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Everything posted by Woofa

  1. Because the higher level package adds in liquor and is available anytime, at any venue.
  2. This is only my suggestion (and I know it will be impossible for some of you,) but I think it behooves all of us to stop thinking along the lines that "we are paying for someone else to drink," or "we are subsidizing someone else's excursion.". Whether or not this is true the fact remains that almost all premium and luxury lines already do this to one degree or another. (I know Windstar still has less inclusive options.). I would not be surprised if in this post covid world this trend only continues. Rather it would seem less stressful to just take the cruise experience as a whole and make a determination afterward if you enjoyed it and can afford the price point. After all, while I know we would have preferred O stayed with cruise only, we are grateful at least that O has not just raised prices across the board without adding anything in. (I know they and all cruise lines do this regularly anyway.) This is the mindset we have decided makes the most sense going forward for us. If we want to cruise in the future this will clearly be a part of most of the options out there and since there is little we can do about it we prefer to make lemonade and do our best not to let this ruin our vacations.
  3. And lets all make sure to tap the breaks a little here. While updated internet is being rolled out throughout the fleet, it will not be completed by October 1sr. As many threads here indicate, internet was slow when there was only one per cabin (for most cabins.). I think that at least until Star link is installed on your cruise ship, the internet will actually be worse. Maybe not and of course we only have a small sampling of the new system as well. Just saying, lets not expect miracles immediately just because you book with SM.
  4. I think you meant wouldn't. And of course I agree. No other evidence of this at this time but, I do try and make sure to answer with any and all information available. I hope my post gave the correct impression that at this time we have no evidence to support this. Having said that, I do find myself respecting the information that @mauibabes posts over time ( as I do yours and many others on these threads,) and while I agree that they have a generally shown to be an overall lover of the O product (as are we although only one cruise in) I believe that their posting (as well as mine and yours) is honest about O's shortcomings albeit in a glass is half full type of way and while they may end up being incorrect, I don't see them (as we all know some on these boards do) posting just to stir the pot.
  5. Yes, that is the post I was referring to. I know that everyone is looking for detailed answers at this time but the truth of the matter is that there is plenty we do not yet know. While I think we will get some additional clarification tomorrow, and throughout the week, I imagine we won't get the entire picture for some time. No one will actually cruise as part of this program until October and has been mentioned previously it may be until the next set of cruises is released until we have a better idea on how this affects pricing going forward. Certainly since yesterday we have many posts regarding the new pricing compared to pricing that people knew of previously. At this point the group of information points to little beyond the fact the numbers are all over the place. Personally, I find it difficult to believe that O instituted this program without uniform numbers depending upon the length of sailing (as Olife was.). I think it more reasonable to assume that O took this opportunity to, in addition to instituting Simply More, update the prices on some (perhaps many) current cruises. How else to understand why some cruises are reporting a price decrease while others report the reasonable (not to all) increase and still some others report their cruise going up dramatically? Of course that is only a guess on my behalf.
  6. Well in fact as far as we know at this time the answer is no. Unless you define cruise only now as including all the items that simply more has added. One caveat, there is a post on these boards from yesterday that they will be adding a true cruise only option back in. While that poster generally has a good idea of Oceania information this is so far unsubstantiated anywhere else. Certainly many here (including me) would be thrilled if the did.
  7. My wife brought a hair straightener on our Riviera in January, unplugged it after every use, no problems that we know of.
  8. First, let me say I am okay with this increase, if in fact it turns out to be, what it now seems like, additional $100 person if your 10 to 14 day cruise stayed the same price (we see many higher numbers for longer cruises and for what feels like O raising the price of certain popular cruises within this change) and if you had paid $300 for olife (or additional $400 if you had cruise only.) Then really you get the second WiFi which I kind of felt was coming anyway with the switch to Star link (and the knowledge that to start attracting younger cruisers they had to at least compete on this issue) and if you chose excursion credit for olife you could have, and I will assume many did use that to get three excursions each for up to $199 per. Which in theory saved you up to $594 in O priced excursions for two people. Now you will have $400 each to pay for O's high priced excursions (and lets face it, many will not hit $800 on the nose and either end up leaving money on the table or will end up putting more out of pocket if they choose to go over the $800 credit) and free beer, wine, champagne at meals only which I have read on this board will mainly consist of bottles which could be purchased at Costco in the ten to fifteen dollar range. If all this is correct then I believe O has not acted in an absurd way but rather changed their structure to give more for more. But I don't think what I just outlined seems to good to be true. And I don't think this places O in the regent price bracket. Certainly savvy travelers, like we have here on the O board ( and I believe that O has some of the saviest cruisers out there, will be able to find a cruise here and there in one of the luxury lines which is comparable or cheaper but I still believe as I did when choosing O that for the most part, luxury lines ( and even still some premium line,) will be higher priced.
  9. Not sure if I read it all correctly but fyi, on Riviera in January we had a B3. Friends we made on the roll call who had a higher level cabin (I don't know which) and could make reservations earlier invited us to dinner at Polo and we gave them our booking number and they reserved a four top before we could reserve. When it was time for us to reserve, our reservation was already listed for Polo.
  10. While I am not necessarily disagreeing with you I do think you may have an overly broad thought as to whom this affects negatively. If what we have read so far is correct and the general price increase is approx $400 per person for a typical ten day cruise over the cruise only fare (understand we are not 100% on this as I cannot yet use the O website either.) Then I believe most people are going to like it. After all, I think many people already paid $300 for Olife and now for an extra $100 per person they get additional internet access (with the better, quicker internet being installed fleetwide,) and both the basic wine at meals package and $800 to be used across any set of excursions they like. (We will see in practice how this works. I think this will be a tough one for O to get right as I believe many people, like us, are thinking I will do one great excursion per trip for the bulk of the credit. Hopefully with some practice they will figure it out.) Now, we are cruise only non drinkers who have not yet used an excursion but even I don't think this outrageous if this is the new price. Would I prefer cruise only going forward, sure but as I know from prior research O pricing was, in many instances lower than Azamara, Viking, etc. (Not for all but certainly for some if not many,) I don't feel the increase is out of line with what you get. As for those like you, me, and some who come to these boards, I just don't think most cruisers plan and research to this degree. They are happier to have a (mostly) one price includes all and just want to have fun. Further, as Americans, we know that in 2023 the world is very different than when you or I grew up. As absurd as it may seem people buy more when it says "sale" or "free". Seem to remember JC Penny almost going out of business when they lowered their prices and stopped sales. I certainly don't like it and I know many here do not but I try to think of it in a positive way. I know its a bunch of fluff so I can take some extra time and figure out the true score and make my best decision. Will the new pricing (being more inclusive) allow me to truly figure out each piece? Probably not but really, what matter? Now that O no longer has cruise only, there is no product available in this category (or above) which does. I determined years back there was basically no way to do an apples to apples comparison for us. What I did determine was that for my set of circumstances I could cruise basically at the luxury level, sans extras, for a price which is working for us. While increasing, hopefully this will not price us out. Hoping that we all stay cruising and get to meet in the future.
  11. I am no longer surprised when this is the case anywhere. My wife is always amazed when I ask for, and receive anything beyond the ordinary. Of course, I am originally a New Yorker, and maybe worse, my family were all furriers (this basically ended in the eighties.). I was taught that if you don't ask, you probably won't get. I don't consider myself pushy but I know what I like, and what I want and I generally do not like the word "no." Two examples. A few years back my wifes company took us on a long weekend to Cancun. An all inclusive but not one of the higher level ones. First day at breakfast had a not great buffet. I asked if I could get ham and eggs over easy. Sure, no problem. When mine came out all the people we were with were shocked. By the end of the weekend everyone was custom ordering. A few weeks back we had dinner at Del Frisco's for our anniversary. I knew that pre covid my wife loved their onion rings (me too.). No longer on the menu. I asked, and we got onion rings. Happy wife, happy life. Of course it doesn't always work out but I find that if I ask politely, and if they can make happen, most places will try. Our limited experience on O left us feeling they would do their best as well.
  12. I wonder if this will get worse. I seem to remember a post a few months back on the Regent boards where someone said (apologize if I am getting this wrong) that Regent now charged a fee to speak to them about deviations. That fee would go towards your deviation fee but if you chose to go another route it was unclear if you got a refund. I had the impression that trying to figure out so many air questions and options was monopolizing their customer service agents and many chose not to take the air anyway. Again I may be mistaken here but I am sure someone with knowledge will chime in.
  13. That's odd, on Riviera we stopped in for a game of musical trivia with the piano player and it was slow and fun. I assume regular trivia is much more competitive.
  14. This is only my guess but I think that Oceania considers itself in a class by itself. Lets say below the "luxury" level and above everyone else. While I do not have extensive cruising experience to make comparisons I basically had this impression when researching for our first cruise. Luxury-ish but with cheaper options (after Saturday we shall see) depending upon room choice, etc. Of course opinions vary but I do think that's a good thing. Find the line which suits you best. Unfortunately I think we are seeing a post covid world where everything will go up in price.
  15. Just to add to @mauibabes post above. In January on Riviera we had a reservation in Jacques to share a table. Stopped by the restaurant earlier in the day when they had someone at the desk and the door was open. Asked if we could switch to a two top and we were completely open on timing. They were happy to accommodate. Not saying this will always happen but they do try to make you happy.
  16. Yes that sounds like a winner. Have a great cruise and let us know what you think of the A3 when you get back.
  17. Good for you. I can only assume you did not have an extended balcony B3. Don't think we would give that up for less than a named suite.
  18. I think this is the real crux of the matter. Generally speaking if you are looking for at least a penthouse, and plan on getting the extended liquor package, and/or paying for some excursions and from what I hear, business class air, I think you are in a categories where it pays to at least look at the "luxury" level lines. It is clear that some still prefer O for whatever they're reasons. On the other hand, if you take a veranda or lower and DIY shorex, flights, bring on board liquor/wine then this is where you can get great VALUE using O. New prices may negatively affect this.
  19. Question. We have only taken one cruise and did not take any excursions. I assumed that for the most part, excursions were similar across all lines (with some differences.). Was your issue more with the O pricing and the "included" level excursions or did you feel that overall, all excursions were bad?
  20. I think that once we confirm how the new program will work we will likely see an increase in passengers using O shorex. While it is not clear, I would think all will see an increase in number of passengers.
  21. Question. I had thought that payment in full for a under 15 day cruise was at 90 days. That is when we paid for our January Riviera cruise. If so, has anyone actually spoken to Oceania or confirmed in some way? We only have $500 deposit for our next cruise as we booked on board. I find it hard to believe they would be able to send us a bill. Is it possible this marks a split where the penalty is the full $500 deposit if you booked on board but 10% if you gave the full $1500 deposit as we did on our first cruise?
  22. I dont think that O is using these few weeks for feedback, ability to change. It is my understanding that they just let some of their special TA 's know the gist of it and that it is coming so they could be prepared for the rollout on 7/1. Of course many here are connected but I would guess the general public has no idea at this point. Of course I may be incorrect.
  23. On this board we generally suggest using a TA if you can find one with knowledge and experience in O. Some choose to go direct with O.
  24. My guess is from the typical cruisers on any line, a pretty small percentage. Higher with regulars here on these boards.
  25. I have to wonder why Oceania has not marketed the Eco stuff more? I have read this is real but one would think if they were doing it they would push themselves as trendsetters to that market. Maybe I just am not seeing it.
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