. Eric's Dad used to tell her to stop pulling, but she never listens to anyone.
  3. I have always left the house with either washer and or dryer running. My Mom kept telling me Never do that. As I got older I try not to leave but admit I have on occassion.
  4. Hopefully Kayla will adjust over time to HS. It is a big adjustment, totally different vibe as I recall. I love my new job but have been very busy since I returned from our cruise since we had fiscal year end 8.31 and I'm working on all the year end accounting stuff. Eric is missing me working with him and mortgage biz is really slow. He keeps thinking about retiring early. I keep saying hang in there and try to stick to plan to retire at 65 in March 2024. He's 7 yrs older than me so I've got awhile to go. Good luck with insurance claim. Hopefully it goes smoothly. 😀
  5. That sounds horrible and even worse how the restaurant staff didn't even ask if okay or say anything about it. I wonder if they were afraid to for liability reasons. Did you happen to post a review online for this restaurant? I would let others know.
  6. Ouch! That must have hurt😥 Maybe they were drunk driving? I learned the scooters have various speeds and the fastest is rather fast, that is when I rode it and ended up doing a wheely coming out the door of the cabin because of how I hit the threshold strip. If someone has on a fast setting they can be a bit jerky in motion when stopping.
  7. I will have to give them a try. 😀 I wasn't sure if they sounded appealing or not but I do like to try new things.
  8. You can get milk cartons in WJ you want the red ones that are full fat milk. If your cooler in cabin doesn't seem cold enough you might want to ask room steward for half full ice bucket every night and store that way. If he prefers to drink from a glass your room steward can provide glasses or even better you can grab plastic cups from WJ, sorrento pizza or the cafes.
  9. It is very sad that you have to do that!! Eric is a quiet person, most times, but there was one time we had been waiting for an elevator for over 20 minutes and a large family that jumped onto an empty elevator ahead of us. Eric hollered to them I hope no one in your family ever needs a little extra help. The Father then held the door open and wanted to argue why they needed the elevator right away. Eric was fuming and said something nasty which is not like him at all. I told the Father we have somewhere to be too but no worries Karma will take of this. He looked at me with a blank face as the doors shut. Maybe next time he will think about doing the right thing😇
  10. If playing table games it is customary to give the dealer a tip. If playing slots and cashing in at the cashier, you could give them a tip but that is rarely done as far as I know.
  11. @DaniDaniellewere you able to work out stuff with insurance? I hope so😀 Are the kiddos happy to be back to school? They now have cruise stories to share🥰
  12. I thoroughly enjoyed the adult only sun garden area in front of the solarium. And a drink guy was there on a regular basis. 😀 My DH enjoyed with me a couple of times but he preferred our large balcony to listen to his music and read ( and nap). I'm pretty good at finding quiet places on ship.
  13. @HBE4. Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like you had a nice trip despite the weather and great day with your StepDaughter🥰 Happy to hear you are enjoying your new roommate, Leonard😻
  14. I'm not sure that we had any wind, I was in bed and didn't hear any wind. I think there was flooding since it was pouring hard and fast which made large old trees come down and take power lines with them. I haven't seen any damage in my neighborhood but it was bad the closer I got to work.
  15. He definitely had some thoughts like that😇 It did open our eyes to some challenges that handicapped people experience onboard a ship.
  16. He did a mix of walking sometimes and scooter sometimes. He also loves hanging out on the balcony and since we had a JS with large balcony he really loved it. Yes, the times we waited for an elevator when he had the scooter were crazy. There were several times we would be the only people standing there waiting then a family of 4, 5 or 6 people would show up and jump on the first available elevator like we were invisible. There was also a couple of times where elevator had maybe 2 or 3 people in it and the door would open up and see Eric with his scooter and they would close the doors right away by hitting the button. There was a one large group that just was plain ignorant everywhere they were.
  17. Last night we had some nasty storms blow through. Lots of rain and thunder woke me up, sounded light it was on top of my roof. This morning was a mess driving to work with lots of down trees and power lines. On my way there were still several areas with utilities and asplundh workers. We definitely need the rain but not that much that quick.
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