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Everything posted by Harters

  1. Probably a good move appointing two senior insiders, rather than another "big name". FWIW, I'd never heard of Pepin until we took our first Oceania cruise in 2018. Nice that the company has given him what I assume must be an honorary position, so they can still play his name to an American customer base.
  2. I don't use the internet when I'm away from home (as I don't carry a mobile device), so probably won't add to Hank's comments till we're back. We're also on Simply More arrangements. We booked through a well known online travel agency in the UK but, seemingly unlike many North American agents, the booking was not "enhanced" except by a very minimal discount (more rounding down than real discount). The only benefit was that we bought flights through them. These were cheaper than we had been able to find online (and more straightforward arrangements than you'd get from O itself). That also meant that we had bought a "package" so covered by consumer legislation and trade association bonding should the agency or operators go bust. I prefer the SM excursion credit to the previous arrangements. It's allowed us to spend on the excursions we really wanted, rather than the bottom end ones previously on offer if you took that option. And they'll take care of "what to do" in most of the ports (we'll do our own thing in Bermuda and Cadiz). Like Hank, we are currently in "preparation mode" with clothes sorted ready for packing. We fly to London on Sunday, then Miami on Monday. Looking towards a chilled out Tuesday - adapting to local time. And very much looking forward to all those sea days.
  3. There's no longer a physical muster drill. When you check-in online, there's a short video to watch. You just confirm you've watched it. When we boarded Nautica last summer, we were directed to where our muster station was. Reported to the crew member there who ticked us off his list. That's it. I presume time for boarding will be the same for embarkation as it is for other ports - one hour before scheduled departure. My partner follows an O Facebook group where there was a recent mention of folk arriving some 30 minutes before (due to a flight delay IIRC) - the gangplank was already up and they were denied boarding.
  4. Another vote for the Sofitel which, as mentioned, is literally at Terminal 5. We've stayed there before and will be there again in a few days prior to a flight.
  5. Certainly remember your name from years back. Pretty sure you were Cath not C.
  6. CH? Chowhound? If so, then yes. Left when they started banning folk and joined Hungry Onion (and I'm still there). I was/am Harters on both. Do I know you from there?
  7. Absolutely. We'd always try to have lunch ashore - particularly if it's a region we don't know well.
  8. Lovely part of the world. We've had several week long stays in the Rye area. Good base for trips out, with a surprising number of decent restaurants for such a small town.
  9. My current worry, after reading all the comments about lack of sound proofing on Vista. I shall be distraught if my sleep is disturbed. We've got ear plugs and herself has just bought a "white noise" thingy, so fingers crossed.
  10. Next Door. It's owned by the Dunoon Hotel which , erm, it's next door to. We spotted it last time we were in town and thought the menu seemed a "cut above" and worth a try. Hope the tendon sorts itself out soon. John
  11. Actually we had planned an overnight visit a couple of weeks back. Premier Inn at Glan Conwy booked. And we'd booked dinner at a restaurant new to us in Llandudno. But the forecast said it was going to throw it down both days, so we cancelled. We'll get over in a few weeks when we're back from the cruise And, yes, I know the sun shines sometimes. 🙂
  12. V - we used to do that with our NatWest account at the time, paying additional premium for existing conditions. That is until they declined to continue to insure me because of my conditions. We moved to Staysure and then AllClear. Premium was £1400 until we had to add the States and Caribbean for six days , then it doubled. Renewal is just about due and they are offering a 20% discount and we'll able to reduce it further as we won'tneed the States and a couple of medical issues are now resolved. But it'll still be an eye-wateringly big outlay.
  13. Absolutely. We've lost three recent cruises. First was an Alaska cruise that was cancelled at the beginning of Covid (that was for my 70th). Then days before we were due to go on the next one, we caught Covid and werent allowed to board (that was for our 50th anniversary). And the third was the one related to the insurance problem. You get to the point where you just want to give up and have a week in North Wales instead. 😀
  14. We did that a couple of years back. A couple of undiagnosed health issues meant we couldnt get travel insurance at all. Diagnosed now, so can get insurance but it's very, very, expensive. And then it's just about doubled because we're in the States and Caribbean, only for a few day, at the start of a transatlantic cruise. I'm sure that will be our last trip to the States - just becoming unaffordable for us.
  15. To answer the question posed in the title.....No. Two small boutiques and that's it. These photos should give you a sense of them https://www.cruisedeckplans.com/ships/shiptour.php?r=3085
  16. Same in the UK, Greg. But to discuss that would cross what I assume is a "no politics" rule on the forum. I'm fortunate the COPD is still at a relatively early stage so doesnt generally effect me too much. Although when I have a flare-up, it can be limiting. I can only think of a couple of Canadian shows we get here (both of which I like) - Murdoch Mysteries and Cardinal John
  17. On the other hand, I have COPD and have a "rescue pack" (antibiotics and steroids). At an early stage of thinking I've got a chest infection, I use the pack. My self diagnosis is usually correct and the drugs help to prevent a bad flare-up. But the diagnosis isnt always correct which does mean I've taken the drugs pointlessly. Such is life.
  18. I've visited New York and Florida. Both states more than once. In fact, my first visit to the States was to Florida in 1980.
  19. There is almost nothing I won't eat if it is put in front of me. There is an exception. Some years back, we were in northern France, near the town of Cambrai. The surrounding area saw a major battle in 1917 and I'd gone to photograph the graves of some men who had been killed fighting with our local battalion . In due course, we decided to drive into town in search of food and, more importantly, a toilet. We found both at a supermarket on the outskirts. Then we had a look round the supermarket and found a "local products" section. One such was a salami looking sausage called Andouilette de Cambrai. That had to be worth a try - a product local to Cambrai, bought in Cambrai. We didnt open it until we got home. It is the most awful thing - it smells like crap and it tastes what I imagine crap tastes like. One bite was enough. Never again. As for Len's asparagus, I just love it. But I'll only buy it during the six or so weeks the local crop is in season. Then, we'll have it several times a week. I've had caviar a couple of times and find it OK but not something I'd seek out. Don't think I've ever tasted Spam - although that may change soon. I'm trying to get to know Korean food and have seen that it's often an ingredient in kimchi fried rice (which I like). Apparently introduced to the local population by American troops.
  20. If so, seemingly, only for cruises from April. All I've had for our cruise this month is the emailed "final cruise vacation summary" (same as we got for the cruise last summer). Which is absolutely fine. We did get the full pack for our 2018 cruise and I can't recall it including anything of significance that isnt available through our online account with O, so no big deal one way or the other.
  21. We stayed in Weymouth for a week in 2022, using it as a base for exploring the area. Nice town. I liked the combination of expanse of beach and promenade and the narrow streets of the town centre. Two recommendations for lunch in town. Traditional fish & chips at Bennetts (at the town bridge) or a more upmarket version at seafood mini-chain, Rockfish. As mentioned, Portland has the small and quite interesting D Day museum which may be worth a visit - it majors on the American contribution. Lunch at the nearby Jailhouse Cafe might be a "not everyday" choice. It's located at HM Prison Portland and is crewed by prisoners, preparing for release. Definitely an area with lots to do and I'm sure we'll return for another week in due course.
  22. I'd not heard of the North Coast 500 before tonight. More research needed into practicalities but I'm hoping that finds its way on to our "to do" list. Years back, I had an idea of buying a motorhome and driving the whole coastline of Britain, maybe taking a year. Never got round to it but the NC500 might be a partial thing.
  23. Interesting. There was a fair amount of mention last year of folk no longer getting them. And we didnt get them for our cruise last June (and havent for our forthcoming one). Maybe the change of policy was sometime between your April cruise and my June one.
  24. It doesnt stop them sending almost weekly marketing brochures. Written in British English and priced in sterling so, presumably, printed here and mailed from here. I assume that's all handled by their office in Southampton.
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