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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. Don't stress about UDP reservations, positive thinking/vibes and you will get the times you want. Do you know which restaurant you will go to as soon as you board to book your reservations? I personally would be more stressed about getting up at 2 am to leave for airport by 315 am. I probably wouldn't be able to sleep in fear of over sleeping. Wouldn't it be great to hear that Charlie and Lizzy were perfect angels for the house sitter😇
  2. Book your preferred time online. After you board and do your muster drill then go to anyone of the specialty and book your reservations. You can book all of them at same time any restaurant. I usually have my preferred time and places figured out before boarding.
  3. Birthdays I'm good at but for whatever reason I always think my SIL is 9.15 when it's 9.17. Better early than late😀
  4. We sailed Oasis week of 8.28 and had 6500+/- Passengers. It was very crowded. Hopefully with kiddos back in school there won't be as many people.
  5. Did you say $50 for a 75 min massage? That's an amazing price.
  6. So true, I guess some people think it's like a hotel where sometimes guest services can store your luggage. What a disaster that would be on a cruise ship
  7. I don't write anything down. All stuck in my head😁 Since I was a kid I've been a walking phone book. Once I dial a number it gets stuck in my brain but nowadays with smart phones and speed dial I may not know a number.
  8. I do sometimes forget or mess up spouses names on this thread so sometimes I am hesitant about typing what I think their name is. Like @Arzeenahas a hubby Jim or a boyfriend😁 Dani @dani negreanuis the best at remembering😍
  9. No, you cannot do this. Your options are drop off with porter outside, purchase the key and drop off in royal theater or lug around until your cabin is ready around 1 pm
  10. I hope you had a wonderful cruise🥰 The food looked great! I love Anthem and really looking forward to our next sailing on her on Dec 4th. How were the port stops? Did you tour on your own or do any excursions?
  11. You mean I could have used that to peel the 5# bag of potatoes I just peeled to make mashed potatoes to go with meatloaf I'm making for the week😁
  12. Someone at work said Sharkweek tv show was saying the Bahamas have more shark attacks than any other Caribbean Islands. I, also, read this same area had a death in 2019, 2020 and now 2022. I Definitely will rethink snorkeling in the Bahamas. As for the monkeys in St Kitts, I find that very cruel and would never interact due to diseases and the fact that this is cruel to them. Swimming with pigs is ridiculous and expensive too! Never understood that!!
  13. Deck 8 is nice as you would have easy access to Central Park. Deck 9 is also good.
  14. I blame all the deserts and ice cream. I love their strawberry ice cream and always have a scoop with whatever desert I have with dinner. Next, would be the cocktails. Not about to stop any of that while cruising😁
  15. I wish I knew his secret. When I cruise I get up and walk laps early morning, much more than I do at home on work days but I always put on a couple of pounds.
  16. Suites and pinnies had priority check in for cape liberty. Doesn't really seem needed as checkin process is so quick these days.
  17. Radio is doing a live review on Oasis sailing starting tomorrow. Maybe ask if he can find out how to contact him?
  18. This is a great adult only spot and nice to go take a dip in solarium pool to cool off. There was a cocktail guy there on a regular basis too.
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